Chapter Thirty
Seth sat inside the Geosange Pokémon Center, Litleo curled in his lap as he stared at the most recent notification he'd received from nonother than the queen herself. It was a rather lengthy message, and by the looks of things, meant for every participant in the competition. With little deliberation, he played the message.
A hologram of the queen appeared, and after she had cleared her throat, she began to relay her message.
"Good day to you all, gentlemen. I bear news of great importance in regards to the contest. I am sure you are all aware by now that my daughter has made up a list of those of you she will see, and when, throughout the contest. Before, that was to be the only activity that would take place along your journey."
Seth raised a brow as the queen continued to speak. His friends listened in as well out of curiosity.
"However, there has been a new event added to the contest that might interest all of you. As it stands, most, if not all of you, have obtained two badges and are either working on the third or are heading towards it now. After the fourth badge has been obtained, you will have met the requirements for attending the ball that is going to be held at the Parfum Palace."
Shauna squealed with delight.
"A ball!? that sounds so fun!"
"Contestants must bring a date to the ball as it will be part of the contest itself. There, you will be observed on the following criteria..." the queen prattled on.
"A date huh? that sounds interesting," Trevor mused.
"I have a feeling I know where they're going with this," Serena added as she listened to the message.
"How you treat your date will have an effect on your overall performance during the competition. This will be added onto how you treat my daughter as well. Failure to be respectful to her or your date can result in disqualification. So it is advised that you all mind your manners and be respectful, no matter what."
"Why do I get the feeling that last part was meant for me?" Seth half laughed.
"Probably because it was," Serena chuckled. "You and her don't exactly get along from what you told us."
"True. But we've established that a long time ago," Seth replied, listening to the rest of the message as it played.
"Now I am sure you are all wondering what this new event will entail. As most of you probably already guessed, there will be dancing involved, and all couples must participate. My daughter had taken it upon herself to coordinate this event and it is paramount that all who are attending participate. This event will be held two months from today. That should give those of you who haven't acquired the necessary badges, plenty of time to catch up and join the others. If you do not have four badges by the date that is set, you will not be allowed entry into the ball. This is for those who are working hard and are taking this contest seriously. This contest is not only for the prize money you will be obtaining should you win, but for the right to propose to and marry my daughter. In other words, don't be lax in your endeavors to reach this goal."
Seth grumbled mentally at the mention of dancing being mandatory. And while that was somewhat unnerving, he could deal with that. The issue he was facing now was of a related manner, but far more stressful. Who was he going to bring to the ball? There wasn't any doubt that he could obtain his fourth badge by the two month marker, but finding a date to the event? This was the part he would have to really will himself to do.
"Thank you all for your time, and best of luck in your travels..." the queen finished, the message cutting off as it ended.
"Wow! Seth you lucky guy. You get to go to a ball!" Shauna exclaimed. "Balls are so much fun. Everyone's dressed so nicely, and there's music, food, really good food, and just--"
"Okay Shauna, we get it," Serena giggled. "You like events like that. I do too, but I think you're overwhelming the poor guy," Serena added, nodding towards Seth who was clearly lost in thought.
Well this is going to be rather bothersome. I have no idea who to bring. It's not that I don't have anyone I could ask. That's not the issue here. The issue is who to ask, Seth mused, his eyes shifting between Serena and Shauna. Shauna seems to like this kind of stuff. She's bubbly, outgoing and just... incredibly lively. I'm sure she'd be fun to attend it with. And then there's Serena. Also outgoing, calm, and fun to talk to... even if she does have a bit of a temper. Kinda reminds me of someone I know, Seth thought as Felicity's face flashed through his mind.
And then there's Felicity. Heh... my old rival as a date would be a little awkward. Though she's quiet and calm at times, when she gets flustered it's difficult to calm her down. She'd probably end up punching someone by the end of the night. And Arceus forbid Allie piss her off. Still, she's also a great dancer, considering she's part of the dance club at school and in gymnastics as well. Seth rubbed his temples as he continued to think of his choices.
And then there's Kate's sister... Clarice. Ugh... that woman. While I don't particularly like her, she's also a good dancer and as much as I'd hate to admit it, she'd probably be the only one besides Felicity, that I'd be comfortable having as a dance partner, as long as I ignore her advances and attempts at pillow talk. She's a major flirt with most guys so that would be a hindrance more than a help...
"Seth? you in there?" Tierno asked as he waved his hand in front of his face.
Seth snapped out of his thoughts and looked up at his happy-go-lucky friend. "Yeah, sorry. I just had a lot on my mind, that's all," Seth replied, glancing over at Serena and Shauna.
It would be way too much trouble to ask the other two to come all this way. Felicity and Clarice haven't even started their journey. So I guess that narrows my options to two, Seth mentally sighed. The only question now is, which one?
"I think I'm gonna go for a walk," Seth said as he stood up. "I need a little time to process all of this," Seth added, turning tail to head towards the door with Litleo at his heels and Cerise following suit, attaching herself to his back as per usual.
The four friends glanced at each other, and it was as if they all knew exactly what he was thinking.
"Seems like he's got a lot to think about over the next two months doesn't he?" Trevor stated, leaning back in his seat.
"Yeah, our boy needs a date to the ball!" Shauna beamed. "So, Serena. Which of us should do it?" Shauna asked excitedly.
Serena blinked at the sudden inquiry. "Honestly, I don't know. I mean... it's been a while since I've had a date to anything really. And this isn't really for us to decide."
"True, I guess the excitement of the prospect of a ball got the better of me," Shauna replied with a nervous laugh. "Well, whoever he decides to go with, we'll make sure he stands out!" Shauna grinned.
"And what makes you so certain it'll be one of us? he could have a friend from school join him," Serena inputted, tapping her chin in thought.
"That may be, but the way I see it, it makes more sense for him to go with one of you two," Tierno added. "You guys just get along really well. And Serena, don't pretend you don't wanna give it a shot. I've seen you dance, and you've got awesome moves!"
"And that's coming from someone who spends most of his time teaching his team to dance," Trevor added with a laugh. "He's a dancing maniac."
Serena smiled faintly at the compliment. "I suppose I do have a bit of a background in dancing. But Shauna does too. Either one of us would be able to do it."
"Just let him decide. In the meantime, why don't we all focus on tomorrows plans? We're staying here for the night, so we can all relax," Shauna suggested.
"So the princess is putting on a ball for those who have acquired the necessary badges... how intriguing. If my assumption is correct, which it most likely is, this will determine how the rest of the contest plays out. A lot can be said about an individual by the way they dance..."
"That's true. Surely the princess will recognize me as the most suitable by the end of the ball. After all, she did praise me for the way I danced with her."
"Do not think so highly of yourself, Enzo. Pride comes before the fall..."
Enzo narrowed his eyes at the armorclad individual beside him. Glancing down at his newly tailored red suit, he couldn't help but think that it made him look a little more elegant. His new cohorts seemed to be like-minded, which was something he was thankful for. However, while his crimson clad friend was on the same team, his words reminded him of a certain someone he despised. To top off his irritation, both his teammate and said individual, were in the competition for the princess, his princess. While that part was unnerving, his new status in Team Flare came with new power in the form of a readily trained Houndour.
His new companion was a vicious battler and was a perfect fit for his team. He was even given a Mega Stone for when the beast evolved. He looked forward to that event, because once that transpired, he would utterly destroy that arrogant fool, Seth.
"I suppose we should arrange for some dates to accompany us," Enzo said as he turned towards his teammate.
"I believe our fellow cohorts will suffice. We ought to choose carefully, as we desire to stand out, oui?"
"Right you are, Charles," Enzo smirked.
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