A piggyback ride
(Tords POV)
We slowly made our way through the forest stopping ever so often to clean the cuts that wouldn't stop bleeding. We needed to find help for Lindy, and soon. It was a miracle she was still alive. She's wrapped her jacket around her stomach wound and it was holding up nicely. I didn't know how much longer I could take this, we kept going. Occasionally Lindy would ask about a sudden noise and would hug my neck tighter. After assuring her it was nothing bad we'd move on.
"Gah! What was that!"
"What was what?" Lindy pointed a shaky finger at a tree nearby.
"It was a squirrel" I said back not even looking at the tree.
"You didn't even look!" She retorted.
"How'd you know!"
"Because I would feel your head turn!"
"Oh" I sighed.
"So what is it!" I turned to look at the tree.
"It's just a woodpecker.." the bright colors of the woodpecker flashed as it moved through the branches of the tree.
"Are we there yet..."
"No no no no no, we are not starting this." She grinned and rested her head on my shoulder.
"Even though I can't see you I know your smiling"
"You know I question if your faking being blind or not" I smirked even though she couldn't see me.
"Hey Tord...."
"What is it now"
"Why is your hair like this...?"
"You know... I have no idea. Why does Toms hair point upward."
"I think he uses a lot of hair gel" Lindy giggled.
"Will the questions ever end"
"Why did you join the army?"
"That's easy, to get away from home"
"But your only 17! How'd you join the army at 16!"
"Hey! I'm tall for my age!"
"And strong" I blushed as we or I continued walking.
After about, I'd say a half hour we stopped for another break because Lindy was saying her throat hurt.
After that we continued on our 'merry way'.
"Ah nothing good ever starts with that statement..."
"Can I ask you a question?"
"You just did"
"No for real"
"The other questions weren't real?"
"They were but- oh Tord your so confuzzling.."
"That's a new one"
"A new what"
"I have never heard that word before"
"Kool so is that a yes"
"I have a feeling I can't stop you...."
"Why did you have a bomb in your house?"
"Well you blew up our house with a sparkly bomb right?"
"Why'd you have it in the first place?"
"Well.... I honestly don't know.... I can't remember"
I wish we brought some water, my throats was parched; and we still had about an hour hike left.
"I must be getting my steps in" I joked.
"Your not wearing a watch"
"Seriously I thought you were blind!"
"I am... but you never wear a watch..."
"Never needed one"
"Guess we kinda needed one now.."
Silence, more silence.
"Hey that's my line!"
"Yea Tord"
"Why'd you agree to come to our house to stay, I mean we were complete strangers?"
"Well, I explained that my parents-uh-passed and I really had no where else to go... so it was you or the ally."
We both chuckled as we walked on.
"I'm glad I chose you" Lindy layed her head down and closed her eyes dozing off to sleep.
And we, no I continued walking through the forest though, it was way less fun without Lindy's constant chatter.
*after a couple more hours I guess, they arrive at camp*
I could see the tall buildings from the other side of the trees. I walked in, Lindy still asleep on my back. No one was around so I made my way to the nurses office. I pushed the door open and let it close behind me. A startled looking nurse sat behind the counter staring at us. Two kids waltz in here covered in blood, one kid with torn up sleeves another with jackets and sleeves tied around her stomach, which was absolutely covered with blood.
"Uh....what-happened here..."
"She-uh-tripped-over a root..."
"I see, interesting root..." but the nurse didn't question us further and immediately took Lindy into another room and stuck tubs into her. Ow, that looked painful. She made me stand in another room, even though it had a window I still didn't feel right not being with Lindy at this time. ''Maybe I should just break in' I thought,'nah, I wouldn't wanna risk Lindy's health'.
So I sat there, right outside the room, waiting to be let in.
*time skip by the lovely, one and only, almighty had the power to give life and death, author-chan*
I was still waiting, still waiting, it had been hours and the sun was slowly rising into the sky making it about 12 in the morning. I was tired and I wanted to go back into my cabin, fall into my bed and never wake up. Of course I couldn't because in the next room over Lindy was, dying, I think... the nurse walked out of the door and saw me in the chair.
"Young man, go get cleaned up and change out of those clothes" she pointed to the once light blue t-shirt that was now stained red. I shook my head and politely said.
"Nah, I'm staying here with her"
"Alright, you can go see her now. Though I doubt she'll be awake." She turned and walked through a door that said 'employees only' though I don't know why that's important. I got up and slowly pushed the big heavy oak wood door aside and walked over to the bed. Lindy lay unmoving, long tubes attached to needles were embedded into her arms and a breathing mask was being placed over her nose.
"Lindy.." it killed me to see her in such state." Oh Lindy please wake up!" I kneeled by her bed and pleaded silently for her eyes to open. Please Lindy.... please.
Duh duh duh!!
Do I kill Lindy or do I not! That is the question. I'm still wondering if I should or if not. Oh well, to be determined..
bye! Jean out!
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