First Rule
First Rule
"Behold Excalibur," Judson said quietly, folding his hands behind his back as the others stepped forth, the silence spinning out for a long moment, almost suffocating.
"It cannot be," Flynn breathed, falling to his knees, his hands clasped almost girlishly before him.
Clara stood there, staring at the Sword in the Stone he was prostrating himself in front of, the world rippling around her. She glanced down at her hands, only to see her fingers stained with blood -
- "Clara," Judson said, grabbing her arm, "close the door on the past. It's over now."
She tore herself out of his grip, turning away as Judson turned to Flynn, who now had tears shining in his eyes, his boyhood obsession with Excalibur finally being fulfilled.
"Only the worthy can release the Sword from the Stone," Judson said to Flynn, glancing worriedly at Clara, "you can try it if you like."
"May I?" Flynn gasped, making to grab the hilt before thinking better of it. "No, no, no," he gabbled, wringing his hands, "I can't."
"Why not?" Judson said, brow furrowing.
"I'm... I'm not exactly worthy," Flynn said, shrinking into himself, "so let's just forget it, okay?" He cast Excalibur one last longing glance before striding ahead, Clara following him, her brogues bouncing across the floor.
"I think you are worthy," Judson called after him, making Flynn freeze, Clara almost crashing into him, "because this is your calling."
"What, I studied my whole life for this?" Flynn said sarcastically, twirling on the spot, reminding Clara of the future Flynn for a moment.
"Yes," Judson said firmly.
Flynn just shook his head before heading over to a large birdcage, peering between the bars at the angry goose squawking within, Clara keeping a careful distance, not liking the look of its beak.
"Flynn," Judson said almost angrily, "look at me."
Flynn picked up several golden eggs, juggling them, reverting back to his usual rebellious behaviour.
"Grow up," Clara snapped, "this isn't the circus."
"It certainly feels like it," Flynn snapped back, setting the golden eggs back down on their red velvet cushion, "and anyways, I for one can't wait to tell my mother about the hoo-ha here you hauled me all the way for" -
- "Cal, no!" Clara screamed as Excalibur suddenly shot through the air, pressing the edge of its blade against Flynn's throat, beginning to draw blood.
"Why are you doing the Limbo?" Judson asked Flynn curiously.
"Hello, flying sword!?" Flynn hissed, nearly bent backwards with trying to avoid the blade.
Before anybody could react, Clara grabbed Excalibur by the hilt, ripping it away from Flynn's throat, holding it aloft with some difficulty, the sword jerking violently in her hand. As she did, an overwhelming sense of relief hit her, like she'd finally faced the bogey-man under the bed, only to find empty air, her fear a figment of her imagination.
"There's nothing like facing your fears, is there?" Judson said lightly, taking Excalibur from her, giving voice to Clara's thoughts.
Clara looked at Judson for a long moment, holding his gaze, before turning to Flynn. "The first rule of the Library is: You do not talk about the Library. The second rule of the Library is: You do not talk about the Library. Savvy?" she said, arching an eyebrow.
"Savvy," Flynn said hoarsely.
I move a little bit closer
For reasons unknown...
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