02. Boyfriend Material
Everyone knows how awkward and disgusting it is to take public transportation, such as the school bus. Seriously, why would I, Millicent Campbell want to ride the school bus? I'm too flawless for that, especially since everyone at school sees me as a practical star.
As easy as it sounds, it isn't. When you're like me, you have to look like you've just stepped out of a beauty magazine. That means you have to know how to do your make-up perfectly, walk like a model, and dress excellent at all times. Or else, your popularity would be considered as a big, fat joke.
The popular clique is the best and most-appreciated group of the entire Westdale High School. Depending on where you are on the social ladder, the more recognition you get. At the bottom of the social ladder, there are the wannabes. They're the people that get no attention whatsoever. Clearly, they're people part of different cliques, such as the nerds and geeks, who are considered as nothing.
The second part of the ladder are people of virtue. They're well-known and loyal, but not at the top. Some of them are people like Nova Anderson and Lin Jeong. Then, there are sports players of all kinds, such as basketball and football. Some of them are Tyler Parker and Landon Archer, who have spectacular reputations throughout the school.
On the very top of the social ladder, was, of course, the most popular girls, who everyone treats like a Queen, like Mercedes Mallard and I. We've been at this spot for a few years now. Our perpetual beauty makes us look perfect for the spot. Especially since both of our families have loads of money.
My father is a highly-paid lawyer, while my mother is a profoundly-paid realtor, making our family wealthy. This boosts my social status all the way up, which is what I adore. Getting attention makes me feel special, and not like a worthless piece of gum stuck to the bottom of someone's shoe.
My best friend, Mercedes, and I are waiting for our rides to get home. School is done for the day and I plan on going to the salon before home to complete my homework. I put an arm over Mercedes' shoulder in sympathy as I stared at my phone.
"So, how has your day been, Millicent?" She questioned, viewing Instagram photos on her phone.
Her long box braids were wrapped into a back ponytail. She wore black, ripped jeans, along with a ruby red-colored blouse. Her strawberry-red lipstick made her lips shine brightly through the radiance of the sun. She looked exquisite, like usual.
"My day wasn't so good. I almost got a detention slip in math class. You know how much I hate those," I replied while primping a piece of my fresh blonde hair.
"I remember. I saw what happened earlier. It wasn't fair at all." She complained, crossing her arms.
Today, during Ms. Jennings' math class, I was on my phone texting a few friends to look for juicy gossip. There was one point where I almost got caught when the teacher went to the back of the room to get a few supplies. But only a few minutes later, I got caught red-handed with my phone out by her.
She confiscated my phone out of my hands and told me to see her after class, which is what I did about twenty minutes later. After, she told me that if she caught me on my phone during class again, I'd have to serve detention, which sucks.
Definitely, I know what having to serve detention feels like. I had to a couple of times for pointless reasons, such as talking with friends during classes. At this point, it's a lot. It's not like I did any harm to anyone.
"Exactly," I grumbled, looking down at my freshly-done acrylic nails, "Her class is the full definition of boring."
"I agree." Mercedes sympathized, taking out a compact mirror.
What I said about Ms. Jennings' math class wasn't wrong. Her tiresome lectures make me want to fall asleep during class. But of course, I'll never do that, as much as I want to. I'll miss out on important things, such as the latest gossip at the moment—and class, as well. There are many things that I'd miss.
"Look at this outfit I found on Instagram. Doesn't it look nice?" I questioned, showing my phone to Mercedes.
"It does," she agreed, "I think I saw something similar at the mall. We should go shopping this weekend. After all, your birthday is coming up."
My sixteenth birthday is right around the corner. I want it to be special, better than my last one. That's my goal at every party I host. The better the party, the more people appreciate you, which is what I want, especially because I'm part of the popular clique. It's mandatory to host breathtaking events, or else, that's the bottom of the social ladder for you.
"Perfect! We'll make plans for it," I exclaimed, looking back at the school.
The doors opened and shut constantly. Students socialized with each other noisily with faces glued to the screen of their phones, catching up on the latest drama. A few couples strode by, chattering with each other as a group. I'm friends with everyone in the group, except Charles "Charlie" Tomlinson, my ex-boyfriend.
He's a walking nightmare to me. I first thought of him as a loyal person, and later, a loyal boyfriend. But he turned out to be one of what I thought. It was my mistake for dating him in the first place. If only I knew who he actually was.
"Hey, Millicent and Mercedes!" Lucas Jameston smiled, greeting us at our bench.
His blonde-colored hair shone through the radiant sunlight. He wore a dark green hoodie and black jeans, which represented our school's spirit colors. On this hoodie, it wrote Go Mighty Hawks. He is part of the school's basketball team, so that's the main reason why he's wearing that.
"Hi, guys!" I waved, smiling warmly.
Charles stared at me with a solemn glance. He looked miserable. Part of me wanted to feel sorry for him, while the other part didn't. I shouldn't feel sorry for him one bit, especially after how he broke my heart. I started to glare at him, causing the others to turn their attention to me. How could I be happy when this monster, Charles is still in my life? He'd do anything to ruin it.
And I mean anything.
"Are you okay, Millicent?" Elijah Walker worried.
"I'm fine." I lied, clutching my hands together.
I appreciate my friends caring about me, but I just don't want them to worry so much about me. This is my issue, so I shouldn't make it theirs.
"I'll just go. Bye, guys!" Charles announced, hurrying away.
It was about time that he left. I just can't stand being anywhere near him. Why would I want to be near someone as discourteous as him? I know way better than that.
"Ready to go to the bookstore, Lucas?" Lin Jeong chimed, holding onto his hand.
The two of them have been a couple for about a year. I'm happy for them. It's nice that they're both loyal to each other. Sometimes, I wish I could have a guy like that. One who wouldn't cheat and be dishonest about it.
"Of course, Lin! We'll go now!" Lucas proclaimed, staring back at me, "Bye, guys! See you tomorrow!"
"Bye!" Lin grinned, walking off with her boyfriend and group.
"See you tomorrow!" I waved, checking the time on my smartwatch.
My mom was supposed to pick me up ten minutes ago. I'm guessing she is going to be late, like usual. My salon appointment will be starting in thirty minutes. If she doesn't make it in time, then I'll have to go to the spa another day, which is horrible.
"You definitely need a new boyfriend, Millicent." Mercedes suggested, "You've been acting strange ever since you broke up with Charles!"
"I know, I know. But I'm sure I'll manage until then, I hope." I anticipated, glimpsing at my watch again.
Mom was still nowhere in sight, unfortunately.
Right then, a car pulled up at the curb of the sidewalk. The windows rolled down, allowing me to me see the person inside of it. There was an appealing boy, possibly a senior at this school. He seemed grown-up and mature, definitely my type. He looked familiar, too. I think he's one of the basketball players on the school's basketball team. I definitely saw him before.
A familiar-looking Hispanic girl entered the car. A few moments later, they pulled off. I'd love to see that guy again. He's flawless from what I've seen. Earnestly, I need him as my boyfriend.
"What are you staring at?" Mercedes inquired, looking around.
"Did you just see the guy in that car that just stopped by?" I answered, worthy in admiration, "He looks so cute if you ask me. He's definitely my type. I just know it."
"Oh, really?" She smirked, "So you like him?"
"Yes!" I replied, nodding up and down.
"I wonder if he has a girlfriend." She rambled, tapping her chin in thought.
If he doesn't have a girlfriend, then this is my chance. But the problem is, I don't know if he has one or not. There'd be only one way to find out if he does have one.
"I know how we can find out if he has a girlfriend." I suggested, winking, "We can pretend to be friends with the girl that was with him. She's in a few of our classes and the lower clique, so it'd be easy to convince her."
"That's such a genius plan! Her name is Roselynn or something!" Mercedes' eyes lit up, "Let's message her on Instagram. She'll definitely say yes."
I can hear a little voice in my head saying that one day, I'll get to date my mystery crush. Or maybe with doubt, I won't. There are so many possibilities of what will happen.
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