4| Save Me
04 | save me
SEAN SMIRKED, AS always. I'm starting to think that he has a masters degree in smirking or that's the only thing his lips know how to do best.
I slowly turn around and my forced smile fades off immediately as I wonder what I've just gotten myself. Still in thoughts, I reach my car, then open up the passenger seat for Sean, taking a step back.
Sean raises an amused, "um... I'm pretty sure its supposed to be the other way round."
"Just get in." I say not meeting his eyes as I turn to walk to my own seat. I vaguely hear him say thanks before I got in, putting on my seat belt.
Sean imitates my action, then moves the seat to accommodate his height. I stare at his long legs and wonder if perhaps someone mistakenly poured some fertilizer over him at military school. He's so tall. Once he's comfortable, he flex his hands and smiles at me – me who have been openly watching him. I quickly look away and start the car, driving off.
I drive in silence and Sean doesn't say anything either. I would have been very okay in the silence but then I feel the need to ask, "What about that Jeep you drove on the night of the rain?"
Sean sighed, "Its Margaret's but I've been driving around with it. Fortunately, she traveled with it this morning."
"Oh." I said, then turned to him. "Fortunately?"
He shrugs, "Would you have given me a ride if I had the jeep in my possession?"
I shifted in my seat, switching lanes. "No?"
"So, Fortunately."
I wanted to ask more but decided against it. He can have this one. "Did you tell her that the jeep has issues?"
"Of course." I turned to raise my brows at him and he laughs. "I did Parker Holt, calm your tits."
My jaw hanged open but I didn't get to say anything because I didn't know what to say to that and I just spotted an empty space in the parking lot with no traffic. I beelined into it, thankful for the miracle. We got down the car and as I was locking up with my head in the clouds, Sean called my name.
"So I'll see you after school?"
"For what?" I ask locking up the car.
"For a ride back home?" He says with a smile that said duh.
"Oh." I said, the remembered the awkward talk in the car. "I have cheer leading practice after school so maybe you'll take the bus or catch a ride with a friend?"
"The bus?" He ask with a face of disgust that literally yanks a chortle out of me.
I catch myself too late and clear my throat. "Ok so maybe not the bus."
Payne Highschool has the worst school bus ever. Not only does it make weird noise and uncomfortable hops when driving, it also smells like ammonia and chlorine mixed together and that's in the morning. After school, you just mix that horrible smell with sweat from bodies and you have a recipe for disaster. Not to mention the lack of air, the bus gets very hot in this summer weather and not all the windows are working probably.
I wouldn't wish a ride on that bus for an enemy.
"I've got only Blake and he has Football practice that lasts too long." Sean continues, smiling to himself. "I'll wait."
I was going to suggest running, since he's so tall, walking home shouldn't be much of a problem. But I don't. I don't want to make it so obvious that I would rather ride home alone. And I brought this on myself anyway, I damaged his bike. I nod, "Okay then, see you."
He nods too and walks away. I wait until till there's a reasonable distance between us before I follow behind walking into school. The hallway is bustling with students as usual and I just follow the current until I'm standing by my locker. I put in my lock and pull with all my strength until the rusty door comes open.
"Stupid old metal." I hiss at it and I hear Sean's familiar chuckle. I turn to him who's literally right beside me. How did I not notice that?
"Take it easy Parker. It's not it's fault its old." He says relaxing on the locker beside mine.
Take it easy, Arc.
I pout in annoyance. "Its always so hard to open. I'm sure my grandfather used this locker too. Its like it's holding some beef against me."
Sean nods, "I don't doubt that. Every thing in this school is as old as Twilight."
I smile at the mention of my jam movie. "Twilight isn't old."
"Okay, um, Gossip girl?" He asks raising a brow.
I roll my eyes, fondly remembering all the time he use to fall asleep while us three were watching a movie. "Stop trying please. You're no movie person."
"True." He admits, "my point is the locker probably just needs a little oil?"
I shrug, "maybe." But I don't have the time to do that. Up until now, Bryce use to be the one to pull my locker open for me. He had the strength to do it, so the rustiness wasn't really a probably to him.
My blood ran cold as I heard someone call Bryce and the books on my hands fall to the ground as I spin around. My eyes wide and searching for him. I don't see him. There's too many heads. Where is he?!
Some guy from the team jogs over and throws his hand over Sean's shoulder. "Dude I've been searching for you."
My disappointment is evident. I forgot. I forget that Sean is also a Bryan. For a moment there, I was so sure somebody had seen my Bryce Bryan. That's the way the boys in the team always called him. The pain in my heart is sharp and it extends down to my stomach. I clasp a hand over my mouth to stop me from throwing up or wailing out.
"Parker?" Sean calls shrugging the boy's arm out of his shoulder. His eyes are filled with concern and worry as he moves closer. "Parker are you alright?"
I hold a hand up and close my eyes shut up tightly. "I'm fine. I just..." I opened up my eyes with a small smile. "I lost myself there for a moment."
He still has that worried look on his face and he clearly doesn't believe me. I don't give him a chance to scrutinize me more than he already has and I crouch down picking up my textbooks and file. They are only three, so in a matter of seconds I'm up again. I flash Sean my best smile. "Well, I'll see you."
"Parker..." The boys calls him against and I don't want to speak so I walk away as fast as I possibly can – to the girls bathroom.
I quickly lock the door, my hands shaking as I rush to the sink and throw up. Only nothing comes out, I just keep retching and retching, my empty stomach hurting every second. When it finally stops and I'm a heaving mess, I look up at the mirror and almost gasp at my reflection. My face is paler than normal and my eyes look bloodshot, with tears rolling down in a speeding rate.
My eyes lazily move to the side and I smile. There standing right beside me on the mirror is Bryce. He looks as handsome as ever. His brown hair is in wavy curls falling over his face. His turquoise eyes, bright and shiny. His lips full and fitting his face, going with the perfect straight nose. His jaw angled and sharp, a strand of hair or two underneath. No matter how well he shaves, he always manages to leave a little strand left, which no one can really see unless you look closer. When in thought or bored, he'd stroke his chin, twirling the little strand.
His inability to tan leaves his skin just as white as mine, the freckles on his cheeks as clear as night. He always complains that it makes him look too boyish and as a result, applies a little makeup to hide them. Now, he doesn't have makeup on and he's just as good looking.
You've eaten nothing worth throwing up, Arc.
I smile, "Shut up, what do you know? You're dead."
Ouch. He places a hand over his chest and walks to my other side. I'll have you know that I know a lot of things.
"Like what?"
Like how Mrs Dunlop is going to fry your ass if you don't clean up those tears and get to class.
I roll my eyes. "Mrs Dunlop can go fuck herself."
He's eyes widen and he smiles like a proud father. Okay, true. But...
"Bryce?" I called cutting him off. He raises his brow. "I miss you."
He smiles. Thanks Arc, really.
"Please come back." I tell him and the smile on his face disappears.
Please ate something, Arc.
I watch him start to fade away and I shake my head in protest, turning around to stop him from leaving but I'm the only one in the bathroom.
"No. No. No! No! No!" I cry holding unto my hair and falling to the ground. "No, no no no. No! Don't leave me Bryce."
My body shakes violently as the tears fall in a steady stream. Everywhere hurts and I'm shaking so much, my hands and knees can't support me. The tears wreck my body, leaving me really weak. I don't know how long I cried but eventually I pull myself off the bathroom floor, vaguely remembering that lying down here is really unhygienic. I wash my hands and my face, avoiding the mirror because I don't really want to see how damaged I am.
When I step out of the bathroom, Sean is sitting on the floor beside the door, head resting on the wall, eyes closed. I look at him for a minute and I'm tempted to just walk away but on second thoughts... "Sean?" My voice doesn't sounds like mine. Its really dry and cracky. I swallow some saliva and try again. "Sean."
He eyes snap open in irritation and when he sees that it's me, he jumps to his feet brushing the back of his pants. "Hey."
I ignore his searching eyes and ask, "what are you doing?"
"Um" He looks around and picks the book that's lying on the floor. "You left this behind."
I look at the book and collect it when I recognize it as mine. "Thank you." I made to leave but Sean stops me.
"Parker?" I turn back to him, "wanna go home?"
"How long was I in the bathroom?" I ask Sean after spending a long minute, adjusting the passenger seat to fit me, while he adjusts the drivers seat.
"Two periods." Sean says, starting the car and rushing out of school.
I look at him and I'm curious as to why he isn't saying anything about it or bombarding me with questions. He reaches into his bag and brings out a bottle water handing it to me, eyes stuck on the road.
"Thank you." I say collecting it and brushing fingers.
"Now stop staring." He says with a smirk.
"I wasn't staring." I answer with a scoff and open up the bottle, drowning in all the contents.
"Is anyone going to be home?" He ask, overtaking a car with a speed that has my eyes bugling.
"No." I answer gripping the seat. "Would you stop driving so fast? In case you don't know, this isn't a motorcycle or sport car of any kind."
He smirks, "I noticed alright. What, did your grandfather also use this car?"
I smack him. "Its not that old!"
Sean burst out laughing, its so contagious, I manage a light laugh. "No oil - of any kind - can save this car."
"Well, its transporting us, isn't it? Be grateful."
He nods, "Of course."
I relax into the chair with a smile. My poor Toyota.
Sean gets us home in no time and enters into the house with me. I don't say anything since he just did me a huge favour. I also don't say anything, when I start going upstairs and he follows behind. I don't say anything when he tucks me in bed and goes over to the other side, the bed dipping as he gets on.
He keeps a reasonable space between and I figured he wanted to rest a while before he goes home. So I stay silent.
"You're sure you're not hungry?" He asks for the second time, cutting through the silence.
"No. I'm good."
"Parker?" I hummed already falling into the wraps of sleep. "Are you okay?"
"Not really." I mumble and I'm vaguely aware of this.
"What can I do to help?" Somebody asks, voice filled with concern.
I wasn't going to answer and I was confused as to who was speaking. Sean or Bryce. Bryce is gone. Sean shouldn't go too. Sean should...
Stay Bryce.
• • •
I don't know how to write heartbreaking scenes well. I hope I tired to convey Parker's feelings through words.
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