👑 18; r e a l . l i f e 👑
Joanna stood off to the side with Dallas as she watched her bandmates and their wives. Especially Luke and his small, yet growing family.
She looked up to Dallas as he began to fidget; tapping his foot and playing with his fingers. She rose an eyebrow, and gently took his hands.
"Dallas, honey, what's going on? You need to calm down." Joanna spoke softly.
Dallas simply grinned, "Don't worry, you'll see."
Joanna sighed and rolled her eyes, dropping her hand to her side, but kept her fingers locked with Dallas'. While still grinning, he gently pressed a kiss to her temple.
Slowly, Joanna smiled, seeing Luke chase his little boys and Courtney stood there, her hand on her small baby belly and a smile on her face. Almost immediately, thoughts and wishes for the future ran through Jo's mind. She looked back up to Dallas.
"Hey," she mumbled, waiting for him to look at her. "If we do get married one day, could we have a family?"
Dallas grinned, chuckling and nodding. "Of course, princess. If it's God's will."
Joel laughed, leading Moriah over to the couple. Joanna rolled her eyes, shaking her head, knowing full well that Joel would tease them.
"What, Joel?" Joanna asked playfully, rolling her eyes and putting on a teasing smile.
Laughing, Joel threw up his palms into a defensive stance. Moriah giggled, crossing her arms.
"Woah!" Joel exclaimed, "I can't come talk to my best friend."
Joanna shook her head, "Nah."
Joanna looked to Joel and Luke as the band still played soft music. Luke simply smirked as Joel began talking again.
"What song are we missing, Jo?" Joel asked, grinning at his bandmate and then back to the crowd. The entire audience was dead silent.
"Um... we normally do Priceless. Is that what we're missing, Joel David?" Joanna laughed, glaring at him playfully.
"Ding ding, we have a winner!" Luke teased. Joanna scoffed, rolling her eyes as she crossed her arms.
Joel smirked, "But there's a little surprise. Dallas, wanna come join us?"
Joanna slowly grew a grin as she turned around, watching as Dallas approached her. He gently wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her cheek. "Hey, princess," he whispered.
"Here we go! Priceless!" Luke exclaimed once more as the first chords started.
Mirror, Mirror, mirror on the wall. Tellin' those lies and pointin' out your flaws.
That isn't who you are, that isn't who you are.
Slowly, as the song came to an end, Joanna turned to smile at Dallas, but only to see him get down on one knee with a box in his hand. Dallas grinned up at her, seeing his girlfriend gasp.
"Joanna Mercy, you are beautiful, you are priceless, you are loved. And I plan on loving you for the rest of my life, so marry me?" Dallas asked.
Joanna nodded rapidly, not being able to find any words. She wiped at the tears as she whispered, "Yes."
The crowd screamed and applauded as Dallas stood up. Gently, he slid the ring on her finger, then smiled at her, asking another question.
"Can I kiss you— have our first kiss?"
Joanna nodded once more, giggling as tears streamed down her cheeks. "Yes, Dallas."
Dallas' grin grew even larger as he gently laid his hands on her waist. Coos erupted as Joanna wrapped her arms around his neck; screams followed as they kissed for the first time.
Joanna was left breathless as Dallas pulled back and rested his forehead against hers.
"This is what love looks like, mates." Joel laughed, looking back out to the crowd, "I've been waiting for this moment for almost two years."
Moriah squealed, running up to dark haired singer, wrapping her arms tight around Joanna. Jo giggled, returning the hug from her best friend.
"You're finally getting married!" Moriah exclaimed. Jo laughed breathlessly.
"Yeah," she mumbled, "I'm getting married."
Moriah grinned, pulling back from the hug and holding Jo by her arms gently. Slowly, Moriah's smile fell slightly.
"What's wrong?" She asked, "You seem hesitant about marrying him. Don't you love him?"
"I do," Joanna confessed, bitting her lip. "I love him so much, but I'm nervous. What if it doesn't work? I don't get how you and Joel make it work. I want a family one day, and I don't get how Luke and Courtney make it work—"
"Woah!" Joel exclaimed, walking over and gently placing his hand on Jo's shoulder. Slowly she turned around, slipping from Moriah's grasp to face Joel. Joel sighed, "Calm down. It's not easy, but you'll make it work."
Joanna nodded slowly, a soft sigh escaping her lips.
"I love Dallas with all my heart, and I thank God for him, but it worries me. With us always touring, and being in different states." Joanna explained, "I don't know how to make it work."
Joel opened his arms, offering Joanna a hug, which she took. She buried her face into his shoulder as his chin laid on the top of her head. The two were truly like siblings.
"It's hard. Mo and I are constantly calling each other, texting each other, and facetiming. When we're alone, we shut off our phones." Joel started, shrugging softly, "It takes effort. You and Dallas have made it work for three years. It's okay, darling."
Joanna nodded softly, just listening and being calmed by his aussie accent that brought a sense of comfort. Moriah looked up at Joel, smiling at the two.
"I have faith in the both of you," Moriah assured, "You're a lovely couple serving the Lord. Trust in Him."
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