Something Like That
Something Like That
And I try to refrain but you're stuck in my brain
And all I do is cry and complain because second's not the same...
As Clara paced the floor, hands folded behind her back, Flynn glanced around the gloomy ante-room, not quite sure what the hell was happening, his attention caught by a painting depicting several sheep engrossed in a high stakes card game, making him do a double-take, only for the one playing its ace to wink at him, startling Flynn out of his skin.
"Whagah!" he yelled, leaping backwards, crashing into Clara.
"Whagah what!?" Clara exclaimed, grabbing his arm.
"That sheep just winked at me!"
"Consider it a compliment," Judson said, manifesting from a Ming vase, rather like a genie.
"Do you have a problem with doors!?" Flynn protested, startled out of his skin for a second time.
"No, they have a problem with me," Judson said, turning to Clara. "Have you explained this exotic turn of events to Mr. Carsen, Clara?" he said, folding his hands before him.
Clara just stared at Judson, suddenly wondering how much he knew, and how he knew.
"Wait, you two know each other?" Flynn said, frowning.
"We will know each other," Judson smiled.
"Why didn't you tell me about all this?" Flynn said, rounding on Clara. "You could have given me a heads-up about the flirtatious flock for starters!"
"Don't imply I lied to you," Clara flared up, "because I didn't" -
- "You damn well deceived me!"
"Hey, I never denied having any connection to the Library and the interview letter" -
- "No, but you never admitted to it either" -
- "Because you said we should leave it in the lap of the gods" -
- "You said you were on a sabbatical" -
- "What does it matter, Flynn?" Clara snapped. "You knew all along there was something not quite right, yet here we are. I gave you the chance to kick me to the kerb but you chose not to. Alright, I forced you to attend this interview, and I employed rather economical silences to your questions on occasion, but it was done for your own good."
"For the greater good," Judson chimed in, earning himself a glare.
"You could have just told me the stark truth from the start, Clara," Flynn said tiredly, "rather than execute your Jiminy Cricket impersonation, embroiling me in this frankly insane undertaking" -
- "You wanted an adventure and I bloody gave you one," Clara spat, losing uncharacteristic control of herself.
"Did he really want an adventure?" Judson asked curiously. "Isn't he actually trying to avoid an adventure?"
"Deep down, he wants an adventure," Clara said smartly, "all he needed was a little encouragement."
"More like a heck of a lot of hectoring," Flynn muttered.
"Would you have believed me if I told you from the start about the existence of a magical Library with winking sheep and talking teacups?" Clara demanded, rounding on Flynn this time. "No, you wouldn't have, so excuse me for the aforementioned economical silences. There's a time and a place for sentient swords and apocalyptic otters, and that was most certainly not the right moment to divulge such delightful chicanery."
"You stalked me!" Flynn snapped. "You followed me home!"
"Is any of this relevant anymore?" Judson interjected. "It's just we have a lot to do and Neighbours starts soon."
Flynn just stuck his nose up in the air, Clara folding her arms across her chest, Judson surveying them both with a faintly amused attitude.
"Mr. Carsen," he said, forcing Flynn to face him, "you are about to begin a wondrous adventure from which you will never be the same. Do you think you can be that man?"
"The Librarian?" Flynn hazarded, intrigued despite himself.
"The very same," Judson said, inclining his head.
"Forgive me, but I'm finding it hard to wrap my head around this," Flynn said slowly, "I show up here after a shiny letter shows up at my house, I spout some piffle and then, whoom, I'm some superhero bibliophile?"
"Something like that," Judson said simply.
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