chapter 6
Author's note: this chapter is a little different because it switches between Sam's POV and 3rd person, you can probably figure out who it is from context. Like things Sam wouldn't know or couldn't hear. Also if ur here after i made the changes i just changed the song because it fit better.
Last few months Dean's been acting extremely weird, he's drinking less, having secret phone calls during hunts, his door is almost always locked and he seems alot happier. For most people this would seem like a good thing but i know my brother better than that.
For years now Dean's only way of coping was, well not coping at all. He always hides it when there's something going on with him by acting happier than he normally is to throw us off or something, but honestly it just makes him seem more suspicious.
(Insert convo with Frank after Bobby's death)
Frank: Decide to be fine till the end of the week. Make yourself smile because you're alive and that's your job. And do it again the next week.
Dean: So fake it?
Frank: I call it being professional. Do it right, with a smile, or don't do it.
For the first few months i let him be, left him alone and i kept telling myself that he would eventually say something when he was ready but I've grown extremely impatient in the last two months.
(A/N: 9 months into relationship at this point)
Like i said he's done this a lot before where he will put a smile on his face and push away his emotions but something seems different this time. I can't figure out what it is but i have a really bad feeling about it. It's not like how he usually acts at all, i can't put my finger on it though.
I found the perfect opportunity to finally ask him about what was going on. I went to talk to him in the library and found him laughing at something on his laptop. I sat down and gave him the grilled cheese i made him, i looked over and saw that he was watching old Charlie Chaplin movies.
We laughed and watched for a bit and then i remembered why i came to talk to him "so i found us a possible case couple hours from here, i thought we could go check it out" Dean nodded and turned off his laptop.
"Okay, we can leave in like 20 minutes. I'll go pack a few things and meet you in the garage" we both got up to pack some clothes and i smirked to myself, knowing that he couldn't escape this conversation if we were cramped in the car for hours.
Dean walked to his room and packed, he knew he only needed 5 minutes plus he already showered this morning but he still told Sam he needed 20. When he was done he took his bag and walked to Castiel's room, he was in there watching Netflix basically all day.
The second he was met with a big smile but when Cas looked down and saw the bag that smile dropped "noooo" Dean smiled at his angel's adorableness, he walked over to sit next to him "it's only for a few days, Sammy found us a hunt not too far from here" "when do you have to leave?" Dean put his hand on Cas' cheek "in like 10 minutes"
He instinctively leaned into the touch but still looked sad until suddenly an idea popped into his head, he kissed Dean roughly and when he pulled away for air he smirked "fine but if you're going to leave, then I might as well make sure you're thinking about me the entire time" Dean was gonna ask what he meant but was quickly stopped
Cas gave him a passionate kiss and climbed onto his lap, straddling him they spent the next few minutes like that until they heard Sam yelling "Dean come on let's go" they broke apart and Cas sat back down where he was before and played the show he was watching like nothing happened, Dean on the other hand had a slight problem.
He kissed Cas one last time after sitting shocked for 2 minutes "bye baby" "call me later" he nodded and left the room, closing the door behind him. He went to the garage where Sam was waiting, suddenly extremely happy that he chose to wear a long shirt that morning and also really hoping that this wouldn't be a long case.
I put my bag in the trunk and sat in the car waiting for Dean to finish talking to Cas, I saw him walk to his room probably to tell him that we had a case (A/N I repeat my previous statement BLIND DUMBASS!!) he walked out a few minutes later and put his bag in the trunk, after a few seconds the door opened and he climbed in.
I decided that the best way I could do this was to wait and talk to him after the case when we were driving back, that way he had no way of changing the subject to talk about the case. This also gives me more time to really pay attention to the differences in Dean's behavior, maybe I could figure what was going on with him.
The entire case Dean was acting weird just like i expected, he was making a lot of secret of phone calls and when i went to look at who he was talking to i didn't see anything, when did he even learn to delete his past calls? That wasn't the only thing, i could hear him tossing and turning all night he barely even slept the entire time.
After we figured out that it was actually a wraith killing people, we killed it before it could hurt anyone else and now we were on the road going back to the bunker. I took a breath and turned to my brother "Dean can we talk" he rolled his eyes knowing what i was gonna say since i was pointing out the things he did during the case
"About what?" he asked "you know what, why have you been acting so weird lately" "i told you, i don't know what you're talking about Sammy" i gave him my classic bitch face "Dean come on for months now you've been acting different" he turned the music completely off since it was at a low volume "oh yeah? name one thing i did that was weird"
"Okay, the secret phone calls for one, you've been drinking less, locking your door at night, barely sleeping when we're on hunts even for you and don't even get me started what happened at the bar yesterday" he stayed quiet for awhile "i said name one thing and what do you mean what happened at the bar, nothing happened" "EXACTLY! that girl gave you her number and you threw it away, you didn't even bother looking at it. Dean i spend basically every second of every day with you, you haven't went home with a girl in months now stop treating me like I'm an idiot and tell me what's been going on with you"
"Sammy-" he started but i cut him off "don't 'Sammy' me Dean, i'm worried about you and i want to help but you just won't let me" he let out a breath and turned the radio on, ignoring me and listening to the music on a random station. He looked like he was contemplating whether or not he should tell me but then he smiled when an Elvis Presley song came on.
Dean turned to his brother in the car when a song he knew all too well started playing on the radio "fine you wanna know what's been going on?" Sam nodded "that's all i want" instead of replying Dean just put the volume down a little and took out his phone to call someone "who are you-" Sam started but was interrupted by his older brother shushing him.
It didn't take long for Cas to pick up when he saw who was calling, he was gonna say hello but then he heard Dean start to sing so he stayed quiet
Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you?
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you
Dean paused, waiting for the next part of the song and Sam just stayed quiet and extremely confused at what his brother was doing but also smiling at how happy he looked singing his own version of the song to whoever was on the phone. Cas smiled at the song choice and it grew even wider when Dean continued, louder than before
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you
For I can't help falling in love with you
Dean smiled and put the volume down "hey baby, i'm in the car with Sam and he was asking me a bunch of questions so i decided to confuse him even more by calling you. I got the perfect opportunity when this song came on, i heard it and i immediately thought of you" Cas smiled and replied in a whispered tone to make sure that Sam didn't overhear him
"this song reminds me of-" "valentines day" they both said in unison and Dean chuckled before continuing "yeah i still remember, valentines day we were in bed and this came on so i asked you to dance with me" he smiled at the memory when Cas replies "you seemed to have forgotten that neither of us can dance" he nodded even though his boyfriend couldn't see him "we ended up just dancing like idiots but somehow it's still one of my favorite memories of us"
Cas blushed and laughed a little "hey didn't you say no chick flic moments?" Dean laughed "yeah i did say that but it was too perfect to pass up, no matter how much we sound like a chick flic" Cas rolled his eyes on the other end of the line "alright go talk to your brother he's probably really confused right now and come back already, i miss you" "okay i will, bye baby" "bye"
I just stared at my brother with wide eyes when he hung up and put the phone down, when he didn't say anything i hit him on the arm. He turned to me "ow what the hell man" i just looked at him for a second "what was that" he let out a laugh "well you asked what was going on with me so i decided to show you" i hit him on the arm again "dude would you quit hitting me"
"you have a girlfriend and you didn't tell me?" his smile fell a little and his expression softened "i started seeing someone a few months ago and i guess i wanted to keep it a secret so that we could be in our little bubble of perfect as long as possible, neither of us have really had much luck when it comes to relationships Sammy" when he said that i nodded, understanding why he didn't tell me
"Well now that i know, when do i get to meet her?" i saw him stiffen at the question "well about that" he sighed and pulled up to the side of the road so that he could look at me while talking "look Sammy, there's a lot about my relationship that I'm not ready to show you or to explain. I thought it was about time you know that i'm with someone but that doesn't mean that i wanna talk about it" i nodded and didn't ask any more questions.
After a few moments back on the road i realized something and started laughing, Dean looked at me confused "what?" I looked back and shook my head a little "dude you were just singing Elvis into your phone" i started laughing again "hey don't mock The King" i stopped and looked at him "really Dean?" He shrugged "i can dig Elvis" we both started laughing and didn't talk much the rest of the drive.
(Please don't kill me it was too easy to pass up, i cried too while writing this part but i had to)
If Dean wasn't ready i wasn't gonna pry, i already knew the most important thing about the relationship. Whoever this girl was, she made my brother happy and he loved her that's really all that mattered. Dean deserved to be happy after everything we've been through and it was clear to me when he was talking on the phone, this was the love of his life.
Dean kept driving after talking to his brother, he was happy that Sam knew about him being with someone. He wasn't ready to tell him the rest just yet but he knew that this would make it easier, now instead of him dropping a bomb on Sam by telling him that he was in a relationship, that he was gay and that he was with their best friend, he would just have to tell him the other two.
It was nice to feel like at least some of the pressure was lifted, he even slept through the whole night that day with a smile on his face and his angel in his arms.
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