05. Second Chances Are No-No's
The bell just rang, signalizing us that there are five minutes to get to class. At this rate, we probably won't get to class on time. Especially since we have company.
"Roselynn... We hear you're getting good grades in Ms. Washington's class. Since there's a test coming up, can you help us study this afternoon?" Mercedes challenged, "We could use your help!"
We aren't actually going to study with her. Instead, we'll ask her questions about her older brother, Rafael.
"Sure! Where do you want to meet up?" she mused, taking a sip of juice.
I suggested. "We can meet up at my house!"
"Great! Text me your address so someone can pick me up!"
"Alright!" I began, "Well, we don't want to hold you any longer and class will start soon. Bye!"
"Bye!" Roselynn waved back at us.
She disappeared into a large crowd of students, who were leaving the cafeteria.
"We did great! She fell for it!" Mercedes celebrated, placing her arm on my shoulder.
"Yes! I can't believe it! Actually, no. Fools like her would fall for those things, so we shouldn't be surprised." I winked, tapping my fingers on the table.
"Now, let's get to class!" I glanced at my watch, panicked, "We'll be late!"
It's hard to talk your way out of being late. Take it from me! I've been late for class multiple times, getting detention every time I was.
"Let's go!" Mercedes dumped her lunch tray.
We hurried out of the doors of the cafeteria. The hallways were filled with students, walking left and right. The two of us walked to the girl's bathroom, where we'll freshen up before class. Being popular at school requires looking beautiful all the time.
"We should freshen up before class." I opened the bathroom door, walking inside.
She agreed. "Yeah!"
Inside, there were several girls applying cosmetics, leaving limited mirror space. We found a spot near the sinks that had nobody there. Both of us inched closer to it, taking out our beauty products.
"I'm still mad at Coach Moore for making us doing extra exercises!" Mercedes complained, opening her makeup bag.
I frowned. "I know. It's such a shame!"
"It's not fair! All we were doing was talking about relationships!"
Coach Moore didn't have to make us do extra exercises. Instead, she could've just gave us a proper warning beforehand. Otherwise, she could've just let it slide. Either way, extra exercises are too much.
"Exactly! Who's dating who is important gossip we all need to know. Since we didn't finish our conversation, is there any other interesting tea that I must know?" I smeared lip gloss on my lips, neatly.
"There's one thing I didn't tell you earlier." Mercedes whispered, "You didn't hear this from me, but Charles, your ex, broke up with his girlfriend. The latest gossip says that he has a new crush."
"Seriously? That boy is complicated!" I rolled my eyes, placing my products into my makeup bag.
"I know!" she opened the door.
As soon as we stepped out into the hall, the late bell rang, signalizing that we would be late for class. The wide hallways were dead and quiet. Everyone was already in their classes, but us.
"I won't be surprised if we get detention." I sighed, frowning.
"Me neither. Let's go!" Mercedes started towards the stairs.
We walked to our next class, English. The silenced halls scared me. I'm used to hearing everything loud and outgoing. Both of us walked inside the classroom, casually, expecting the teacher to yell at us.
But none of that happened.
Ms. Davis wasn't even there. A substitute teacher was. Well, that's a miracle. Substitutes don't usually care if you're late. At least, all the ones I had.
"Hello, ladies. I'm Ms. Thomas! What's your name?" the substitute smiled warmly, handing us each a worksheet.
"Oh, I'm Millicent and she's Mercedes." I glanced at her.
"Thank you! Go sit down and start on your work!" she marked us present on her clipboard.
Both Mercedes and I scurried to the back of the classroom, where our other friends, De'arra Kinsley, Tamaya Tollway, and Nova Anderson were.
"Guys! Over here! Take a seat!" De'arra called out, saving us two seats.
I sat down, taking out a pencil. "Hi! What's going on?"
"There has been so much gossip going around, lately!" Tamaya exclaimed, "It's all about your ex-boyfriend! He broke up with his girlfriend, Adrianna. He has a new crush now!"
I'm not shocked about that statement. That boy I dated is a rollercoaster filled with twists and turns. There's always something about him.
"I know that already! Word spreads around fast! I wonder who his new crush is. He always has one!" I rolled my eyes, tapping my fingers onto the desk.
"That's right! He's humiliating himself and his self-worth!" Mercedes ranted, "Nobody should waste their time on him!"
"You're right!" I agreed, "Who could this mystery girl be? I see the guys talking over there with Charles. We need to find an excuse to get back there. They could be talking about this mystery girl. Any ideas?"
"Maybe we can pretend to "accidentally" throw something over there. Like an eraser or something. Then, one of us will go over there and while that person is there, she can listen to the conversation on what they're speaking about. Do you get my point?" Tamaya suggested, shrugging.
"Great idea, Tamaya! I have an eraser right here!" I held up a sky-blue eraser.
"Pretend to accidentally throw it over there, now." Nova chanted.
"I will. Here I go! Three... Two... One... BINGO!" I threw it across the ground, not gaining any attention from my other classmates.
It almost hit Landon Archer, a basketball player's chair. If it hit the chair, he'd notice and our plan would fail!
"So... Who's going to go over there?" I looked up to the other girls, hoping that it wouldn't be me.
Everyone had that "not it" look on their face. As if we were going to play tag and we were deciding who would be "it".
"C'mon... One of you has to go! I threw the eraser, so one of you has to do the second part. Simply, it's just to go over there and eavesdrop. I'm waiting!" I rolled my eyes, unamused.
"I'm not really in the mood to get up right now." Mercedes stuttered, "I'm looking for more gossip."
"Uhh... Same." the others took out their phones, quickly.
I know that they're just stalling so they won't have to go over there. I should just get the eraser. I must know the truth!
"Okay, fine. You all can look for more hot tea and I'll eavesdrop. Teamwork!" I winked, getting up.
I crept across the room to the well-known boys, who were huddled together, talking. I have a feeling that they're talking about my ex's crush.
"Who's is the new girl you love?" Tyler Parker challenged.
Austin Davidson chanted. "Yeah, who? Tell us!"
"You all are very nosy. I was just about to tell you!" Charles conversed, laughing, "The girl I like is—"
Before he got to say the answer, I bumped into Landon's chair, causing the boys to turn their attention to me. Bummer.
"Hi, Millicent. What are you doing here?" he turned to me.
"Oh... I just came to pick up my eraser. It got lost over here and I thought I should come to get it." I chuckled nervously.
"Oh. Here's your eraser." Tyler picked it up, handing it to me.
"Thanks!" I muttered, "I'll just leave now! Bye!"
That was a fail. Just when he was about to reveal who, I ruined it.
"What did you hear, Milli?" Mercedes stared up at me as I arrived.
"I didn't get any information since they noticed me there. I was just about to know who this girl was, but then I got busted." I admitted, collapsing into my chair.
"It's okay! I'm sure we'll find out more information later on." De'arra reasoned, "Hopefully!"
"Millicent? I have something to tell you." I heard a familiar voice behind me.
It was the last person I wanted to talk to. My ex-boyfriend! What does he want from me? Our relationship and friendship is over! How long will it take for him to wake up and realize that?
I asked defensively. "What do you want?"
"I know you're probably still mad at me for cheating on you, but can you at least give me a second chance?" he pleaded.
This mystery girl was me? I had no idea who it was. In this case, I'll reject him. If he wanted me that much, he shouldn't have cheated.
"No, I don't give second chances." I glared at him, refusing his pleading eyes.
"I know, but c'mon... Please don't be mad at me."
When I date someone, I give them their chance. If they screw up while we're dating, I lose my trust in them forever. I am mad at him still. For cheating on me.
Why would I want to go through that pain again?
"I'm still upset at what happened! You don't understand how I feel!" I grumped.
"But you don't understand why—" he made an excuse.
"I don't care!" I cut him off, "I'm done with your excuses. Go away!"
He walked away, miserably. Me? Date him? Not in a million years. I already like Rafael, anyway.
"He's rude!" Nova glowered.
"He is! Good thing I didn't invite him to my birthday party!" I noted.
Some people are better off separated. Namely Charles and I. We're just not meant to be like Rafael and I are. And that's a fact.
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