👑 29; t w i t t e r 👑
Joanna Shaw
Sadly, we're headed home. Spent 2 weeks in Memphis, but we've got planning to do. forkingandcountry joelsmallbone coltondixonmusic #allthatmatterstour
2.5k retweets | 10.5k likes | 7.2k replies
↳ I can't wait for this tour! I've already got money set aside for tickets and vip passes.
↳ i wanna meet all of you so bad.
↳ what was in Memphis?
↳ i miss it already, babe.
↳ hey, I live in Memphis.
↳ I went to Memphis once, then ended up going to college there. It's a beautiful city.
↳ I miss that girl already, Jo. We should head back before tour and give her a concert.
↳ I'm gonna meet you guys. My brother is gonna buy some vip passes.
↳ at least we're no longer rooming together. You're annoying.
↳ thanks Joel. Love you too, man. 🙄🙄🙄 joelsmallbone
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