08. aquarium
April 18th
Aurora Marshall went suddenly from streaming three times a week to everyday since the QSMP server started, mostly because of how fun it was to interact with others, and more now that on the 3rd of April, a group of eggs were introduced as a media of forcing in a way the communication between English speaking players and Spanish speaking players despite the language barrier, everyone had an egg except for Aurora, but it wasn't really explained why
Two weeks later, Aurora was considered Dapper's mom after the egg told her in a sign she was like his mother figure, since then Bad and Rory started co-parenting one of the most chaotic eggs
The redhead woman did her running routine on her foldable treadmill and then started to make breakfast, Foolish was summoned soon after by the smell of blueberry pancakes
Foolish made his way to the kitchen, with that characteristic upbeat demeanor, the delicious smell of pancakes and blueberries filling his nostrils. He saw Aurora standing by the stove, flipping pancakes with a confident skill.
-Morning- he greeted, rubbing his eyes -Pancakes? Those smell amazing
-I also made coffee for everyone- Aurora says, putting some pancakes on a plate -But I know only you and I wake up at a reasonable hour
The dark brunette man chuckled, walking over to the counter and grabbing a coffee mug -True, the others usually sleep in late, especially Tina- he says, pouring himself some coffee -But I don't mind waking up early if it means having pancakes like these for breakfast
She smiled at his comment, giving him a plate of three blueberry pancakes, Aurora sat down on the kitchen counter stools next to Foolish, expecting his reaction.
The dark haired man took a bite of the pancakes and couldn't help but let out a satisfied hum -These are really good, like always- he says
-Thank you- Aurora says -So, um...I was thinking... Can we go to the aquarium of the Pacific in long beach
- Aurora saw the expression in Foolish's face already eager to go out
-Hmm- Foolish pondered thoughtfully, taking another bite of his pancakes -Sure, why not? it's a nice day, we could enjoy the sunshine and some fresh air
-Oh! How fun!- Aurora beamed, tying up her laces -And maybe we can stop by that cute little cafe on the way back, I've been craving a matcha latte
-Matcha? You spend too much time with Tina- Foolish chuckles, finishing his stack of pancakes
Aurora laughs, agreeing with him -I guess being friends with Tina has rubbed off on me a bit- she says, rinsing off their dishes -Do you think something has rubbed off on me from you?
Foolish pondered for a moment, his eyes studying her intently -Hmm, I think you've become a bit more carefree and spontaneous since we've become friends- he says with a smile -I mean that in a good way, of course
-Do you really think I'm more carefree?- Aurora whispers
Noah Brown smiles, leaning on the counter of the kitchen as he sips his coffee -Yeah, I do, you used to be so organized and maybe a little closed off all the time when we met, always worrying about everything. But now, you seem more relaxed, like you're letting go and enjoying the moment a bit more- He paused for a moment -I also see you laugh more often now- he adds, his eyes gleaming
-That's only because of you- Aurora says, smiling at him
He feels a pang of warmth in his chest at her words -Oh yeah? Only because of me?- he teases, raising an eyebrow -Don't credit me for all your changes, princess
-I am not giving you all the credit, just laying out facts- Aurora says, trying to ignore the very much real fact that he called her princess -So, let's go
Foolish laughs briefly again at her response -Alright, alright, I'll take partial credit then- he says, raising his hands in mock surrender
Aurora went back into her room to take her pajamas and getting dressed into bell bottom jeans and a long sleeved shirt, joining Foolish back in the living room, where he was putting on his sneakers
-I'd like to leave preferably before everyone wakes up- The redhead woman says
-Sure, that sounds good to me- Foolish says, taking Aurora's car keys, knowing he'll have to drive because she doesn't like it -So, what do you want to listen to in the car? Music or podcasts?
-I think you already know- Aurora says as she's putting on lip oil
Foolish laughs as he starts the engine -So you want to listen to your emo bands- he teases
-Not quite- She laughed, putting on the 1989 album by Taylor Swift
-Oh, so we're going a little pop here? Well, I can't complain, Taylor is good- Foolish says as he starts driving
-She is!- Aurora says, excited and also happy that he wasn't one of those guy that hate on Taylor Swift for everything, for nothing nad for breathing
As the scenery changed from houses to more beachy, less populated area, This Love by Taylor playing as background noise came on, Aurora started humming to the song, then murmuring the lyrics, she loved singing even if she doesn't do in front of others, just then she started to sing a little louder
He smiles as he hears Aurora singing along to the song. He thinks she's cute when she does that -You have a nice voice- he says, glancing at her from the corner of his eye
Aurora Marshall couldn't help but blush, a light rosy color covered the apple of her cheeks
-Thank you, Foosh- Aurora whispers
Foolish grins. He enjoys being able to make her blush. -How long have you known that you can sing?- He asks, still looking at the road
-Since forever, I was in theater club and choir when I was younger, I also did piano on Saturdays and in my teens I picked up the guitar- Aurora says, overachiever at best
-That explains why you're so well-spoken. And talented.- Foolish teases -You do way too many things.
-Took the Barbie slogan too literally- She responded, letting out a chuckle
Foolish laughs. -So you're basically Barbie- He replies, a bit jokingly but also somewhat genuinely-You're good at everything, he glances over at her as he drives. -How are you not some kind of perfect human being?- He asks, jokingly
-Because I'm not perfect- The redhead woman whispers
-I beg to differ.- Foolish says, shaking his head in a "no" motion -You're pretty close
-Oookay, I'll stop fighting it- Aurora says, as Foolish stops by the parking lot of the aquarium
-B6, remember, we left the car at B6- Foolish says, trying to remind himself too
Aurora Marshall held onto his arm, a gesture done by her multiple times, to not get lost, walking into the crowded building
Foolish took Aurora by the hand, a recent action that he did when she grabs his arm, and led her to a spot near the aquarium. -We'll get our tickets once over there.- He says, pointing over at the ticket booth
Once they got their tickets, they entered the building, the first thing to caught Aurora's attention was a life sized whale sculpture hanging from the ceiling, then various hallway like entrances where the marine life was in exhibition
The couple of friends walked through the Aquarium of the Pacific, seeing few species of sharks, jellyfish, the tropical fish and various kinds of fish
Her dark haired friend laughs -You really love sea otters, don't you?- He says as she starts walking towards the otter exhibit.
-And penguins, did you know that male penguins give their lady a pebble, much like a proposal- Aurora says, already dropping some facts -Also they spend the majority of their life with one partner
He smiles, thinking that's a pretty impressive fact and he's a bit impressed by her knowledge. -Wow, I knew about the pebble thing but I didn't know they were so loyal to each other- he says, looking at the exhibit.
-It's so cute- Aurora says, as they get closer to the habitat of the otters
Foolish smiles, watching the otters playing and swimming around. -Yeah, the way they hold hands is adorable- He looks at Aurora
-They do that to not get separated in the water, especially while they are asleep- The redhead woman stated, she was happy to be there with him and to be heard
The brown eyed man raises his eyebrows -No way! Now that's really cute- He says, thinking about the otters holding their hands to sleep.
Aurora lifted their hands that were still joined -Like us, since I have quite the record of getting lost in big crowds
He laughs -I'm always happy to hold your hand so you don't get lost.- He smiles and squeezes her hand.
Those exact words made Aurora have that fluttery feeling she has been having since the start of the year
Over the years before she met him, the redhead woman felt so invisible, like everyting she did was not seen and acknowledged, that lead her to excell in every single thing she did for validation
Her family life used to be decent, her family wasn't toxic, and they all had a good relationship with each other until her parents divorced, her dad left soon after the papers were signed, her mother opened an art gallery, thing she wanted to do since she got married
Her big brother and sister were supportive but they had their own life, her brother was busy with football practice in highschool and Claudia having fun with her friends
Which lead to a very lonely Aurora
She never felt more seen and understood in her life but made Foolish her feel that way.
The two friends started walking to the car, Aurora got distracted by the gift shop, more focused in all the stuffed animals than not colliding with others in her way, Foolish placed his hand on her upper back, guiding her gently towards the vehicle, once they were inside and on the road back to the roomie's house, Aurora decided to post a photo dump on their adventure
Rorymarsh I asked and @Foolish_gamers delivered 🥺
❤️ Itsvalkyrae and 143k more liked this post
LovelyRory I smell romance from here
Tinakitten That's where you two went
Rorymarsh Touching grass (kind of)
Ellum It still surprises me you guys are not together already
Rorymarsh What do you mean? I'm with him right now
Tealover Best friendship ever
Kkatamina Even Nabi sees the chemistry there
Foolish_gamers Always happy to serve
A/N: it took me years to finish this chapter:(
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