Q & A
This part is a Q & A! Ask me all your questions about For Centuries in the comments and I will try my best to answer!
@Rasebelune: "I was wondering if there are any connections between the sorcery/immortal/vampire world and the more "classic" power structures of this world (that looks a lot like our own)? By that, I mean both very specific things like "are immortals watched by intelligence agencies", but also more general things like "are immortals part of the richest 1%, how do their networks align politically"?"
Thank you so much for your question! It's a very interesting one. I don't want to reveal too much because I'm writing about that in one of the spin-offs I'm working on. But what I can say is that with the evolution of society and technology, very old and very rich immortals and vampires are more and more cautious and stay hidden. Their money mostly comes from objects and real estate, but they generally don't own big international companies and try not to attract attention on themselves. Supernatural networks structures are very archaic and are falling apart. And politically, their goals do not really align with classic contemporary power structures. Right now, they do not try to have any control over the human world, to sum things up. At the time of For Centuries, only the Council still has an importance, but it's very unstable.
Concerning the intelligence agencies, I don't want to say more for now! ;)
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