Serial Killer
"Here you go" I said guiltily placing Andy's clothes back to him. He glanced down at them skeptically before his nose scrunched up and he held them as far from his body as possible.
"Oh god, Valicity what did you do?!" scruncing up my mouth and narrowed my eyes in thought and pushed my pointer fingers together as I thought of what to say. Sighing I dropped my act and looked him straight in the eyes making him widen his in surprise.
"Evil bitch Barbie struck hard today. She plays a tough game but it only make me want to play harder." I said with steel in my voice. Andy didn't say anything he just nodded and glanced down at his stained gym clothes.
"Give her hell Val" he said before walking away and tossed the clothes in the trash without a second thought and turned back at me with a smile.
"Come with me babe"
I frowned at this,
"Why? What are you up to?"
"Oh nothing just keep that pretty mouth of yours shut and follow me like a good girl okay" all the while he had this creepy gentle looking expression and smile.
"That's serial killer talk Andy" I stuttered backing away from him.
"Never mind that, lets just go" he hushed me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and dragging me along with him. I struggled but he was pretty strong for a skinny emo kid.
We walked to the parking lot till we stood in front of a Mustang, and not any Mustang, but this years newest design!
"Are we finally crossing into delinquency and becoming car thieves?" I asked with a sparkle in my eyes. "I'm so down to go to jail!"
Andy suddenly let out the most obnoxious and fake laugh I'd ever heard.
"You're so funny Val" reaching in his pocket he pulled out a pair of keys and the car beeped.
"You stole those keys didn't you" I gave him a devious smirk.
"Yep, from my parents, by asking them." He returned the smirk and opened his door and climbed in.
No freaking way!
Quickly I threw open the passenger side door, practically melting into the bucket seat and sighed in bliss.
"I can't believe your parents are this cool to let you take a brand new car to school! When did they get this, yesterday?!" Andy chuckled, shaking his head at my excitement.
"Hey, Valicity?" Andy said quietly while I was busy messing with ever button on the console and petting the dash and every other part of the car I could reach around me.
"Yeah?" I answered distractedly.
"If my clothes had been trashed before you could put them on, where did you get the ones your wearing?"
I stopped molesting the stick then and glanced down at myself. I was dressed in a black designer tee with some random picture on it and a pair of oversized jeans held up by a belt. It brought me back to earlier when I was digging in the trash for my clothes and Mr. Michaels had taken some sort of pity on me.
Kneeling down he picked up my putrid clothes from the floor.
"Come with me, let's get you dressed." At a loss for words I couldn't do anything but follow him. Walking silently behind him down the halls he opened the door to his classroom and held it for me. I paused frozen, he wasn't planning on showing me off to his students like this was he!? When he realized that I wasn't moving he glance back at me with a frown before it cleared.
"Oh don't worry, I have a free period today, so no students." Reaching up I gripped my towel tighter in my hands and shook of this stupid nervousness. Who cares if I was naked under this thin material. We're all the same under clothes being ashamed of that was dumb. Just because he was attractive didn't mean sh*t. Damn society and there judgmental views on nudity... okay now I'm just babbling.
Ugh, get it to gether Val!
Dropping my hand down I marched in the room but all my forced confidence left when the door closed behind me leaving the both of us alone in the classroom, 'together'. Suddenly the large class seemed to shrink. Mr. Michael's shoes echoed in my ears as he walked closer behind me. My breath hitched when they seemed to be inches from me. I turned quickly, my mouth open to spew some insults at him for thinking he could take advantage of me when I noticed that he walked right past me without a glance, placing my dirty clothes down on his desk and bend down behind the furniture.
I closed my mouth as I watched him rummage through his drawer before coming up with a pile of clothes.
"I know they might be big on you but I don't have any gym clothes for you." He said handing me the articles. I took them wordlessly.
"Why do you have spare clothes in your desk?" I asked gazing up at him with curiosity. He shrugged with a small smile.
"I don't like my work clothes smelling like exhaust fumes." This caused me to frown and he laughed.
"I drive a motorcycle to work" he explained. My mouth formed a perfect O as I understood.
"Well I'm gunna go to the teachers office now, hurry and get dressed." With a red tint on his cheeks, he turned and left quickly.
~End of flashback~
I wiggled my toes in my boots, that I had to wash the grime off in the girls bathroom, and looked back at Andy.
"Mr. Michael's lent them to me" I answered honestly. Andy had no reaction as he started the car
"Where are you taking me Andy?" he turned to me with a smile.
"You'll see."
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