Chapter 8: Learning and Realising
Goh's POV:
After we picked up Serena and Chloe, we then flew straight to the Isle of Armour. It was no nice sitting beside Ash on his Dragonite, and I wished the moment would never end.
But it did... and one we arrived on the beach Ash hopped off of Dragonite and I reluctantly did the same. We took in scenery for a little while and then started walking up to the Master Dojo.
On the way there, I caught some pokémon I didn't already have such as Glarian Slowpoke and once we finally made it to the top, me and Ash both spotted a pokémon neither of us had ever seen before on the roof of the dojo. But once Serena and Chloe looked up, it was gone.
Waiting outside was a lady with brunette hair and a green sweater. She introduced herself as Honey and then told us a little about the history of the dojo before showing us inside.
When we entered, we were immediately greeted by many young karate students. They were all buzzing when they saw us and were so loud that an old man then stepped in to quiet them down,
"Quiet children, give them some space!" He shouted.
They all immediately went silent and backed off.
"Greetings children and welcome to the Master Dojo!" The old man said, "My name is Mustard and I am the dojo master!"
"Hello Mustard!" We all said in unison.
"Now children, why are you here?" He then asked.
"We are here to find Galarian Mol-" I was about to say, but then Ash cut in.
"We're here for battles!" Ash answered.
"What?!" Me, Serena and Chloe gasped at the same time.
"Come on! Galarian Moltres won't show itself straight away, besides, I want to battle everyone here!" The raven haired boy exclaimed.
I wasn't that suprised that he just wanted to battle instead so I just smiled and my cheeks lighted up.
"If that is what you want to do, you may now start!" Mustard said.
Ash immediately ran off and so left me and the two girls by ourselves, none of us really sure on what we wanted to do.
"Would like a battle?" I heard a voice say.
I turned around to see a man who was a lot taller than me. He was wearing purple clothing that also burst with other colours and I noticed how he had long blonde hair, glasses and a top hat that had floating poké balls all around it.
I was in awe of him...
"Y-yeah sure!" I answered.
I then heard another unfamiliar voice and turned to my side. There I found that a link haired lady was asking Serena for a battle, but she refused. The lady was then about to walk off but then Chloe asked for one from her.
Me and the man looked around to find an empty space on the mat and quickly enough found one. We both stood in positions and then sent out our pokémon.
But the thing is, I didn't really want a battle from him. In fact, what I really wanted was to chat with him.
"Hey!" I said.
"Yes?" He answered.
"What is your name?" I asked.
"Avery! And you?" He replied.
"Goh I answered, "Do you specialise in psychic types?"
"Yes, I'm suprised you even had to ask!" Avery chuckled.
Then I started to ask the most important questions in my opinion.
"Why is your hair so long? I asked, and then quickly added, "I w-would never have the confidence to grow it out that long!"
He looked a little taken aback by the question, but that didn't mean he didn't answer.
"It's what attracts the boys!" He answered, "Everyone I've ever dated have loved my long hair!"
I suddenly felt everything around me stop when I heard it. Boy's could be attracted to... other boys?!
"W-wait, you l-like b-b-boys? I questioned.
"Yes, and you?" He responded.
Even though I knew I had feelings for Ash, it was a scary thing to admit.
"I-i'm n-not s-sure..." I stuttered, blushing from embarrassment.
Avery nodded and then walked up to me. He had a sympathetic smile as he said,
"Do you want to call off the battle so we can have a-"
"Children, gather around!" Mustard shouted, his voice booming across the dojo and silencing everyone else.
Everyone stopped their battles and then walked over to his direction, including me and Avery.
"Since Ash has managed to defeat all of you in a battle, he will now battle me outside!" Mustard announced, "And I recommend for you all to watch and learn!"
So with that, the old man pushed the doors open and everyone ran outside, excited to watch. The two if us went outside too, but I was more out there to learn since I was very certain Ash was going to win anyway.
"So, what is the word for when a boy likes another boy?" I asked.
"Well I don't consider myself much of a boy, but still decide to use the term gay!" Avery answered.
"Wait, you don't really feel like a boy either?" I questioned.
"Yeah, nor a girl either," Avery said, "And that's called non binary!"
"Woah, why have i never heard of any if these things before?" I asked.
Avery took in a deep breath and then sighed,
"Well honestly, even the teachers don't really know much about this stuff, and that's because it was never really taught to them!" They explained, "It's like a continuous cycle, and I only know this stuff because I was in the same position as you when I was younger!"
All of this was a lot to take in, but I was enjoying to learn from them. We continued chatting more until it was announced that Ash had one against Mustard.
He looked so heroic and it was hard to take my eyes away from his smile. Avery could notice that and gave me a smug smile.
"I think you have a good chance with him!" They commented.
"You really think so?" I asked.
"Yeah, but I need to go now!" They replied.
We both waved goodbye and then they walked off with the pink haired lady who must be their best friend. I then reunited with Ash and the others before leaving the Master Dojo and continuing to venture through the island...
Yeah, it turns out I'm not discontinuing this and more updates coming soon!
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