Just to let everyone know this book was made way before Demi changed pronouns and I will continue doing what I have been working on so please DO NOT attack me over it! & this book is 100% fictional and has nothing to do anyone's real life!
*Five day time skip *
(Demi's pov)
I can't believe that tonight Darryl's coming back from Boston just to visit us and I'm so greatful that the captain he has been working for is letting him go home but sadly Monday he has to go back to Boston.
Then I will be waiting another few more weeks or months hoping he will be able to have another few days to spend with his family.
My voice is starting to improve still a little sore but the tea I have been drinking is helping me so much and I had to tell my manager that my voice is still killing me.
Then he had to postpone the original release date to the next week I just hope my voice will recover from the confident high note.
I started to get out of bed and started looking for something to wear so I picked out a black and white striped sweater and a pair of leggings and some wooly socks.
Before I could put my sweater on my stomach had other plans so I quickly went into bathroom and started puking again because of my morning sickness.
I never thought I would have morning sickness this bad in my last pregnancy but hopefully i won't be puking my guts out tomorrow morning.
After I stopped puking I started wiping my mouth off with the towel and started brushing my teeth to get nausea taste out of my mouth.
When I finished brushing my teeth I went into the girls bedroom and told them to get up because I don't want them late for school.
Surprisingly the girls jumped out of their beds really quick and that's the quickest I've ever seen them do this because sometimes I have to repeat myself over and over again to get them out of bed.
Alyssa went into into the bathroom while Leah stayed in her room and started changing as I started to go the kitchen to make breakfast.
□°○□°■•□IN THE KITCHEN □○\□■□■•⊙
Before I could take anything out of the pantry my phone started to beep so I checked my messages and one of them was from Sirah the other one was from the texter.
So I checked Sirah's message first. The message read: I'm going to come over when the girls are at school to keep you company, I'll see you in a hour bye.
Then I replied with: can't wait to see you! thx for wanting keep me from my boredom. bye.
Sirah never messaged me after that.
I've ignored every message since I threw my phone in the glove compartment so when I saw my messages I had 50+ messages and most of them were from the texter.
When I was done reading the message I turned off the phone and started making some breakfast for Leah and Alyssa.
I started grabbing some bowls out from the cabinet and grabbed a box of fruit loops and started pouring them into bowls then I grabbed the milk from the fridge and poured it in.
While I was making breakfast the girls came into the kitchen then they started to sit down at the table as I passed over their cereal.
"Another day back to prison." Leah sighed.
"C'mon Leah, today is Friday you shouldn't be this way because tomorrow is the weekend and you don't have to deal with any school." I explained as I started to drink some tea.
"Mommy's right leah; today is Friday!" Alyssa exclaimed as she started to eat her cereal.
"I can't wait for the weekend." Leah said as her mood started to lighten up.
"Well it's only a day away sweetheart." I replied as I continued drinking more tea.
"What are you going to be doing when we are at school ?" Alyssa asked.
"I have no idea yet." I answered as I started to eat a blueberry muffin that I bought from Starbucks yesterday.
"I wonder when Daddy's going to visit us ?" Alyssa asked as a tear came down her cheek.
"Sweetie, I really don't know when he will visit us because he's been really busy the past couple of days but I hope he will see us soon." I explained as I wiped her tears a way.
"I'm pretty sure that daddy will visit us soon." Leah reassured her sister.
"I hope so." Alyssa said as she finished eating her breakfast.
When the girls were finished eating it was time to bring them to school. I took my car keys off the table then I quickly put my sneakers on.
After I was done putting my shoes on I helped Alyssa tie her shoes then I grabbed their bookbags and we headed towards my car.
■○■■○○•IN THE CAR□○•○••○•○□○
I helped the girls with their seatbelts then I got into the front seat and started putting my seat belt on then I put my car key into the ignition and started to drive away from the house.
The crazy thing about having a another baby is that in a few years down the road Alyssa and the new baby will be in the new school while Leah is in a junior high school.
It's insane how fast time passes by.
As a few minutes past I finally got to the school and I gave them a hug and a kiss before they left the car and I told them that I'll pick them up when school ended.
The girls smiled at me and left the car and started walking into the school.
After the girls left the car I started to drive back home because Sirah is coming over to hang out until I get the girls from school.
While I was driving my phone continued beeping and ignored it because the messages are from the anonymous texter who just want to ruin my mood every day.
I pulled into the driveway and Sirah was there outside waiting for me.
So I got out of my car and shoved my phone in my pocket and walked up the stairs.
□°⊙○□□°°OUTSIDE OF THE HOUSE □°●<•⊙\□•●|
"Hello stranger." I said as I walked up the stairs.
"Hey gurl." Sirah replied as she saw me walk up the stairs.
As I got to the final step I unlocked the door and Sirah and went inside.
°⊙○□|□□•IN THE HOUSE●°○|°●<•●●□°●<•⊙●□•⊙○|□°●
"I didn't expect you to be here this morning." I said as took my shoes off.
"I know I'm here a bit early but I just wanted to check up on my best friend because you know it's kind of lonely when the kids are at school and your husband is in Boston." Sirah explained as she took her shoes off and sat down on a chair.
"Well, I'm glad you decided to check up on me." I giggled.
"Have you heard from your knight and shining armour lately ?" Sirah asked with a giggle.
"No, I haven't but the man is busy all the time and I understand that." I answered as I turned the coffee machine on.
"Hopefully he will see you guys soon because I know he miss you all like crazy." Sirah said with a serious tone in her voice.
"I miss him since he walked out that door almost a week ago and I haven't stopped thinking about him since then." I explained as I started to open the cabinet and grab a coffee cup.
"Even though Darryl and I don't have that much communication with each other but I kind of miss him myself because after all he's my best friend's husband." Sirah revealed with a soft smile.
"Wow, I didn't know you missed him." I said with a shocked tone in my voice as I poured the coffee into the mug.
"He's made you the happiest woman in the world for the past five years and if you're happy I'm happy too." Sirah announced while still smiling.
"You're right he has made me the happiest woman in the world." I gushed as I gave the cup of coffee to Sirah.
"Thanks for the coffee Dems." Sirah said as she started putting some sugar in the coffee.
"You're welcome." I responded with a smile,
"As I was about to say about Darryl; I know sometimes I say he's not the brightest person in the world when it comes to certain things but I'm just so happy you have someone who loves and cares for you so deeply that he wouldn't do anything to hurt you." Sirah explained with a serious look on her face.
"Darryl is the only one who ever really loved me for me not just for my body and I can't wait for what the future will bring for us." I gushed as I admired my wedding ring on my finger.
"You both desreve all the happiness in the world." Sirah beamed.
"Thanks Si; that means a lot to me." I said as I walked over and hugged her.
"You don't need to thank me because it's true." Sirah replied with a smile as she hugged me back.
"What has been going on with you lately; besides coming over here?" I asked as I changed the subject while letting go of her.
"I'm just working like I usually do nothing new happening right now." Sirah answered as she started to drink some of her coffee.
"Anything going on in your love life ?" I wondered with curiousty.
"Dems, I haven't been in a relationship with anyone since Trey broke up with me a four years ago because I wanted to be in a serious relationship with him and he didn't." Sirah explained trying not to sigh.
"That break up was rough on you." I sighed.
"It was." Sirah sighed.
"I know you wanted to be with him but there's a world of people out there who would love to be what you wanted with him then and when you do find that someone I'll be happy for you because you desreve happiness." I explained with a smile.
"Thanks Dems." Sirah said with a smile as she hugged me.
"You're welcome." I replied as I hugged her back.
"Has there been anything going with you lately?" Sirah asked as she let go of me.
"Nothing much is going on besides my pregnancy." I answered.
Before Sirah could talk the phone started to ring.
When I was about to go over and answer it Sirah picked up the phone instead.
"Lovato residence." Sirah said as she put the phone up to her ear.
As Sirah said that I came closer to Sirah so I could hear the message on the other end.
Then there was a loud beep after the message was over.
"What the Fuck." Sirah said as she put the phone down.
"I know and I never thought they would ever find my number." I sighed.
"What do you mean by THEY?" Sirah asked with a concerned tone in her voice.
"The past few weeks I've received messages from this anonymous person who just randomly found my number and started texting me almost daily it's been driving me insane and I can't take it anymore." I explained as a tear came down my face.
"Have you told Darryl about this?" Sirah asked.
"Yes I have and he's going to try who is doing this and put a stop to it while he's still in Boston focusing on a case with the Boston police." I said with a serious tone in my voice.
"No offense to your husband but there's other cops in LA who work with him that didn't go to Boston maybe they could help him too before whoever these low life losers do something worse than threating texts and phone calls." Sirah explained with a serious look on her face.
"The only good cops in L.A. are gone to Boston." Demi sighed.
"Demi, I know the only cops you trust is your husband and that other cop has he been with for almost seven years but you can't go on like this having this anonymous person destroy your life AND possibly everyone elses in your life too." Sirah warned.
"You're right I can't let this continue getting worse has it already is." I replied.
"Maybe when your husband comes back you too have come up with a idea to live somewhere else before something terrible can happen." Sirah said.
"Thanks for the warning." I responded with a serious tone in my voice.
"You don't have to thank me because I'm only looking out for you and the kids safety because for one thing you're my best friend and those little girls are my god babies." Sirah explained.
After that we started hugging each other.
"I'm so happy that I have a friend like you." I said as I started to let go of her.
"I'm always going to be here for you no matter what." Sirah smiled.
I just smiled at her.
"Sometime before he leaves again I'm going to talk to him about the other texts I've gotten since he went to Boston." I said with a serious tone in my voice.
"Good because we really don't want anything bad happening." Sirah replied.
"You got that right." I agreed.
"I think it's almost time for you to pick the kids up from school so I should be going home now." Sirah said as she changed the subject.
"I almost forgot about that; thanks for reminding me." I replied as I quickly put my sneakers on and grabbed my car keys.
"No problem." Sirah smiled as she started to walk towards the door.
After Sirah opened the door to leave I followed her outside.
○■○□○■■○OUTSIDE OF THE HOUSE ○□□○••○•○□○○□○□○
"Demi, don't forget tell Darryl everything before something terrible will happen." Sirah reminded with a serious look on her face as she walked towards her car.
"I will tell him." I said as I tried not to get annoyed while walking over to my car.
"Good and I'll see sometime tomorrow." Sirah replied as she opened her car door.
After Sirah left I waved goodbye to her and she did the same thing back to me.
Then I walked over to my car and got inside.
□°●□°●■•□□IN THE CAR ○⊙○●°⊙□•
When I got inside I started to put my seatbelt on and put the key into the ignition then I started to drive away from the house.
I really hope the kids had a good day in school because I don't want them to have a terrible school experience like I did when I was their age then Darryl and I have to homeschool them.
About a few minutes past and I finally got to the school then I parked my car and waited for the girls to come over to the car.
While I was waiting for five minutes the girls finally came towards the car end got inside.
"Hey mom." Leah said as she started putting her seatbelt on.
"Hey sweetie." I smiled.
"Hi mommy." Alyssa said as she got in the car as Leah helped her with the seatbelt.
"How was school today ?" I asked as I started to leave the school.
"It was good." Alyssa answered.
"That's good sweetie." I said as I kept my eyes on the road.
"My day was pretty much like every other day it's boring." Leah sighed.
"Did you have any good subjects like art or gym class?" I asked.
"No." Leah answered.
"What was on your schedule?" I questioned.
"I had science, math, language arts, health and math again." Leah explained as she unzipped her bookbag to grab her schedule.
"Math two times a day on Friday; that's insane." I said with a serious tone in my voice.
"I have math every day accept for Thursday." Leah responded while looking at her schedule.
"I'm not looking forward to Leah's grade." Alyssa sighed.
"You're only in kindergarten sweetie; who knows when you go to Leah's grade in a few years the schedules maybe different." I explained as I pulled up in front of the house.
"Just enjoy kindergarten while you still can." Leah said as she started to take her seat belt off.
"You got a point Leah." Alyssa responded as she took her seatbelt off.
"What would you guys like for supper tonight?" I asked as I took my seatbelt off while taking the key out of the ignition.
"Pizza!" Alyssa exclaimed with a smile.
"I want pizza too." Leah giggled.
"Okay then pizza it is." I smiled as I got out of the car.
After I got out of the car the girls got out and grabbed their bookbags and raced up the stairs.
"I'm so happy that we are getting pizza for supper!" Alyssa beamed as she waited for me to open the door.
"Me too." Leah smiled.
"Girls, it's only 3:00pm right now and I'll order the pizza around 4:30." I said as I unlocked the door,
The girls just nodded their heads at me as they dropped their book bags on the floor and quickly took their coat and shoes off.
"Do you guys have any homework?" I asked as I put the bookbags on the kitchen table.
"I'm in kindergarten I don't have homework." Alyssa giggled.
"I don't have any either." Leah said quickly.
"Hold there missy; your bookbag feels heavy." I declared with a serious tone in my voice.
"It's heavy because you packed my water bottle and my lunch bag in there." Leah said.
"I'm not taking about the lunch bag or the water bottle." I responded as I unzipped her bookbag.
"If there is any homework which there isn't I want to do it Sunday." Leah reassured me while trying not be annoyed.
When Leah said I saw a red textbook with the words math on the top cover then I started flipping through the pages and there was a section on fractions that had a exercise book stuck to the middle of the page.
"Looks like you do have some." I announced.
"Mom, I had two periods of that today and if I look at another equation in that book I'm going to throw up." Leah mumbled.
"You know the rules when you have homework you do it then you can do whatever you want for the rest of the weekend." I said with a serious tone in my voice.
"I know the rules but can you just let it slide for one day I'll do it sometime the weekend." Leah begged.
"No, I'm not letting it slide and please do it now then you won't have to worry about it the weekend and besides you only have three questions left." I explained while trying not to raise my voice.
"Okay fine; I'll do it." Leah sighed as she took the math book and her pencil case and walked over to the table.
"Thank you and if you need help let me know." I said as I took out the sandwich container and emptied out the water bottle out of Leah's lunch bag.
Leah just nodded her head at me.
When I was in school I hated doing homework no matter the subject but when I didn't want to do it my dad would make me do it or i couldn't hang out with friends or go to the mall and if I still refused I would've been grounded.
But I don't want to be that type of parent who yells at their kids for not doing their homework but I care about Leah's education because Leah is a smart girl and I know that she can do incredible things in her life.
To get my mind off Leah I placed the sandwich container in the sink with the water bottle and started cleaning it out.
As a few minutes past Leah finished het homework and she didn't need any of my help so I'm assuming she is really good at fractions.
"I'm so happy I'm done with that now I'm going to go watch some tv." Leah said as she put the math book in her bookbag with her pencil case.
"Good and now you don't have to worry about any school work until you go back to school." I replied.
Leah just nodded her head at me because she was too busy watching cartoons.
As I was taking Alyssa's water bottle out from her lunch bag she came into the kitchen.
"Hi sweetie." I smiled as I emptied the water bottle.
"Hi mommy." Alyssa said.
"Do you need anything ?" I asked.
"I want a glass of orange juice." Alyssa answered.
"One glass of orange juice coming up." I giggled as I grabbed a glass from the cabinet.
Alyssa smiled at me then she just placed a piece of paper on the table.
"Here you go sweetie." I said as I handed her the glass of orange juice .
"Thank you mommy." Alyssa smiled as she started to drink.
"What's that?" I asked with a confused look on my face while pointing at the paper.
"I made a drawing." Alyssa answered as she put her glass on the table,
"Can I see it ?" I wondered with curiousty.
"Sure." Alyssa responded she handed me the paper.
"This is beautiful." I said as I tried not to cry as I turned the paper over.
"I made it because I want daddy to see it when he comes back." Alyssa smiled.
"Daddy will love it!" I exclaimed.
"He will ?" Alyssa asked.
"Of course he will; Daddy always admired the drawings you girls made." I smiled.
"I put grandma Susie and grandpa too." Alyssa said proudly.
"That's so sweet and you even added grandma lovato too." I noted.
"What are you guys looking at ?" Leah asked as she got off the couch.
"Your sister made a drawing our family including your grandparents and your aunts." I answered.
"That's a nice drawing Aly." Leah admired.
"Thanks Leah." Alyssa smiled.
"Why does mom look like she ate a whole entire watermelon in one setting?" Leah questioned.
"Mommy doesn't have a watermelon in her tummy she has a baby." Alyssa answered.
"Oh okay that makes sense." Leah said.
"Well it doesn't matter what I have in my tummy the picture is beautiful and when Daddy comes back he will be just as amazed as I am." I declared with a smile while grabbing a magnet and placed it on the fridge,
Alyssa just smiled at me then she walked over to the couch with Leah.
"I'm going to go order the pizza now so please keep the tv down." I added while grabbing the phone and dialed the pizza place.
The girls nodded their heads and walked over to the couch.
As I was on the phone I waited for about five minutes because the line was busy and it's a Friday evening so I guess a lot of people order pizza on Fridays for parties or just for supper because they didn't feel like cooking.
After the busy line sound went away I placed my order for a pepperoni pizza with bacon, green peppers and extra cheese. When I finished placing my order the receptionist told me the cost and the price was $15.85.
Shortly after I got off the phone I grabbed a twenty dollar bill out of my wallet and placed it on the table.
While I was waiting for the pizza, the girls and I watched a few episodes of Spongebob squarepants until the pizza delivery man arrived.
When the last spongebob episode was over there was a knock on the door so I walked over and saw the pizza delivery man waiting.
I opened the door and handed him the money from the table while he gave me the pizza then he started to walk away from the house and got back into his car then drove away.
"Girls; pizza's here." I said as I closed the door and placed the pizza box on the kitchen table.
"Yay!" Leah and Alyssa cheered as they quickly ran over to the table.
"I'm going to get some plates and glasses so do not open the box." I said with a serious tone in my voice.
The girls just nodded their heads at me as I grabbed the plates and glasses out from the cabinet.
After I got the plates I opened the box then I placed one piece of pizza on the plates then I poured orange juice into all of the glasses.
"You added peppers." Leah sighed with disgust.
"Yes I did Leah; peppers are good for you." I said.
"I don't like peppers either." Alyssa replied.
"Girls, please stop complaining about the peppers and eat your supper." I sighed with an annoyed tone in my voice.
"Okay mommy I'll eat it." Alyssa replied.
"Thank you and Leah please eat it." I said as I saw Leah pick at her pizza.
"Fine." Leah sighed.
"That's better." I said as I continued to eat my slice of pizza,
As a few minutes past and everyone was finished eating I put the rest of the leftover pizza in the fridge and started washing the dishes.
When I was washing the dishes the girls walked over to the couch and started watching some cartoon about a squirrel.
While I washed the dishes the girls was laughing at the tv and it just put a smile on my face because I haven't heard them laugh like that in a long time.
Shortly after I finished the dishes I placed them back up into the cabinet then I turned off the kitchen light and started going into the bedroom and put some pjs on so I didn't have to worry about it later.
"This show is so funny." Leah giggled.
"It's so funny when the squirrel hits the bad guys with acorns." Alyssa giggled back.
Before Leah could speak I walked back into the living room.
"Girls, it's time for bed." I said with a friendly tone in my voice.
"I wanna watch another episode." Leah pouted.
"Me too." Alyssa replied crossing her arms with a sad look on her face.
"Okay fine, I give in you too can watch that episode then it's off to bed." I said with a sigh.
"Thanks mommy," Leah and Alyssa said together.
I just smiled at them.
As a few minutes went by the episode was over then I turned off the tv and the girls went into their room and started putting their pjs on.
When they were finished I walked into their room and started to read them a bed time story called Alice in wonderland.
While I was reading the story the girls started to slowly fall asleep so I got off the chair and placed the book on top of Alyssa's dresser then I tucked them in and kissed them both on the forehead.
Then just before leaving the room I turned the bedroom light off and closed their bedroom door. Then I walked into mine and Darryl's bedroom.
●⊙○□□•□□IN THE BEDROOM □°○●□•■<°●|>•°\
When I walked into the bedroom I took my slippers off my feet then I turned off the bedroom light and I started to get inside the blankets then went to sleep
(Darryl's pov)
I can't believe that the Boston Captain let everyone go home to their families for the weekend because all of us has been working very hard trying to solve a case that my father never got a chance to solve.
I'm just so happy to go home and see Demi and the girls again because I missed them so dearly and I know I'm going to make this weekend so much fun.
Right now I'm in my hotel room packing some things to take home with me until Monday morning. So I grabbed a bunch of clothes including my police equipment and my wallet with me.
Then I got out of my hotel room and locked it. I placed my room key in a fake plant and covered key with dirt so no one would be able to find it.
I called a taxi driver to drive me to airport so I could go home and see my family for the weekend.
The sad thing is I don't know when I'll see my family again after this weekend and I know it's going to break my heart badly.
When I got off the phone with the taxi driver I waited outside the hotel for the taxi. Then a few minutes went by the taxi showed up.
I got in the back seat and placed my luggage in the seat with me,
A few hours went by the taxi driver pulled up in front of the airport I gave him the money for the ride and got out of the car.
Then I started walking into the airport.
○■○■•○•○IN THE AIRPORT○■○■•○••○
As I got inside I talked to the reciptionst at the desk for a ticket to L.A. she handed me the ticket and I gave her money for the ticket.
Then I got passed security. Shortly after I grabbed my suitcase then I started waiting for the plane.
While I was waiting for the plane I could feel my eyes start to close because I'm really tired and I haven't been sleeping well lately.
I'm hoping I can get a good couple hours of sleep on the airplane.
After the announcer said the plane was ready I gave the ticket to the woman at front entrance of the boarding station then I walked passed her and started looking for my seat.
□°●□••••ON THE PLANE□°○|°□•□
I started walking over to my seat then I placed my luggage on top of the my seat then I sat down in my seat. As I was about to go get some sleep the flight attendant said "The plane ride is about two hours."
Later on the flight attendant said that I started to fall asleep.
As I was sleeping the flight attendant said "The plane has landed in Los Angeles everyone can get out off the plane now."
So I quickly got out of my sleep and grabbed my suitcase then I left the plane.
Then I left the L.A airport and started to call another taxi to come and bring me home.
The taxi driver showed up at the airport two hours later because he was dropping off people who were at clubs and bars and they wanted to not drink and drive.
I got in the back seat and placed my luggage in the seat with me then I told him where I lived so he would know where to go.
A few hours went by the taxi driver pulled up in front of the house I gave him the money for the ride and got out of the car.
Then I started walking up the stairs to the house.
■°●□•●IN THE HOUSE□°●<••<●□•
When I got inside the house I locked the door and took my shoes off then I started walking towards the girl's bedroom.
I opened the door very quietly and they looked so peaceful in their beds cuddling with their stuffed animals. After I finished looking I quitely closed the door again.
After I closed the door I started walking into Demi's and I shared bedroom that we have for the past five years.
□°⊙□•°IN THE BEDROOM°°⊙●•■●°•
As I got into the bedroom I looked over to our bed and Demi's just sleeping so peacefully and she looked so beautiful.
How did I get so lucky ?
I carefully put my suitcase on the floor and placed my gun and my shield on the dresser. Then I started to take my unbutton my shirt and placed it on the floor while taking my pants and socks off.
After I took my pants and socks off I walked over to the bed. Before I got into the blankets I gave Demi a kiss on the forehead.
While I was pulling the blankets back, I saw Demi's eyes starting to slowly open.
Then she started looking at me as if I was a stranger.
"Who are you; How did you get into my house?" Demi asked as she quickly grabbed her pistol and pointed towards me.
"Woah; put the gun down and it's me your loving husband Darryl and I live here." I answered while putting his hands up.
When I said that Demi quickly puts the gun away,
"Oh my god Darryl; I'm so sorry that I pointed my gun at you I thought you were a intruder trying to attack me." Demi apologised quickly as she started to cry a little.
"By the way you look different." Demi added as she noticed my skin wasn't smooth.
"I grew some facial hair and I thought it will be different to have some." I replied.
"You look kind of sexy with it on." Demi smirked while biting her lip.
"Oh really; well a woman who I thought would never ever touch a gun in her life had on her beside table and protects her family when her husband is gone is just the sexiest thing in the world." I said with a lovingly tone in my voice.
"There's one thing that I've learned from being a cop's wife is." Demi responded with a serious tone in her voice.
"What ?" I asked looking lovingly into her eyes.
"Is that you always protect your family at all costs." Demi answered while looking into my eyes as If she haven't seen in a while,
"Oh come here you." I said grabbing her gently.
Demi started to giggle slightly.
After Demi stopped giggling i started to look her eyes and moved her hair back then we started to kiss very passionately,
While they were kissing I took Demi's shirt off and unclasped her bra and thrown them on the floor.
"I missed you so much." Demi said as she tried not to break the kiss.
"I'm just so happy to have you in my arms again and I missed you too." I replied as he slowly let go of her lips.
I got under the blankets with Demi and then we started to make love to each other and none of us wanted to let go each other.
After a few passionate hours we decided to stop because it was 1 am.
Then I held Demi in my arms and then we slowly went to sleep.
Hey guys I'm really sorry that I didn't post a chapter at all in November I just wanted to take a break from writing but I'm back now and I'll try to upload two chapters like I did in October.
I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I'm sorry for the extremely long chapter that as little over 5k words 😭😱
I can't believe this story is so close to 700 reads that's so amazing I'm so mind blown!
I would like to thank at Dani2058 for making a new cover for this story she's amazing and I love her books so much so please go check them out you won't regret it!
Thank you guys for the incredible support I appreciate every single one you !
I hope you have a great day !
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