Academy AU
Characters (sorted by houses)
Dark House
Son of the family that founded the Dark House. He would probably spend most of his time studying, and is more gifted with magic than his brother. He'd likely not be that popular in the Dark House compared to his brother, and he'd stick with both Ivy and Sage. With the merging, he'd probably have a bit of a rivalry with Karter and would mildly flirt with him and Drew. Is it probably because his mother wants to create a bad image for the Light House? Yes. Does he sometimes show up with carefully covered cuts or bruises? Also yes.
Her parents work for Maverick's parents, and she's known Maverick for a very long time. She would likely also spend her time studying, but her magic is technically Light Magic. She hasn't mastered her powers yet. She sticks to Maverick and Sage like glue. She doesn't know about her feelings for Sage yet.
He's a total jock and partier, and he's the Head Student since he's older. He's constantly competing in tournaments, and while his parents like him a little more than Maverick, it doesn't really say much. He's more popular than Maverick is in the Dark House. He does purposefully rile up the Light Kingdom people. In front of his parents, he probably wouldn't interact with any of the people that work for his family. At school though, would he start a fight if someone was harassing Tempest, Vienna, or Nico? 100%.
She's currently in the Dark House, but it's possible that she'll be resorted into the Light House at some point. Her parents would be friends of Mavericks parents most likely. She probably does have a lot of random bruises on her that she doesn't explain. She's most likely always wearing some revealing version of clothing. She'll attend parties and flirt, but she doesn't like partying that much in actuality. She probably doesn't have very many friends, but is nice to people. Definitely more hesitant when it comes to Light Kingdom people.
She's on the sportier side of the Dark House. Her parents don't work for Mavericks parents, but she does. She doesn't go to parties that often since she's always working some sort of job to try and help her family out. She doesn't have time for a lot of extra curriculars, but she's on the sporty side of things. She might end up getting resorted into the Winter House later. She's often seen skipping lunch because she can't pay for it, or walking everywhere since she doesn't have another method of transportation.
She'd be placed in the Dark House during the re-sort. She'd know of Chase, Tyra, and Andy, but it's unlikely that she'd have actually talked to them much during the merge. She most definitely spends almost all of her time during detention, and is a known hater of Mavericks parents. She's on the sportier side, but considers herself above participating in those kinds of academics.
She was placed in the Dark House during the re-sort, but it's likely that she'll get put in a different house once she experiences her character development. She grew up with her father. She'd know Chase, Andy, and Mercy, but it's likely that she'd keep to herself. She goes to parties, and doesn't care about interacting with the other houses, but she would be careful. She's somewhat flirty, and will probably end up flirting with Elric at a random party. She doesn't exactly do relationships. She does show up with random bruises though and will usually have it covered with a jacket. Her magic also tends to hurt her a bit.
She'd be placed in the Dark House, but uncertain on if she'd actually end up moving houses. She most definitely does not talk to anyone unless she has to. She usually wears some form of glasses because she hasn't exactly figured out how to control the "turning people to stone" thing. She is probably struggling with her classes, but it's unlikely she'd tell anyone about it.
He mostly sticks with Ovisia and Maize, but is a loner other than that. He only goes to the parties that Ovisia is hosting, but is a "drink in a corner" kind of guy. He is most definitely not caught flirting. He's athletic, but isn't apart of any sports team for the Dark House. He would probably enjoy a wood-shop class where he could jaw carve little figures.
He'd be in the dark house, but would also be keeping his fae ancestry a secret. Since his mom's a demon and all that. He'd likely consider Ovisia a minor rival, but not actually hate her or anything. He's always hosting parties of his own, but he doesn't actually participate in them. He does charge a minor fee for entry, since he has a deal for his mom where he has to earn enough money or she's forcing him into the family business. Is most likely still close with Alextra, but can't talk to her much. He's also probably aware Auburn is attracted to him, but likely just pretends not to.
She'd know Andy, Mercy, Chase, and Tyra. She wouldn't exactly be friends with them, but she would probably playfully flirt with them. She's known for sleeping around, but only sleeping around with a purpose. She typically ends up blackmailing anyone that she sleeps with. She mainly specializes in potions.
Pierce would know Viviane, Andy, Mercy, Chase, and Tyra. He most likely would not allow himself to be friends with them though, or really regard them at all. He'd see them at meetings between all of their families but that would probably be it. He does sleep with people, but it's usually to put himself into a better social status position.
She's not exactly a reflection of her House, but she pretends to be. She's come from a generation of families that have all been in the Dark House, and they all have the same expectations of how she's meant to act and treat others. Her family is alerted every time she acts nicely to other houses. What she's endured from them and her family tutor has led to psychotic episodes, and being on edge all of the time.
She's a pretty bad person. She's a loner, and she can mainly be found by the lab. People that she talks to usually have something happen to them. She's always seen with Eve for the most part. She goes to parties to catch people embarrassing themselves. If there was a school hate page, she would probably be the one in charge of it.
She's probably going to get resorted into the Light House because Eve just does not belong here. She's really quiet, and the only person she really talks to is Seraphina. Even then, she's not really talking. She's pretty much just seen carrying Seraphina's books or doing some homework for her. She probably doesn't have many friends, but I could see her getting along with Rowan, Elric, Nico, Vienna, and Drew.
Light House
Son of someone who works for Drew and Karter's family. He grew up with Drew and is 1000% crushing on her. He'd spend most of his time with Dylan, but would likely also be friendly with Rowan. He'd somewhat hang out with popular people, but he probably isn't all that popular himself.
He'd be one of the top athletes in the Light House besides Elric, and maybe Karter. He'd also be hosting major parties constantly, but still passes all his classes somehow. His dad is dead. Also a total player and partier. Would most likely know of Rowan, and Rowans reputation. Elric is obviously his best friend.
He'd know all of the spirits since he works as an entertainer for their families. He's involved in the creative arts clubs as a dancer. Outside of the academy he works as an personal entertainer. His family isn't well off, so he's the one making money for them. He'll probably end up getting resorted at some point.
Summer House
He doesn't know who his family is at all. The family that adopted him works for Kalinda's family. Really, they just make him do all the work for them. At school he's kind of considered a class clown, and has gotten into trouble before. He doesn't take his magic seriously, and will use his magic for magic tricks instead. A prank master, but won't prank people who will actually get upset about it.
Very academic focused, but a partier. She spends most of her time with Kalinda, Helios, Veres, or Skylar. She makes sure that Kalinda doesn't just focus on the arts. When she goes to a party, she'll get drunk but never drunk enough that she can't make sure her friends are safe. She's probably the least nice out of the group. Gets low-key pretty jealous. She grew up around Kalinda.
Nice cinnamon roll. Probably the only one who can semi reel Veres in. He's always baking, and is most likely found in the culinary section of the school. His family works for Vasara's family. He used to be apart of the creative arts club, but doesn't really do it anymore. He's semi crushing on Veres. Whenever he gets drunk at parties, does he put on a sexy performance involving a lap-dance or stripping? Yes. Does he always have Phoebe threatening people so that no one ever sees it and recordings are deleted? Also yes.
Spring House
She'd be the daughter of the family that founded the Spring Kingdom. She'd likely have grown up around Karter (but like, maybe teen age and up), and is definitely pining for him. Would definitely show up to all of his games and cheer for him. Henry is her ex (probably)? She's constantly acting very formal whenever her parents are around though. Her family would make the Spring House do some sort of dance performance every year. She's mostly involved in dancing and the arts. She'll probably get resorted into the Light House later on.
She'd be the Head Student since she's the eldest of her sisters. She spends most of her time focusing on her studies, but she is also in the performing arts. She's only going to parties if all of her sisters end up going, and even then she probably doesn't have the greatest time. She doesn't like her house, so she's probably either going to switch houses or leave the academy altogether. She'd know Adley decently.
Would be apart of the Les Fleurs. She's best friends with Aurora, and would have also gone to a separate Academy. Ianthe really enjoys partying, but hates the social interaction part of things. She would probably sit in a corner, drink, and make up stories about people and what she thinks their lives would be like. She'll probably end up getting re-sorted.
She's still cursed in this universe with the vines going up her arms. She probably spends most of her time figuring out how to fix it and come up with some sort of solution. She's pretty reckless, but only when it comes to her own self. She's the least nice out of all of the Belrose sisters. She's on the sportier side, and absolutely hates doing performances. If she's partying, it's because Poppy wanted to party.
She's the flirtiest out of all the Belrose sisters. She's a hopeless romantic, who's doing semi-badly in her classes because she's always daydreaming. She does have a new crush almost every week. Poppy is the golden child of her family, and doesn't get into trouble all that often.
She's the wild-child of the Belrose sisters. She's always sneaking out and going to some sort of party. She's very quiet around people for the most part. She'd probably be in the sports club, even if her family doesn't necessarily approve. Would most likely be friends with Adelaide, or crushing on her. She'll probably get re-sorted.
Pure flower-child. Her family works for Ana's family, and she is in fact technically a half sibling to the Belrose sisters. Not that anyone knows. She spends all of her time in the greenhouse or botanical gardens, and is pretty nice to everyone in the spring house. She spent most of her time with Anastasia, so she'd probably also spend a lot of time with Adelaide.
So skittish. He barely talks to anyone, and when he does he won't even make eye contact. His family works for Ana's family. He probably shows up to school with random bruises. He spends most of his time tending to magical creatures at school. He'll definitely end up getting re-sorted.
Considered to be a reflection of the Spring House and its values. She is known for being extremely nice to people, regardless of their house. She does talk to some of the other spirits. Her house is pretty strict about relationships, but she wants to prove that wrong. She's a hopeless romantic, and also very involved in the creative arts.
Fall House
He's a sexist, misogynistic, jerk. He'd probably spend most of his time harassing the different girls at school instead of actually doing anything useful. His magic is pretty weak, and pathetic. He does participate in sports for his house though. If he's invited to parties at all, he's most likely trying to spike someone's drink.
He's the Head Student of the Fall House. His family founded the Fall House, and all that. He spends most of his time trying to convince his family to set up an arrangement between himself and Anastasia. Will 100% mess with Ana in front of Karter in order to mess with him. Only acts charming in front of his parents, but that's not saying much. He's an angry drunk at parties.
Only in the Fall House because her family has all been in the Fall House before her. She doesn't really care about magic, and would much rather have a career in writing instead. She's constantly journaling. Her father doesn't let her work because if she does he says he'll cut off her credit card. She'd probably use her credit card a lot to spite him. She'll probably end up becoming friends with Kaya, and getting resorted.
Pretty boy, partier, and a player. His family is loaded, so he's kind of seen flaunting it a lot. He's known as a player because he's always seen going on dates with women. In actuality, he only sleeps with men and has slept with his family's staff a lot. He does think his money is everything, and doesn't understand feelings. Would probably be failing if his family didn't pay off the staff.
Her family works for Henry/Emberly's family. She hates Henry, and would maybe be friends with Emberly. She doesn't agree with a lot of how the Fall House runs, and will likely end up changing houses. She'd likely go to Ovisia's underground meetings. She's doing great in her classes.
He's pretty shy, but he's friendly. He spends most of his time baking, or in the library with Courtney. He works at a cafe/bookstore that Courtney's family owns in order to earn money. He's bullied by the Fall Sports team a lot.
She works at a bookstore that her family owns. She's constantly in the library, or studying, and is the top in academics for the Fall House. She doesn't let loose very often. She's also bullied by the Fall Sports team, but is a lot better at handling it than Rory. She has broken someone's nose because they were messing with him. She'll go to parties if Rory goes.
Considered a good representative of what a Fall House student should look like. He's involved in sports rather than the creative arts. While he speaks to the other spirits, he isn't necessarily friends with any of them. He tries to keep Henry and Hayden in line though. He'll go to parties, but he doesn't usually drink. He just pretends to.
She'd know all of the people from her bar group. She doesn't exactly have a crush on Fallon, but it's also difficult to say. She comes from a rich family, but no one knows about it except probably Ovisia. She spends most of her time at the cooking club. She takes dance lessons but only in private and because her family is making for. She attends all of Ovisia's parties, and would probably be the bartender for them. She's not really interested in a magic career.
Winter House
He'd know everyone from the bar, but he'd be a little isolated from all of them since the Winter House is strict on socializing. He does go t parties, but it's mainly because it's the only time he gets to see the bar gang. He hasn't caught feelings for Alextra or Eren yet. He'd probably just keep to himself and be grumpy and rude to everyone. He's athletic, but probably wouldn't be big on participation. His parents are poor and he is defensive about it.
Kieran was probably originally in the Dark House and then moved to the Winter House during the merge. He'd probably have some sort of wolf dog, or shadow dog from his magic. He wouldn't have a super large amount of friends. He probably worked for Mavericks family in the past. He's a hardcore loner.
She's probably not as mean as she is in the other one. Her family probably works for Dawn's family. Crystal or Casper would probably be her "royal" of choice. She's very sporty, and does in fact have a focus in the bow and arrow. She's not a huge partier, but is probably only going because Dawn's dad would pay her to keep an eye out. Also, she doesn't like Wynter.
Her family would also work for Dawn's family. She's also very sporty, but she doesn't like the spotlight that much. Her older brother went to the Academy and people probably knew him. She probably got along with Dawn the most until her family started working for Dawn's family.
His family would also work for Dawn's family. He's a wallflower, and doesn't really talk to others. He tried out for the sports team, but failed horrifically. He got injured and has a permanent limp, and tends to walk around with a crutch. He might get resorted during the merge. He spends more time in the library than on the sports field.
He's athletic, but would never in his life try out for a sports team. His family probably owns their own little inn and struggled to send him to this school. He most likely spends his free time taking care of the magical creatures. He's a loner for the most part, and doesn't exactly go to parties. He's not a fan of the popular crowd.
She's very athletic, but that's because she's an ice skater. She's more likely to be seen on the creative arts side of things or just ice skating. She keeps her grades up because she needs good grades to skate. It's likely that she'll be skipping meals, and out after curfew skating (but is somehow never caught). She's always seen with her skating partner, and he's always a jerk. She does go to some parties though and flirt around.
Sun House
His family would work for Neirin's family, and is considered pretty formal. Griffin is pretty popular, and known for sleeping around. He's in the creative arts club, but his family doesn't know. When his family is fighting, he'd probably spend the night at Neirin's. Very grateful for dorm life at the Academy. He'd probably be the Head of Creative Arts. Also a major partier, and definitely gets drunk, but rarely gets hungover.
She's very sporty, but her family doesn't allow her to actually participate in the sports clubs. She's a loner for the most part, but she'd probably be friends with the sports people. She's the least nice out of all of her siblings, and is the youngest. She does get put into detention a lot because she'll try socializing with the Lunar House. Will probably be re-sorted. Unsure if she'd have wings in this universe or not.
The forgotten middle child of the Sorin Family. Considered a disappointment for the most part because he's the least athletic out of his family. He's always found in the library, and is very focused on his studies. Would most likely be friends with Marici, but awkward around her and everyone else.
Tech House
She's incredibly awkward, but nice. She doesn't really understand emotions or people all that well. She also can't get drunk off alcohol, but will get loopy depending on what's going on with her robotic heart. She probably spends most of her time getting repairs. She works for Zero's family. She has a photographic memory, so she's good at academics. She'd probably get along with Jax, but would be flustered around Hinge.
He's the Head Student of the Tech House. He has the power to manipulate sound, so he can make someone think they're hearing someone's voice. His magic isn't natural, so the consequence is his hearing is sensitive. He's always wearing headphones to help block out the noise. Adopted into the founding family of the Tech House. He's involved with the creative arts, and is composes music.
Also adopted into the Tech House founding family. She's a mega partier, and also tends to want to drink her problems away. Probably the favorite of her siblings to her parents, but that's not saying much. They have the power to transform into the appearance of who someone loves/desires the most. It's not natural, so the drawback is that when they transform too much her memories get scattered and she starts forgetting who she is.
They're also adopted into the Tech House founding family. She's one of the more friendly ones, but does prefer to spend their time tinkering on gadgets. They have the power to summon and manipulate light. The drawback is that she goes blind briefly after using her powers for an extended period of time. They spend a lot of time caring for magical creatures. They've also been making wings made of technology.
Shy, flustered, nerd. He works for the Tech Founding families Menagerie, and that's what he's focused on outside of school. In school, he's great at science and with magical creatures. He experiments with making tech based animals. He's very smart, but that's not saying much in the Tech House.
She'd know the Bar Group, and will def be switching houses at some point. She hasn't figured out her feelings for Auburn or Eren yet, and is besties with Asra. Her hair changes colors depending on her mood. She'd probably go to parties, but mainly so she can see her friends since she doesn't get to see them a lot during school hours. Her family is forcing her to work in Axel's fathers club outside of school, but she probably wouldn't tell the group about it. She would show up with random bruises or marks though. Axel probably hangs it over her head that he can get her fired, during the school year so that she'll do what he wants.
He's very focused on his studies, and would probably be the person to start an academic team. He's one of the top academics in the Tech House. He spends all of his time in the library or working on gadgets and inventions. He doesn't find magic all that useful. He knows the spirits, but doesn't socialize much. He's usually hiding away somewhere alone.
Huge mega nerd who has a caffeine addiction. Corey spends all of his time studying, and is one of the top students in the Tech House. His main rival, at least to him, is Morgan. He spend a majority of his time in the lab, or in his room. He's often caught skipping meals and staying up until unreasonable hours at night. He also managed to bring his pet cat with him to the academy.
Lunar House
Apart of the popular group in the Lunar House, but a nice popular person. She's not allowed to talk to other houses, but she tries to anyways. She's popular because she's considered really pretty, not because of a particular talent or anything. Her hair still glows when she's happy. She probably doesn't have a lot of friends.
Head Student of the Lunar House, but doesn't really want to be. He spends most of his time with the sports groups. He doesn't fit in the best because of his angel styled wings, since that's something that typically only the Sun House would have. He's a good artist, but is not in any clubs for art. He has shadow magic.
Apart of the family that founded the Lunar House. She wants to be the Head Student, and thinks she'd be better at it. A lot less nice than her brother. Spends most of her time studying, and trying to be the best at everything. She still goes to parties, but when she's there she's mainly trying to meet people so that the Lunar House becomes more popular. She has the power to summon constellations and make them defend her.
On the student council for the Lunar House. Very dedicated to making sure stars look good. She's a master at makeup, and even though she has the power to control light, she obviously doesn't do it often. Not a mean popular, but does tend to spread rumors and gossip because she can't help herself. She's typically seen with Venus or Saturn.
On the student council, and the most popular of that group. She's good at getting people to do what she wants. She has charm-speak and can briefly get someone to do whatever she wants. She's probably the main student representative for the Lunar House besides Vera. Also, like, super obsessed with making sure she looks good at all times. Always attends parties. She's typically seen with Mercury or Saturn.
On the student council, and the nicest out of all the council members. She has mild nature powers, and spends a lot of time in the greenhouse. She also spends a lot of time in the nurses office because she does get sick very often. She does speak to other houses, even though she's really not supposed to. She's close with the founding family of the Lunar House. She's typically seen with Vera or Mars.
Short-tempered fireball. Literally. She has hair made of fire. She's on the student council for the Lunar House, and she mostly just advocates for the sports club. She participates as much as she can in sports, but obviously can't fly like Night Furies can. She has mild fire powers. Gives out self defense lessons in her spare time. She's typically seen with Earth or Rhysand.
Easily the most stressed out and insecure of the student council group. She's always planning for the event that the academy is attacked. She's one of the top academics in the Lunar House. She has a lot of sisters, but only she was chosen for the academy. She spends most of her time with Uranus and Neptune, or by herself. Very rarely seen at parties. She has mild storm powers.
On the student council. She's the closest with both Rhysand and Vera because she grew up with them. She doesn't do too well in her classes, but that's because she gets distracted. She's secretly in a relationship with her tutor. She's always put together somehow, and never gets in trouble. She also can briefly see flashes of the future. She spends most of her time with Venus, Mercury, or Rhysand and Vera.
On the student council, and the quietest one. She's one of the top academics in the Lunar House. She spends almost all of her time in the library or in the lab. She has minor ice powers, but would rather have a science career than use them. She very rarely, if at all, will show up to parties. If she does, she brings a book with her and drinks in the corner.
On the student council, but people don't know a lot about her. She keeps to herself and is mostly a loner. She's really good at getting people's attention with minimal effort. She has water powers, and will spend most of her time up in the astronomy tower along with Vera. She's typically chosen last for everything, but doesn't seem to mind. When people return to their families for the holidays, Neptune doesn't leave the academy. She's closest with Uranus and Jupiter. She'll party, but will spend most of it either with a stranger or observing people.
On the student council for now, but is most likely going to get kicked off it. She's definitely going to end up switching houses. She's in detention almost all of the time for causing trouble. She does tend to do things for attention. They do openly talk to other houses, and they do tend to get into trouble for it.
She very much so reflects her House. She's one of the richer students in the academy. She spends most of her time studying, or partying. She never lets herself let loose though, and is never in a situation where she's embarrassing herself. She talks to the other spirits but with caution, since she doesn't want to lose popularity by being associated with them.
Ocean House
She's a very gossipy flirt, and a messy drunk. While she's not a super horrible person, she does tend to withhold information from people for a certain price. She is on the swim team, both as a mermaid and a human. Though she does mainly spend time in her mermaid form. She will flirt with people at parties, and purposely sometimes cause problems. She's mainly involved in the sports and cooking clubs.
Jeanette is an anti-social person, who doesn't have a lot of friends. She doesn't exactly like her house, and its mainly because her parents talk badly about it. They didn't even want her to keep going to school after the merge, but she did anyways. She's a siren, and her voice can hypnotize people. So, she doesn't really participate in the creative arts. She's on the sportier side, but mainly only does fighting sports.
He's a sweetheart, but doesn't have a lot of friends. He probably wouldn't be extremely active in that many clubs. In his merman form he'd probably avoid people, since he's a lion-fish kinda merman and his spines on his tail are venomous. He's probably a lot more open to meeting people when he's in his human form. He'd probably spend more time on the land than in the water.
She's also a lion-fish mermaid, and a bit of a loner. She tends to lean on the sporty side, but doesn't actually participate since her ex is in the sports clubs. She'll go to parties, but only if Kal is going with her. She spends more time in her mermaid form, since she feels better protected. She doesn't have a lot of friends because her ex spread rumors about her and calls her "Crazy Karina".
He's like an axolotl mer-person. They are involved in the creative arts club, but don't get to participate a lot since their parents are strict. He has the ability to naturally heal himself when he's injured. They were also temporarily taken out of school and home-schooled, but managed to convince their parents to let them go back during the merge.
Angel tends to avoid everyone at all costs. She's an angler-fish type of mermaid, so she has a lure that can briefly hypnotize someone. She also glows in the dark and has sharp nails. She is involved with the creative arts, but tends to avoid actually participating because she just has a bad experience in general with people. When she's in her mermaid form she avoids people, and when she's a human she also avoids people.
He spends most of his time taking care of sea creatures, to the point where he'll skip class in order to do it. He's really not interested in having a magic career. He used to work for the "royals" families, but he ended up quitting. He spends a lot of his time in detention for skipping class. He's just a very go with the flow kind of person. He's also an orca type of merman.
He'd know the "royal" family of the Ocean House. He works for them during all of the breaks. Ale spends most of his time in the sports clubs, but isn't a team player. He had a lot of brothers, so he's ultra competitive and can't stand when something doesn't go his way. He doesn't do super great in his classes because he refuses to wear his glasses in either form. He's also a shark type of merman.
Leo spends most of his time in his merman form because it's what he's used to. He's nice, but just not the smartest. He tries participating in sports but is clumsy so he doesn't always do the best. He spends a lot of time flirting with people or trying to make jokes. He's the class clown, essentially. His family is also kind of poor. Leo is a clown-fish type of merman.
She's mega involved in the creative arts club since she's a dancer. She comes from a wealthier family, but she doesn't make it really well known. Her parents are ultra strict, so she is seen studying a lot. She's nice with people she's friends with, and is also a major foodie. She's never transformed into a human, at least until the merge happened. She's also a koi fish kind of mermaid. (I could see her getting along with Noah for some reason)
Uma doesn't really have a lot of friends. It's not that she doesn't want friends, it's just that she spends a lot of her time working. Her family makes her pay them so she can go to the academy, and she works at a potion/herb shop. At school, she prefers to be in her mermaid form since she can get more done. She's really clumsy in her human form. She can be found a lot in the labs working on potions. She also really hates animals. Uma is a octopus kind of mermaid.
He is interested in a magic career, but more on the business side of things. He does great in his entrepreneur classes or things like that. He does have a reputation around school as a sea witch. They're known for making bargains with people, and it's how they make money. Their family is decently well off, so he has a lot of cash. They also have their own little trove that they spend time at. Very beauty and bargains oriented. He glows in the dark, but gets slightly embarrassed about it.
She comes from a very rich family, and she's loaded. She really only gets money on the condition that she's acting how they want her to act though. She's pretty formal and high-strung around her family, but she's friendly when she's alone. She's not very involved in different clubs, but she'd probably be popular because her mermaid form is gorgeous.
Her backstory is a bit hard to transfer into this universe. She knew all the "royals" and people before the merge, and she probably was friends with them all. She ended up getting amnesia, and doesn't remember that she's a mermaid. Aida doesn't understand why she was sorted into the Ocean House since she doesn't remember that side of her. She spends a lot of her time caring for sea creatures and making sure the water is good though. She works at a flower shop when she's not at school. Her mermaid form is also blind.
She probably works for the "royals" family. Her family is rich, but she tries keeping it on the down-low. Her father didn't even want her to go the academy, but she managed to convince him to let her go. She participates in the sports clubs and the cooking clubs. She keeps her grades up, but she is stressed a lot because she's overworking herself. Her father has threatened to pull her out of the academy before. She's a koi fish kind of mermaid.
He's nice, but kooky. He spends a lot of his time in detention because he'll sneak into the kitchens and eat the snacks that he finds. He has ice powers, so he would probably know winter kingdom people. He would get along with Dawn if she fed him snacks. He has ice powers in his human form, but he hasn't really mastered them yet. He doesn't do sports because he can't stand the heat.
He spends most of his time in his human form instead of his mermaid form. He gets in trouble during class because he's always distracted by whatever doodle he's doing. He's involved in both the creative arts clubs, and the cooking clubs. He also works at a cafe and usually is in charge of doing the latte art.
He spends a majority of his time in his human form, since he's been told that his merman form looks intimidating. He participates in creative writing, and keeps to himself. He's usually found in the library or in some sort of alcove writing poetry. He doesn't really have a lot of friends. He also spends a lot of time in the nurses office since his parents want to "cure" him of his dark magic.
Fae House
She probably spends most of her time with other Gems, or some Tech people. She's a bit of a loner for the most part. She's not a fan of the Tech Kingdom "royals". She tries to avoid touching people because she doesn't want to accidentally look through their memories. She does enjoy partying though.
In this universe, he'd be apart of the beast court, but he'd have spent most of his time in the Tech House before the merge. He's not a fan of the Tech group. He's half dragon, so he's got the wings and the claws and the fire. He's on the athletic side, but dabbles slightly in the creative arts as well. He really likes shiny things. He tries caring for magical creatures, and would probably hangout with the dragons if Elyan didn't intimidate him. He'd work in the Menagerie, but more so being on display than being a staff member.
In this universe, she'd probably be a wanderer but originally apart of the Beast Court or Wood Court. Since she protects the Forest and all that in the other one. She has trouble maintaining control over her animalistic side, and her claws come out when she's mad. She does struggle with classes, and social interaction, and will usually shift into a coyote and leave. So, she's kind of failing.
He would've been a part of the Beast Court before the merge. He's probably not the most popular person in the group. He can speak to animals, and he can transform into a stag. He has antlers in his day to day form. He spends most of his time taking care of the magical creatures at the academy. He's also a vegetarian. He probably wouldn't have too many friends.
She was originally a part of the Dark Court before the merge. She has the powers to control people's minds like a puppeteer. She's pretty rude to anyone who's outside of the Fae House, and just won't interact with them. If she does, she's probably using her powers to make them do her homework or something. She's protective over Fae though.
She's would've been a part of the Fire Court originally. Her powers include fire manipulation and charm-speak. She's involved with the creative arts clubs, and is known for her fire dance and some circus tricks. She does have a reputation for sleeping around, but she's typically sleeping with someone because they paid her. She's a major party girl, and can come off as a cold diva but underneath it all she's not so bad.
Kyanite, "Ky"
He's originally a part of the gem court. His powers involve creating crystals. He spends a majority of his time making jewelry for people, but doesn't wear any of his own jewelry. Mostly because he doesn't think he's pretty enough to. He acts pretty snooty to people when he's near them, but it's mainly to cover up his own insecurity.
Originally a part of the gem court. He's a major partier and he's also a flirt. He'll flirt with just about anyone, he doesn't care what house they're from. They do have to be aesthetically pleasing to him though. He's typically seen with own little entourage around him. He sometimes participates in the creative arts, but only when he's the lead. He has the power to crystallize things from his touch. His family is also mega loaded so he's not worried about spending money (and will also give incredible gifts).
Originally a part of the gem court. She's such an overworked and over-stressed person. She's constantly pushing herself to be perfect at everything. She's one of the top academics in the Fae House. She participates in the creative arts and is a ballet dancer, but doesn't let anyone watch her perform ever. She has the power to glamorize something, and temporarily make it look prettier than it actually is. She has a pearl necklace and she'll be obedient to whoever takes it, and the pearl can crack if she breaks. She probably spends most of her time with the Gem Court royal, waiting on them.
Would've been a part of the water court before the merge. He's very athletic but more so above water than under the water. His family works for whoever the Water Court royal would be. He's a lot nicer to people when he's in his merform, and would probably get along with some of the Ocean house. He can manipulate water, and shift forms easily. He's probably very involved with the sports clubs.
She would've been a part of the water court before the merge. She's a jellyfish mermaid, and with that she's able to shock people when she's in her mermaid form. She can switch into her human form, and when she's human she can walk on water. She's mainly involved in the creative arts since she's a good dancer. She's from a richer family, and defines a lot of her worth based off of how she looks. She probably doesn't have a lot of friends, since she's pretty prickly in large groups.
He was a part of the wood court. He's literally a cinnamon roll. He's friendly to everyone he encounters, and is just a nice person.His powers include plant manipulation, but he specifically tends to do better with flowers. He also has butterfly wings. He spends most of his time working at a flower shop. He helps decorate the school with flowers for events though.
Wisp would technically be a wanderer, and she probably doesn't even want to be a part of the Fae House. She was previously in the Dark Court, and just did not fit in there. Her appearance makes her intimidating, but she's pretty sweet and altogether socially awkward. Wisp's powers include making herself intangible, manipulating smoke, and blending into the shadows. She probably wouldn't participate in very many clubs because she's not that well liked.
Values power and ambition. Laverna and William are the ones who founded the Dark House and are considered very harsh and very strict. The Dark House is extra strict about interacting with the Light House. They do believe in harsh punishment in the Dark House, like not just detention.
Head Student: Mathias
Head of Sports: Probably also Mathias
Head of Creative Arts: Open
Values both beauty, tradition, and societal statuses. They're not harsh about specific houses, but they are strict about dating people with low social statuses. Marigold and Florian founded it. They are constantly trying to set up relationships for their daughters. The Spring House is involved in the creative arts, and makes sure to put on some sort of dance performance during the school year. It's expected that spring house people look gorgeous, but unattainable.
Head Student: Esme
Head of Sports: Adelaide
Head of Creative Arts: Probably Anastasia
Values tradition, and charm. It's widely known that when women are sorted into this house, they're typically harassed by people like Henry or Hayden. They do have a Fall House initiation that is sort of similar to The Hunt in the other universe.
Head Student: Henry
Head of Sports: Henry
Head of Creative Arts: Open
Values intelligence, control, and ambition. Most of the people here have magic with some sort of science base? Not super strict, but there are a lot of expectations to have the best grades. More focus on studying than arts or sports. It's either going to be a Founding Family thing, or a Tech House thing, but they have the menagerie.
Head Student: Cato
Head of Sports: Open
Head of the Creative Arts: Maybe also Cato
Values talent, extravagance, and intelligence. Obviously it's banned to have relations with anyone from the Sun House, and that's where the harshest punishments happen. They do have a little student council for their house. They're pretty isolated from all of the other houses.
Head Student: Rhysand
Head of Sports: Rhysand
Head of the Creative Arts: Open
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