06. The Invitation
"Turn to page one-hundred twenty-two in your textbooks." Ms. Miller, our over-enthusiastic chemistry teacher announced, "With this, you'll use it as a guide to complete your work!"
With hushed groans, everyone started flipping the pages of their books.
I know that some students would pretend to read and use this as an opportunity to go on their phones without the teacher noticing. Unlike them, I'm going to use this as an opportunity to complete my work and get a decent grade.
"Is this for a grade?" Landon Archer proposed.
The teacher rolled her eyes, unamused. "Yes, it is!"
That was a question often asked in this class. I would be irritated, too. Answering the same question repeatedly is irritating.
Bianca Stewart asked. "Can we work together as partners?"
"Okay, you all can work in partners on this one. You can work with the person next to you or alone." the teacher sorted through her papers.
A lot of faces lit up, except mine.
I'd love to work together with some friends, but it turns out, I don't have any in this class. At least, ones I'm close enough with. Who in this classroom would I work with if I don't have anybody? Lucky for the popular students, they have lots of choices.
Overall, I want to work by myself. One reason is that I don't have anybody to work with. But the main reason is that I don't want to work with the "stinky kid" of the class. I don't want to accidentally absorb the odor onto me. Don't get me wrong. My surroundings smelled like PE class.
It doesn't really matter if I have to work alone on this assignment. I'm used to this, especially since this happens a lot. At least, I think I'm used to this.
* * *
After a few long hours of sitting in more dreadful classes, my last class has arrived. I'm in Ms. Davis' classroom, dreadfully awaiting our substitute teacher to give us our assignment.
"I'm exhausted!" I frowned, resting my head on my desk.
"Maybe you should sleep at night instead of staying up to read books. Or else, you'll be more fatigued than today." Lizzie chuckled, putting an arm around my shoulder.
"I guess..." I sighed, doodling on my notebook.
After that, everyone in the class started babbling with each other. They probably don't plan on starting their assignment anytime soon, take it from me. The last time I had a substitute was in Ms. Miller's class. We had bookwork to do that day. The next day, when our teacher was back, only five students ended up doing the work on time, including me.
The others ended up getting ten points off of their grade, which is sad.
"Do you have any plans for after school today?" Lizzie questioned, adjusting her glasses.
"I do. Today, I'm going to help Millicent and Mercedes study for History class." I replied, picking up my pencil.
"Really?" Lizzie raised an eyebrow, "Since when do they need help with studying? I thought they were doing fine in history class."
"How do you know that?" I asked, tapping my chin in thought.
"Last month, I overheard those two bragging about the good grade they got on our last exam." She shrugged.
"Well, I'm sure they want to keep up the good work!" I declared, "I'm sure it isn't much. After all, they seem like great people!"
"If you say so." Lizzie picked up her pencil, "Did anything interesting happen to you today?"
"Now that you mentioned it, yes! It's all about Tyler!" I sunk into my chair, "I accidentally tripped on the floor and he helped me up."
"Really?" she smirked, "Tell me all about it!"
I sighed. "When I approached the stairs, I saw Tyler standing there. I tried to make a huge impression. I started to walk down the steps but when I got onto the last step, I accidentally tripped and fell onto the dirty floor!"
"What happened next?" Lizzie questioned sympathetically.
"He rushed down the stairs to see if I was okay. I let him help me up with my hand. That's the greatest moment I had with Tyler, and only him alone! What does this mean?" I asked, sipping my spring water.
She tapped her chin in thought. "Well, it was only one thing. You fell on accident. Since Tyler was there, the nicest thing he could do was to see if you were okay and help you up. It would be rude if he just walked away."
"You're right!" I agreed, glancing across the classroom.
"I know I am!" she smiled, "Now, we should get started on our work. Let's work together!"
* * *
After class was over, the school bell rang shrilly, signalizing that it's time to go home. Everyone immediately jumped out of their chairs, eager to go home.
"School's over!" I simpered, shoving my supplies in my backpack.
"I can't wait to get home!" Lizzie agreed, getting up from her chair.
Taking my phone out of my pocket, I powered it on. Instantly, I saw an unread text message from Millicent. It was sent about thirty minutes ago.
Millicent: Don't forget that we're meeting at my house to study.
Me: I won't forget. I'll be outside in a few minutes. My class just got dismissed.
Millicent: I understand. In the meantime, we'll be waiting for you.
Putting my phone in my pocket, I grabbed my backpack off the floor and glanced at Lizzie.
"Well, I have to go, Lizzie!" I stated, smiling, "See you tomorrow!"
"Bye!" She waved, adjusting her glasses.
I rushed out of the classroom in a hurry, passing crowds of students who walked leisurely. I hurried outside, where many students were, waiting for their rides home. Millicent and Mercedes were at a bench huddling together.
"Hi! I'm here!" I approached them, smiling warmly.
"Hey! My mom will be here soon to pick us up! Thanks for coming!" Millicent grinned, making room for me to sit.
"No problem!" I gushed, taking a seat, "What's the address to your house? I need to know my brother can pick me up after we study."
"Your brother is coming to pick you up? That's cool!" She raved, "I'll text you my address!"
Soon enough, I received a text message from Millicent. I forwarded it to my brother, who replied spontaneously. He said that he'd pick me up in an hour after his basketball practice, which is good. I don't want to end up walking all the way home or asking Millicent's mom for a ride. I'm sure that she's a very industrious person.
A few minutes later, I saw a shiny, expensive-looking car that pulled up at the curbside of the sidewalk. The window of the passenger seat went down, revealing a woman. She had a large sunhat over her head, covering her blonde, medium-sized hair.
"My mom is here! Let's go!" Millicent motioned us to the car.
She sat in the passenger seat, while Mercedes and I sat at the back. I fastened my seat belt, waiting to be driven to Millicent's house.
"Hello, girls! How was your day at school?" Millicent's mom questioned, adjusting her designer sunglasses.
"Good." The three of us answered in unison.
"That's great!" She stared back at me, sipping her ice-cold smoothie, "You must be Roselynn."
"You know me?" I asked, astonished.
"I know your mother. I'm her boss, Ms. Gianna Campbell," She clarified, grinning, "We're great friends."
I didn't know that my mom knew Millicent's mom. And even more that they're friends. I learn new things every day. Not all of them are from my teachers at school.
"Oh, okay! Thank you for giving me a ride." I acknowledged, holding my hands together.
"You're welcome, hon!" She started driving.
Millicent's mom seems genuine. Since we entered this car, I felt greatly embraced. From her large smile to her friendly behavior, her daughter must be nice, too, right?
"Do you have any homework today, Millicent?" Ms. Campbell parked the car at their driveway.
The blonde stares at her phone. "I do. I have to practice my French work, finish up my essay for my English, and study for chemistry."
"Alright, I see." Ms. Campbell said, answering a phone call.
After a few minutes, we pulled up at a driveway. The house that stood firmly against the blue sky looked beautiful and welcome. It was larger than I expected it to be. We made our departure from the car to inside the house. Ms. Campbell opened the door with her keys. At that exact moment, it revealed inside of the beautiful home.
It was impressive, vast, and well-furnished. It looked like something you'd see in a home magazine. The Campbell's do know how to impress me.
"I love your bedroom, Millicent." I admired, setting my backpack on the floor.
"Thank you!" Millicent beamed, taking out her notebook, "I have a quick question. How old is your older brother?"
"He's eighteen and will be graduating soon," I responded, flipping the pages of my history textbook.
I thought that we were going to study, not talk about my brother. Maybe they just want to get to know about me, or in this case, Rafael. I wonder why they're asking these questions.
"Really? That's cool!" Mercedes raved, peering at her textbook.
"I can't wait to meet him!" Millicent said, pulling something out of her backpack.
It appeared to be an envelope with glistening decorations on it. They glimmered in her hands. I think I saw the same thing at the mall for about forty dollars each. Overall, they're very pricey. I don't think I could buy even five of those.
"Here!" She beamed, handing me an invitation, "My birthday is coming up soon. So, I decided to invite you, along with your brother."
"Really? Gosh, thank you so much for the invitation. Can my friends come too?" I gushed, gazing at the invitation.
"Yeah, sure they could come!" She replied, shrugging.
"Great!" I continued to look at the invite.
I'm trying to contain every ounce of excitement inside of me. For my entire life, I never got invited to cool parties like these. I'm surprised that Millicent did. Especially considering that she's one of the most popular girls in the tenth grade.
* * *
I heard the loud doorbell ring. It turned out to be Rafael at the door. Time flew by fast. We weren't studying the entire time. We were talking about my older brother. It's strange. Millicent invited me to her house to study, not to talk. But, it's fine, I guess.
"Hi!" She grinned, flipping her hair, "I'm Millicent!"
"I'm Rafael! It's nice to meet you!" He chuckled, glimpsing at the floor.
"It's nice to meet you, too!" She giggled, curling a strand of her hair, "My birthday is coming up soon and I'm having a party. I'd love it if you'd come!"
"Thanks for inviting me! Can I bring a friend along?" He questioned, waiting for an answer.
"Yes, of course!" She winked, smiling bigger than ever.
Millicent and Mercedes acted so strangely today. First, it was not having anyone at their lunch table, Then, it was them asking me a lot of questions about my brother at lunch and through "studying". And now, she's acting unusual around my brother. Maybe it's because she was meeting him for the first time.
But then again, I've never seen anyone that acts like her when they meet someone. I mean, she didn't have this high level of excitement when she met me earlier today. She seemed joyful, but not as joyful as she is right now.
Either way, I'm sure it's nothing.
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