I seriously needed to find a shower!
If I have to go one more day in these clothes I'm going to go lady Godiva minus the horse on everyone's poor unrespecting eyes. Sorry children.
I arrived at school feeling stale and achy from the park bench.
"Hey girly" Andy said from behind me.
I turned to him slowly and a thought occurred to me.
"Oh Andy dreariest," I smiled at him sweetly and his smile dropped as he backed away.
"What do you want?" he asked anxiously.
"Oh nothing, I just wanted to know if you had any clean gym clothes."
He frowned at me,
"Yeah, I just washed them last night, I have a physical test of some sort today." He said as we started to walk into the school.
"Can you be an amazing person and let me have them?" we were by my locker now.
His frown deepened,
"Why-" I reached out to put my finger up to his lips and shushed him softly.
"No questions, just clothes" I whispered seductively.
From his face I guess my attempt at being sexy wasn't really working; he seemed to be immune to my charms.
Slowly he reached into his bag and pulled out a large grey t-shirt with the schools logo and a pair of black sweat pants.
"You do know that if I show up undressed I get marked down a grade." He said holding the clothes to me, I barley heard him as I stared at them.
"Is that important to you?" I asked glancing up at him and he just smiled and put them in my hands.
"Nah, I hate gym anyway" the moment I held them I felt warmth in my chest that I just want to kiss the guy but I held back, that would just be weird.
"Thank you" my voice suddenly too hard to use
"No problem" he said shaking his head.
"See you in class" with that I ran to the girls locker rooms.
I was finishing up my shower with some girls body wash I stole and rinsed myself off. I dried my long hair with the towel first before wrapping it around my body. I'm pretty sure I wasted my first period as I enjoying the best shower of my life but hey who needs history?
I walked out of the showers towards the lockers where I left Andy's gym clothes on the benches when I came to an abrupt stop. Nothing was on the bench, the new clothes or dirty.
"The f**k" I breathed. I bent down to see if there was anything under the bench hoping it fell but no, nothing.
Now I was starting to freak out.
Why were my clothes gone! I didn't even hear anyone come in.
Nervously I walked the whole locker room pleading to whatever higher beings out there that my clothes were thrown out of the way in the corner somewhere but my sinking stomach was a sure sign I was screwed. My fear was quickly turning to anger,
I don't know who did this but someone's about to get there face beat in.
I growled as all self-conscious insecurities were melted away by my boiling blood and I found myself marching out of the locker rooms and into the hallways in nothing but a thin towel that came up to my thighs. I could feel my heavy wet hair slapping against my back.
And just my luck the bell rung for end of first period.
I gritted my teeth and kept my fuming expression on my face as students filed out of class only to stop and stare at me in amazement or surprise. I heard a few cat calls and lewd expressions voiced my way as I stomped the hallways.
Yep someone was definitely going to be disfigured when I was done with them.
"Wow who knew we had such and attention whore in the school. Why don't you take that on the block honey." The familiar high cringe-worthy voice reached my ears and I stopped instantly to turn towards her. I could see she was trying to cover up her black eye with concealer but it was looking pathetic.
"You look cold" she snickered with her friends as they laughed behind her.
I walked up to her slowly and revealed in the moment that she flinched with my proximity.
"How about I give you a matching set for you to poorly cover up Barbie" I snarled at her as I lifted my fist and she side stepped away.
"If you touch me again I'll sue your parents for everything they're worth bitch, which won't be much from how trashy you are." She sneered.
"Try and see if I care" I warned her with a deadly glare and I saw her swallow.
"What is going on here?" I closed my eyes and controlled the urge to roll them. God this guy was a broken record wasn't he. The halls were loud with the murmurs of giant groups of talking students.
The bell rung once more but no one moved as they were too preoccupied with stared at me. Mr. Michael's paused as I opened my eyes and watched him look away from us and towards the group of people ogling.
"Get to class" he ordered and instantly everyone rushed off but I could see all the males eyes were still locked on me with their head turning in odd directions as they moved. I rolled my eyes this time. Seriously they were going to break their necks.
Movement in front of me caught my attention as bitch Barbie and her friends escaped but she gave me one more nasty glare.
"Good luck finding your disgusting clothes, maybe you should check in the dumpster, it is where you belong." She laughed and strutted off.
I'm pretty sure my vision turned red as I went to lung at her when an arm came around my chest to hold me back.
"Miss Jamison!" Mr. Michaels exclaimed through his teeth as he struggled to stop me.
"Ugh!" I screamed at the fleeting back of that evil Barbie and stopped since it was useless against his strength.
I was heaving roughly as I was dying to tackle that bitch to the ground and do as I said I would. How could she humiliate me like this?
My anger was making me blind to the fact that Mr. Michaels was practically holding up my towel in the struggle but I don't think he knew that though. My back was flat against his hard chest and I felt a blush slowly rising in my cheeks as I could feel his groin pressing into my barley covered bottom. His hand was just over the top of my breast where my towel was tucked and I felt the material moving down.
When he went to move away finally understanding the inappropriate situation we both were in but I quickly stopped him by holding his hand back down over the top of my breast.
"Miss Jamison" he exclaimed trying to pull his hand away but I tightened down on his fingers.
"If you move you're going to be seeing a lot more that legs and shoulders, teach." I bit my bottom lip as my humiliation reached sky high.
God, why me!
He quit struggling right away and stood still till I could get my towel tightened.
"Alright you can let go." I breathed.
I turned to face him now as confidently as I could even though I wanted to run and hide under a rock.
"Alright," I heard his sigh and step away from me, keeping his gaze on anywhere else but me. "Why are you naked Miss Jamison?"
I looked at up at him just noticing he was pretty damn tall. He was a good seven or eight inches taller than my 5'7. He was staring down at me with such clear grey eyes I'm sure I could see my own reflection.
I was starting feel way to uncomfortable in front of him and quickly walked away heading for the back door ignoring his stupid question. Did he now hear that skank say where my clothes were?
"Hey, Miss Jamison!" he called after me as I rushed outside.
I held tight to my protective shield and marched over towards the huge smelly dumpster throwing the metal doors open. I shuddered with disgust as I climbed up and leant over the edge peeking inside to see the rotten food and discarded papers
"What are you doing?" Mr. Michaels said behind me in confusion. I sighed in annoyance,
"Do you know any other words?" I forced out roughly as the edge of the dumpster pressed into my stomach painfully.
I picked up a printer paper box and started to scoot things out of the way till I finally found my clothes and Andy's gym clothes along with my boots covered in putrid mystery sauce. Growling with renewed anger I grabbed them, threw them to the ground and jumped down. I turned to see that Mr. Michaels face was slightly red as he looked away from me and averted his eyes down to the ground where my clothes were and slowly a frown formed on his face.
I bent down to pick them up be he reached out to stop me with his hand on my shoulder. Without a word he knelt down and grabbed my dirty clothes and shoes.
He looked back at me as he straightened and I saw an expression that I wasn't used to seeing on other people's faces.
"Come with me Miss Jamison, let's get you dressed" his voice was gentle as he turned away and headed back into the school. Glancing up towards the sky I sighed having no chose but to follow him.
Barbie bitch was so going look like a bratz doll when I'm through with her. Swollen and deformed.
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