Chris and Kate goofing around above.
(n.) the joy that fills your heart from meeting someone after a very long time
Standing to give the girls a good look at the full outfit as they squinted at the screen on their FaceTime call, Kiara spun around and watched the layers of ruffles on her high-low hem sway. Her conversation with Chris had sparked a twinge of regret in her heart, leading her to make a spur of the moment decision to just call them and profusely apologise. The girls, of course, immediately shut down her guilt-ridden crusade, choosing to focus on the future than dwell on the past. Everything felt right in the world again and before she knew it, they were gossiping and spilling dirty secrets to one another. They showered her with compliments, admiring the fitted pastel yellow bodice with loose flared sleeves that easily flowed into the A-line skirt.
Holding up a pair of rose gold drop earrings and a pair of silver decor earrings, she raised a brow, "Alright girls, crunch time. Which one?"
Alia softly chirped, "Rose gold," just as Miya and Diana both interjected; "Silver!"
"Majority wins," Kiara laughed at their gloating as she carefully fitted the earrings on.
Deciding to keep things simple, Kiara settled on a dewy light makeup look and paired the outfit with silver sandals, immersed in light conversation with the girls as she got ready. They gave her their seals of approval for the final look and hung up with parting words of wisdom as she blew them kisses and hung up, rushing down to meet Chris before he kicked up a fuss at being late.
The minute Kiara floated down the stairs towards Chris, his breath caught in his throat as he simply gawked and the stunning woman before him. The bright summer dress flowing around her paired with her hair curled in loose waves that framed her face created made her look like the princess she was as a single thought floated around his head– this was the woman he was going to marry. He shook his head, more scared than disturbed that he felt this way but quickly brushed the thought aside before his self-sabotaging ways destroyed one of the few good things he had in his life.
She raised a brow, smirking slightly, "Has anyone ever told you that it's rude to stare?"
Snapping out of his dazed state, he thanked the gods for his quick wit as he retorted, "Yeah but it's complimentary to admire."
"Touché, hero. Touché."
"Now let's get going before my mom whoops both our asses, trouble."
They scrambled into the car as Kiara hurried to grab the neatly wrapped gift she prepared for Chris' mother. She had asked every one of her friends for recommendations on what to get for his mother before eventually deciding to buy a Yankee Candle boxed Christmas set, considering it was nearly that time of the year. He looked over and studied her, noting the nervous tic of rubbing at her wrist and how she kept chewing her lip. She had maintained an uneasy silence the entire drive over and he could instantly tell that she was overthinking everything. Gently reaching over the console to interlace their fingers, rubbing small circles over the back of her hand as he watch the tension slowly leave her body.
Bringing her hand up to his lips, he kissed the back of her hand, "Relax."
She curled up in the passenger seat adorably and sighed as she turned to face him, "I'm really trying, bub."
"I know you are but you don't need to worry. Everyone's going to love you."
"What if they don't?"
They walked up to the cosy two story house along a pebbled path as a few other cars littered the driveway. With Chris placing a reassuring hand on the small of her back and murmuring encouragements in her ear, Kiara built up her confidence as she shakily knocked on the front door. They waited a few seconds, flinching back in surprise as the door flung open to reveal a woman swathed in a navy woven cardigan and loose black linen pants.
Squealing in delight, she lunged forwards and wrapped him in a loving hug, "Oh, my baby's here!"
Blonde hair styled in a layered bob and familiar steel blue eyes, the woman before Kiara looked far too youthful to be Chris' mother but the subtle lines around her face gave away her age. His mother had kind eyes, only strengthening the strange urge to gravitate towards her.
Having finally released him from her hold, his mother turned to Kiara as she politely stuck her out hand in greeting, "Hi, I'm Kiara. It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Capuano."
A beat of uncertainty passed before his mother broke out into a warm grin, "Aren't you just adorable," she opened her arms wide as Kiara melted into her embrace; "Call me Lisa."
They broke apart as Lisa quickly ushered the couple into the house and shot him a pointed look, "Now hurry inside before your brother hogs all the food."
They laughed as an annoyed "Ma!" sounded from somewhere further in the house. Kiara took in her surroundings, marvelling at the sheer comfort and warmth it exuded as Chris huffed a laugh and gently tugged her along. Lisa's home was a kaleidoscope of memories as various photographs adorned the walls, narrating each of her children's stories. She stopped to smile at his baby pictures, cooing at the snot-nosed cherub beaming up at the camera as his blue eyes widened in fascination. He came to stand behind her, broad hand resting on her hip as he instinctively pulled her body to him so her back was pressed firmly against his front. They continued giggling and perusing the framed photos as he reminisced when suddenly, she felt him stiffen.
Every muscle in his body seemed to go rigid as she turned to face him with a frown, "You okay, bub?"
The muscle in his jaw ticked as he gritted his teeth together, "Yeah."
She looked back at the family photo he was glaring at, wondering what about it conjured his anger, "You've never lied to me. Don't start now."
He sighed, "My dad and I don't have the best relationship."
"I gathered that from how little you spoke about him."
"Did I ever tell you why my parents split?"
"No, and don't say anything if you're not comfortable telling me."
Looking down at her, she only saw pure honesty in his eyes as he responded, "I want to."
He inhaled sharply to control his emotions before continuing, "I caught him cheating on my mom when I was eighteen," laughing humourlessly, he clarified; "With his secretary, no less."
She stood on her tiptoes and pressed a sweet kiss on his cheek in comfort, "That's horrible! No child should ever have to see that, regardless of how old you were."
"The cliché fucker didn't even bother to hide it. Just told me to keep this a secret before he continued pounding into her."
"I'm so sorry."
"It's not your fault."
"I know but I wish I could've given you a hug."
A trace of playfulness returned to his demeanour as he coaxed her back against his body, "Don't worry, you can give me one now."
Laughing as she relented and hugged Chris' muscled body into her softer one, Kiara wondered how a parent could be so cruel. No wonder he could barely stand to look at the picture, the sight of his father's smiling face immortalised in a family photo probably triggered all kinds of unwanted memories. Her heart broke for the starry-eyed eighteen year old with an unbearable zest for life and big dreams. She could only imagine the hopelessness he felt and revered at the sheer motivation it would've taken to build back his trust in humanity.
Clasping her hand and moving further into the house, Chris led Kiara out to the backyard as sounds of children's laughter and overzealous conversation grew louder with every step. As soon as they stepped out onto the backyard, Lisa tugged them over to the table as she filled two plates to the brim with various dishes that had Kiara salivating. The delicious smells alone had her stomach rumbling as she introduced herself to everyone before tucking into the feast. His younger siblings, Scott and Shanna, were warm and welcoming much like Lisa whereas Carly gave a slightly colder reception. Being the oldest sibling, her protective nature was understandable so Kiara forgave the frosty welcome.
Where both Scott and Carly possessed the signature Evans charm and steel blue eyes, Shanna was the complete opposite with her brown eyes and slightly more reserved temperament. She sat to the side, curled into her husband's side as they opted to spectate rather than join in while the siblings tried to talk over one another. When they eventually ran out of topics to discuss, Scott and Chris jogged off to greet their niece and nephews. He quickly pecked Kiara's forehead before following his brother as they ran over to join the children in aggravating their father. Turning to watch, she laughed as Carly's husband scrambled to reign in their three children who were now frantically running away from their uncles.
Carly slid into a seat close by and smiled as she observed her husband, "I swear my kids are normal when Chris and Scott don't activate their hyperactive states."
Angling her head to face Carly, Kiara snorted, "I can believe that."
"So what are your intentions with my brother?"
She couldn't tell if Carly was being serious or not so took the safer option and answered seriously, "To love him with every fibre of my being."
"Even when he doesn't want you to?"
"Especially then."
"Because for some reason, he has this idea in his head that he isn't deserving of love. I aim to change that."
Softening up significantly, Carly nudged her shoulder, "I knew I liked you."
As soon as Chris left, his sisters and mother spent the next half an hour interrogating Kiara on every possible aspect of her life. Seeming satisfied with her answers, Kiara finally calmed as they warmed up to her and started opening up. The remainder of the afternoon continued in a much more relaxed fashion as she gossiped with his sisters while Lisa fussed over everyone. Brown pigtails flopping with each angry step, his niece trudged over and plopped herself into the seat beside Kiara as she grumbled under breath about how much she hated boys. Clearly frustrated with her brothers for constantly teaming up and irritated at her mother for babying her, she swatted Carly's hands away as she tucked a paper napkin into her shirt and slid a plate of mini hotdogs over before moving to help Lisa.
Feeling sympathetic for the kid, Kiara stuck her hand out and introduced herself, "Kiara, fellow boy-hater. Who might you be, gorgeous?"
The girl grinned, showing off her missing tooth as she shook Kiara's hand, "Kate, also a boy-hater."
Squeezing out some ketchup and mustard onto her hot dogs, Kate took a bite and blushed profusely as the condiments inevitably smeared across her cheeks. Looking around in panic, she hid her head in embarrassment when she noticed Kiara had seen the debacle. Making her own paper bib and sticking it in the front of her dress, Kiara winked as the girl giggled at her antics and procured her own plate of food. She scarfed down a few bites, purposefully getting mustard all over her face to make Kate feel better.
Gaping at Kiara, she exclaimed, "You're so messy!"
Grinning from ear to ear, Kiara agreed, "Why, yes I am."
They were getting along fine when she swiftly all lost interest in Kiara as she looked across the garden and bellowed, "Uncle Chris!"
Climbing down from her seat, Kate ran towards Chris excitedly as he lifted his niece high above his head. She screeched in excitement as he positioned her on his shoulders and carried her back to her seat before gently letting her down. His face was soft and open as he watched her happily munch away at her food with a wide smile plastered across her face. Suddenly feeling immensely attracted to him, Kiara beamed at him as she walked up and wrapped her arms around his waist. He grinned down at her and reached over to wipe something off her cheek.
Her cheeks tinged pink as she sheepishly guessed, "Mustard?"
Shaking his head in disbelief, he laughed, "Yeah."
They looked at each other, unable to break eye contact as their surroundings crackled with electricity. Each breath felt much deeper as the air around them thickened but Chris kept his hand on Kiara's cheek, caressing the smooth skin as he bent to kiss her.
Lips barely brushing hers, they were rudely interrupted as Lisa gasped, "Oh gosh! I forgot the dessert!"
Stifling her laugh at his annoyance, Kiara pushed away, "I should help your mother."
"You do that," was his flustered response.
Lisa watched as Kiara shuffled past her towards the kitchen before pulling him aside, "You did good this time. I love her."
"I know."
"Good, then make sure you don't fuck it up."
Laughing as she walked away, Lisa led the way while Kiara followed her into the kitchen to help prepare the apple pie resting in the oven. Setting the pie on the counter as the heavenly scent of apples, vanilla and cinnamon enticed her, Kiara looked around in confusion for a knife.
Lisa pointed at a drawer, "Knives are over there, honey."
Sagging in relief, she moved to grab a cutting knife, "Thank you!"
They worked together as Kiara prepared the apple pie and Lisa prepared her famous peach iced tea. Shanna and Carly walked in juggling stacks of used plates and unceremoniously dumped them into the kitchen sink as Lisa almost immediately chided them at the ruckus they caused. Having felt slightly homesick for her own family, Kiara couldn't have been more thankful that Chris' family had been so welcoming of her. It lessened that ache in her heart a little to feel like she was part of their family.
By the time everything was winding down, it was already well into the evening as Lisa begrudgingly ushered them to the door. Making Kiara guarantee another visit, she pulled the couple into a bone-crushing hug as she bid them farewell. Having exchanged contact details with everyone, Kiara promised to keep in touch as they slid into his car. Driving away, she couldn't help but grin widely as Chris watched her and wondered how on Earth he had managed to land such an amazing woman. He could get used to this view– her beaming up at him, dimples on show as the sun set behind her and cast a golden glow against her olive skin. God he was so whipped for this woman, she didn't even know the half of it.
Taking a detour off the normal route back home, Chris drove them to stop at a grassy clearing as he took Kiara by the hand and led her over a few rocky hills to higher ground. From this point, she could feel the cool sea breeze against her skin and make out the faint outline of skyscrapers against the coastline. He moved to sit on top of a flat rock as she settled beside him.
Cautious of his sudden pensive mood, she asked, "Where are we?"
He smiled wistfully, "I used to come here as a kid when I wanted some time alone."
"I can see why, everything feels so peaceful up here."
"I've never brought anyone else here."
Pausing to gauge his mood, she spoke softly, "Thank you for bringing me."
They remained like this in silence for a while, simply enjoying each other's company. Every time this happened, Kiara found herself astounded at Chris' ability to make her feel at ease. She might never stop being astonished at how easily the urge to fill silences with insipid chatter seemed to fade away in his presence.
Chuckling to himself, he started, "You know what I realised?"
She lifted her head from his shoulder, "What?"
"You're not like anyone I've ever dated before."
"What does that mean?," she nuzzled into the crook of his neck, flinging her arms around him; "you're taking me to that bougie restaurant we drove by as a reward?" He snorted, "Oh no, no, no. Maybe I would've before I realised you're a McMeal kind of woman."
Gasping scandalously, she quipped, "That is an outrageous accusation, Mr. Evans."
"How does a hot, sexy dinner date at Wendy's sound?"
"Make it In-N-Out and you've got a deal. They've got chocolate shakes and animal fries."
She slapped the back of his head before he said whatever sexual innuendo came to his mind so he joked, "Classy girl. I bet you still put out afterwards."
"Damn right I do. I'm only using you for your body, Evans."
"And the money. Don't forget the money, trouble."
"Nope I make my own money, thank you very much."
"Clout then?"
"Definitely clout."
Kiara planted a kiss on Chris' jaw and he beamed like an idiot, loving how in tune they were with one another. Most women would take offence to his humour but she took it in stride, giving it back just as hard as she got. She understood him like no one else, so much so that it scared him. The speed with which he had grown attached to her and this new uncharted territory he was thrown into absolutely terrified him but anything was better than being without her.
Oof does anyone feel like things are going a little too well right now?
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