Another day, another battle
Hello Lindy
A voice spiraled through the hall making it echo and resound against the bare walls calling back like a voice lost to the wind.
"Who's there" I looked into the darkened that lay before me terrified of what would appear.
Why do you acted so afraid?
The voice said as it neared me.
"Mmm could be because your hiding in the shadows, being creepy, and giving off an eerie vibe." I tilted my head looking through to find a figure or shape.
Well if you would prefer it, why don't you see what I really am. Shadows started to move and the walls started shifting bobbing like a float on water. I tossed and turned as the floor went up and down. I slammed into the ground trying to hold on as this fun park continued bouncing. Bruises spread through my arms and legs making them hurt every time they hit the ground. Tiny tears formed as I fought the movement. Sure enough the walls and floor ceased in it's bouncing and everything came to a stand still. It was so quiet I almost wished for a noise of any kind.
"Hello-- Lindy" I spotted something out of the corner of my eye and whirled around finding myself face to face with someone familiar.
"It's you!!'l I exclaimed, alarm pulsing through my veins stopping my heart and shortening my breaths.
Allow me to introduce myself, I believe we've never "formally" met. He smiled, not a normal smile but a wicked smile, that of evil and hatred. My name is Eduardo. Yes I can see the shock on your face. You've heard of me..
"Edd has told me stories about you" I drew out stories like it was a word of question and misunderstanding.
Ah yes I see.. you have quite the history with these three young men.
I nodded my head giving a simple "yes" as I became confused.
"How are you here" he took a step forward and I immediately took 4 steps back wanting to get as far away from him as my legs would allow. He stopped moving and proceeded to give a answer.
Something a friend of yours made. Tord, if I'm not mistaken.. quite the inventor huh?
"You still haven't answered my question" I was beginning to grow angry at this Eduardo.
Something I like to call a dream jumper
"Ha!! I bet Tord has a better name for it than that" The expression on Eduardo's face turned sour as he huffed.
It allows me to be in any person's dream, so long as I know what they look like. It gives me control over the dream and it's surroundings.
"How come I can feel pain?" I asked curious about the bruises I had gained.
That I don't even know the answer to. He turned on one foot to face the opposite direction of me.
But I didn't come here to ask questions...
"Well then what did you come for?" I asked puzzled and perplexed by what he wanted. I felt uneasy and longed for Tord to be here.
Oh it's simple, he paused for a second letting the tension thicken as it grew silent.
I made a circular motion with my hand that indicated a "yes, what is it???!!?!!?"
We have to stop this madness.
"Great! I accept your surrender, now that that's sorted can I please go back"
Not so fast Lindy. In a blink he disappeared and reappeared in front of me. His face was inches away from mine as fear drove it's way into my soul, like bolts hammered into a single place.
"I--I can't move!!" I was frozen in place no matter how much I tried. to move.
I'm in control here.. this is my domain!!
You see oh precious Lindy, he sneered as he said precious like it was a word of distaste and horrid nature.
The problem here is,
Immediately I stopped struggling and turned my attention to Eduardo. Panic seized me as my eyes widened in fear.
"Wh-what!?" I exclaimed in alarm," what do you mean??"
You ruin everything!! He screamed in frustration I had the perfect plan but YOU ruined it!! I shrunk back against the wall as Eduardo loomed over me.
My legs buckled beneath me as I found myself free to move again. I pressed my hands against the wall my wide eyes staring up at Eduardo's fierce gaze.
I really wish Tord was here, I thought as I tried to tear my eyes away from Eduardo's burning gaze.
You miss him, You still need him. You still don't understand.
"Understand what..." I mumbled fear making me stutter and trip over my words.
HE!!! Ruined my life!! He screamed in my ear. I winced and pulled away wishing the wall wasn't here so I could run for it.
"How..." I was confused now, strange... what had Tord done.
Oh you will find out soon enough.... his evil laughter resounded off the walls sending chills up my spine making me shutter uncontrollably. With a blink and rush of wind, he was gone. I could move again. I collapsed to the ground scared and out of breath.
So umm, how was I gonna get out of here..
That's the best part, you can't!! Your trapped in this mind space!!
"For-- for how long..." Worry filled me as I stood up. My surrounding were all black, a single torch hung on the wall. I grabbed it and moved around letting the light shine on strange objects.
FOREVER!!!!!!! Or until you wake up...
"Well the sounds pretty easy. I'm a light sleeper!" I boasted feeling my fear slip a little.
No this is different
"Umm, how......."
silence, only silence, the chilly air swamped through this cold nightmare and I shivered again.
"Hello??" I called out hearing an echo through the empty hallways.
"Mr. Eduardo? Anyone...? Where's you go... hello!! Anyone.... anyone at all" the silence was killing me. Slowly I felt my sanity slip away as I wandered through the endless halls darkness looking in the distance only lit once I reached near it. Door among doors filled these hallways which I did not dare touch. The carpet was worn and a faded red as I passed over it thousands of times. I walked in circles almost seeing the same things pass over and over again. It was driving me crazy. I tried not walking but the silence was scary without my repetitive footsteps. The flame of the torch flickered for a moment before relighting itself, correcting it's mistake. I was trapped here, in my own mind.
Great, just another day in my life.
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