Chapter 1
Carrying the toddler on her chest, the mother of six tried to usher her children into the van.
Jumping into the drivers seat, she strapped her four year old son in and headed off on their carpool destinations. After dropping the toddlers off at nursery (I'm British sue me UwU) she drive to the public secondary school she taught at and her teens attended. Hopping out the car, by the time she had grabbed her stuff out of the boot, the other children had gone off on their own.
She understood, after all it had not been too long since she had been in secondary herself, and knew the social pressure that came with school. By the time she had thought of most of her 'teenage moments', she had arrived outside her classroom, Lab 5.
It wasn't hard to get a job as a science teacher, after all she had skipped several years, due to... a secret she kept. Don't ask me, after all I'm just the narrator, they don't tell me the spoilers!
After unpacking a new box of pencils (her last batch fell down the back of the couch, never to be seen again), the bell rang and she meant against the door frame, welcoming the seniors that flooded into her room.
"Good morning!" She called, offering pencils to those who did not have them.
"As you most likely know, I'm a new teacher to this school!" She smiled, half the students on their phones or chatting amongst eachother.
"I also have a seating plan on the board now," she continued, smirking slightly as she knew this was something students hated.
As random mutters and groans flooded the room, everyone adjusted to the seating plan, talking across the room to their friends.
"Girls girls, don't be picky," she chuckled at the class, who immediately shut up.
"Anyway~ I'm Miss Glitch, though I will be a Mrs soon!" She smiled, sitting on the edge of her desk and look out at the sea of teenagers, who decided that listening to her was better then getting in trouble.
"I am also a mother, so I know all of your tricks~" she said, motioning to all the people playing on their phones, who swiftly put their devices away.
"Anyway, since the holidays just ended and you don't know anything about me, how about you ask a few questions?" She offered, a few students raising their hands.
She pointed at a short kid in the back. "You don't look old enough to be a mum," the teenager mentioned, everyone else agreeing.
"I had kids rather young, I'd advice against it, as it's really stressful," she admitted, shrugging her shoulders and pointing at a neatly dressed boy in the front row, the most stereotypical nerd in the multiverse.
"How old are your children and how old are you?" He questioned, obviously trying to determine how old she was when she had her children.
"Knock knock."
"Umm... whose there..?"
"Nonya who?"
"Nonya business," she winked, a few chuckles heard around the room, the boy rolling his eyes slightly and retreating to his book.
She pointed at a bottle blonde in the corner, the song revenge party beginning to play through her head. "Are you sure your a she? Well, you don't look it, do you?" She smiled, her voice sweetly laced with poison.
"Thanks for the compliment, heyya!" The young teacher motioned, calling towards the back of the classroom.
The shy boy looked a bit surprised she chose him as literally half the class's hands were up as well.
"U-Umm... c-could we p-play two l-lies and a truth I-instead...?" He stuttered, a few giggles coming from Regina George's group. That wasn't her actual name but it's what she's being called now.
"Sure kid! I'll write it up on the board and you all can hold up your finger to which one you think is true!" She smiled, writing three sentences on the board.
The three sentences were; 'I have a PHD in quantum physics', 'I am in my fourties' and 'Beethoven is my favourite musician."
Most people put up three fingers, some people put two and one person put up one finger, their index finger of course.
"Everyone who put up one finger is correct!" She smirked, winking at the students, who looked shocked.
The game went on until the bell rang, repeating the game all day, she gave a sigh of relief as her last set of students left.
"Thank god..." she muttered, swinging her backpack over her shoulder and head off to her van, she didn't have any extra work after all.
Wandering over to the front door, she heard a ruckus from the cupboard. Making sure it wasn't just some horny teenagers, she knocked on the door.
"You okay in there?" She questioned, opening the door.
Inside was three students, two tying the third one into a chair.
She glared at the bullies, who immediately dashed off.
Producing her keys, she cut the duct tape holding the bullied student down and helped him up.
"You okay kid?" She smied uncertainly, knowing that the school nurses had probably already left.
"J-just a rope burn..." he mumbled, rubbing his wrists.
She looked st his wrists to see a second degree burn growing.
She produced a first aid kit and bandages up hair burns, first of all numbing the pain a bit. Once she had finished they walked out together, heading out the front door anyway.
"MUM! YOU TOOK FOREVER!" She immediately got yelled at the second she stepped through the door, the bullied boy freezing in fright.
"Jayden why," she replied, a slight strictness in her voice, but still not attempting to hide her smile.
"You raised her," her edgelord son chuckled, ruffling his young sister's hair, who kicked him in the shin.
"Hey, whose the kid?" Jayden questioned, noticing the shivering boy.
"Found 'im getting bullied, I will so get detention for the bullies," she thought aloud, crossing her arms.
"Looks petrified," the eldest chuckled, taking a step towards the shivering boy, who then sidestepped behind the scientist.
"That's because you're here, everyone's scared of you and your gayness, gonna make the friggin' frogs gay!" She yelled sarcastically, knowing fine well she was just as gay.
"Our entire family will make the friggin' frogs gay," edgelord McGree muttered, mocking her tone of voice.
Jayden let out a fake offended gasp and giggled. The teacher heard heavy breathing from behind her, and peaked over her shoulder to see the bullied kid shaking, on the verge of a panic attack.
Shushing the other two, she looked down at the kid sadly, who was now having a full blown panic attack, curled into a ball on the floor. She figured it was due to the loud noises.
"Hey kid, calm down..." she said calmly, a motherly tone in her voice, "breathe in, hold it and breathe out." She whispered, beginning to breathe with him.
The two older kids smiled sweetly, knowing what was happening as their younger brother also had extremely high levels of anxiety.
After a bit the kid calmed down.
"Th-t-Thank you m-miss..." he muttered, still shaky but a lot better then he was in his previous state.
"It's okay, what your name kid?" She smirked, tilting her head.
"L-Li-Limbo..." he whispered, only just loud enough for her to hear.
"Shouldn't you be getting home? Your parents must be worried," she smiled gently, helping him up.
He stayed silent and his eyes started tearing up.
"No parents eh? Who do you live with?" She said sweetly as the older kids gave up on waiting and went to pick up their siblings.
"M-myself..." he whispered.
"Well that won't do! You're obviously younger then my youngest teen so you can't even legally own a house! You can come with me if you want?" She offered, Limbo surprised at the offer, "don't worry I won't kill you, I'd suck at killing, I get attached quickly," she smiled, getting a silent giggle from Limbo.
Not too long after, she strapped herself into the driver seat, and Limbo wearily took a seat behind her, not a seat anyone else in her family would use because whoever sat there would have to deal with puns the most. She decided to show mercy on Limbo though.
Pulling up to the nursery, the mother chuckled as she saw her kids playing tag. Winding down her window, she leaned out a bit to call over to them.
"Get in the van!" She called out, getting a few eye rolls as they all got into the van. Her youngest sitting in the booster seat beside her.
"Whose the teenager?" Her second youngest called from behind his twin brother, obviously talking about Limbo, who pulled the hoodie he was wearing tighter around his body.
"He doesn't have parents, lives alone, to young to own a house, I'm taking him home." She said in one breath, getting a subtle sigh from the older twin.
The car was silent aside from the sound of the radio and pages flipping from a book.
"IT'S TOO QUIET!!!!" Jayden yelled from the back, prepared to yell until someone joins her and they can talk.
"aHHHhhH- LOUD NOISES!" The eldest male screamed, laughter erupting from the back.
"No yelling in the car! 20 seconds grounding for you, when will you learn?" The mother smirked, getting a groan from the nerd, a chuckle from the others and silence from Limbo.
Soon they had arrived at their house. Immediately the second eldest dashed into the house, kicking the door open and yelled "WE ARE BACK B****!"
"No swearing in front of children," the mother scolded, ruffling the troublemaker's hair.
Picking up the toddler and opening the door for Limbo, she brought he two into the house and plopped them on the couch.
"Coffee, choco or BT?" She called behind her, getting a mixture of answers.
After making the beverages, she handed them out among the kids and at down on the couch in between the two shy ones, as they were in the opposite sides of the couch.
The loud chatter among the room made the house feel like a home. Limbo slowly but surely began to trust the family, after all they had just invited him in and treated him like on of their own. The hours flew past, and soon the other adult in the household arrived home.
When she entered the living room, she smiled at the sight in front of her.
Laying on the floor were the two eldest, in a deep sleep. Sitting on the beanbag in the corner was her second youngest, who was silently reading A Series Of Unfortunate Events. Pressed up against him was his younger twin, fast asleep and snuggled up into a ball. On the couch she saw her wife asleep, lying on top a boy she had never seen before, but she was used to random kids being in her house now, after all her wife, FC was known by friends and family by being a really good babysitter as she had her way with kids, probably because mentally she still was one.
After piling blankets on her family, she walked up to the middle child's room, she had been off since she was sick. After checking up on her, she changed into some pyjamas and went to sleep, sinking into her mattress, though mind confused as to why there was no other person in the bed.
1981 words! Wozzah!
Anywho, hope you liked this ^w^
If I spelt anything wrong don't be scared to point it out, I suck at spelling and want to get better. I'm also British so Americans, search up what my British words mean, I'm too lazy to do it myself 🤪
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