Calum woke up feeling oddly restrained. He was used to falling asleep without the need of a pillow or blanket but he couldn't recall falling asleep sitting. Not to mention he couldn't move much more than an inch in either direction. It took a while for Calum to actually bother opening his eyes, now that he was more awake he was finding his position to be much less comfortable.
The first thing that met his sleepy eyes happened to be a rather large plush snowman, which caught him by surprise, considering he had never seen it in his life which would mean that Michael had bought it while he was sleeping. The room was dark, only vaguely illuminated by the Christmas lights strung up around each window. Mallory was seated on the couch, curled up in a fluffy grey ball, with a thick piece of red ribbon tied into a bow around her neck that reminded Calum of the Aristocats a little.
It took a while to discover why he was getting uncomfortable, he looked down to find a string of Christmas lights securing him to the chair he was seated on. He hadn't been aware that Michael even had chairs like this, he was under the impression that Michael lived and breathed man cave, and did not have a single chair made entirely of wood.
Calum wasn't even mad, although he had no idea why Michael would strap him in a chair. But Michael could be some kind of Christmas time killer--though he doubted it. Calum allowed the chair's legs to scrape along the floor to hopefully piss Michael enough to release him. He ended up nearly out of the living room before Michael came tromping down the stairs.
"You're awake!" Michael smiled, spinning the chair around so that he was face to face with the dark haired boy. Michael seemed pretty giddy about the fact that Calum was awake, which just supported the idea that Michael totally wasn't a stone cold murderer. The pale boy had added a Santa hat to his wardrobe, which was leaning to the left a little and covering one of his eyebrows.
"Can you untie me now?" Calum asked, looking down at the wires keeping him in place. Michael shook his head with a smile, "Not yet."
Michael began to push the chair Calum was seated on towards his chosen destination and Calum let out a rather loud sigh at the slow process, "You know . . . If you're into this kind of thing, we could have just discussed kinks. Although I'm a little tied up at the moment, I don't mind testing the waters . . . Or in your case, testing the kinkier version of these bindings."
Even though Michael wasn't visible from where he was seated, Calum knew Michael's cheeks were as bright a red as his Santa Claus hat.
"S-Shut up." Came Michael's clever reply, unable to think with his face heating up at such a quick rate. He stopped momentarily to put some reindeer antlers on Calum's head and then continued pushing Calum towards the kitchen.
"Wait," Michael exclaimed, jumping in front of Calum before he got a view of what was in the kitchen. "Close your eyes."
Calum raised an eyebrow at the excited man in front of him but complied once he realized Michael wasn't budging until he followed through. With his eyes closed, Calum could feel Michael moving the chair forward.
"Okay, open them!" Michael squeaked, now that he'd gotten Calum all the way out of the living room he wasn't too sure if Calum would appreciate what he'd done.
The first thing Calum saw when he opened his eyes was a very nervous looking Michael, he was twirling a bracelet around as he waited for Calum's reaction. Behind Michael was a table with ham and turkey and mashed potatoes and so many other foods that he was more surprised he didn't wake up from the heavenly smell alone. He knew Michael liked to cook, he remembered pink haired Michael happily making pasta with Jessica last year before Calum turned up on his doorstep. He didn't think that Michael would ever cook for him though.
"Wow," Calum breathed, examining the decorations next. There were fake wreaths circling bowls filled with food, candy canes riddled along the meal, tinsel framed the cupboards he had above the counter tops. It looked like something straight out of a Christmas movie. Calum felt like saying wow just wasn't enough of a description for what he was taking in, he tried to rephrase it. "Really, wow."
Michael snorted, but his blush was illuminated by the fairy lights taped to the doorway they stood in. Calum couldn't believe he'd managed to find such an extraordinary person, Michael didn't even celebrate Christmas when he met Calum and he was going to such lengths to make him happy.
"I'll, uh, release you now." Michael chuckled, crouching slightly as he began unraveling the lights around Calum's biceps. Calum was entertaining himself for the time being by watching the fluff ball on Michael's hat sway as he worked to remove Calum from his bindings. It was only a few seconds into being unraveled when Calum noticed something over Michael's shoulder, he wasn't even sure if he should let Michael know there was mistletoe right above their heads. He might not have but the amount of surprise that seeing it brought him caused him to choke slightly remembering last year when his family pressured Michael into kissing him.
"What's wrong?" Michael asked immediately, pausing his actions to see if Calum was going to be okay. The dark skinned boy didn't look away from the fake plant above them fast enough and Michael glanced up to see the mistletoe as well.
"Oh." Michael mumbled, dropping the cables he was holding and just sort of staring at it like he didn't remember putting it up. Calum moved on of his feet and ended up kicking one of the loose cables, Michael whipped his head down to look at Calum with wide eyes. "Oh."
"Uh, you really don't have to," Calum began immediately, not wanting Michael to suddenly get uncomfortable. "It's just the two of us, no one is going to know that we just skipped right passed it."
"Oh." Michael repeated, not quite hearing what Calum was saying to him, he appeared to be caught up in his own little world. He kept looking from the mistletoe to Calum with an odd expression on his face.
Calum kept spitting out whatever words came to mind, hoping to reassure Michael that he didn't mind not being kissed. "Ultimately, the decision is yours though because I'm a little tied up right now. But you definitely don't have to kiss me because I know you're str-"
Michael's mouth connected with Calum's seconds after the pale lad grabbed Calum's face. His fingers immediately tangled into the hair on the nape of Calum's neck while the other hand held Calum's jaw in place as he pressed his lips harder against Calum's. The kiss was breathtaking. By the time Michael pulled away they were both breathing heavily and at a loss for words.
Still panting slightly, Michael began unraveling Calum again, this time succeeding in getting all the lights off the lad. Calum stood up from the chair and stretched out his slightly aching limbs.
The two boys awkwardly stared at each other for some time before Calum walked up to Michael and pressed him up against the door frame and began attacking the other boy's lips with is own.
"Dinner-" Michael began, pausing as Calum's mouth met his. "-is getting-" Calum kissed him again. "-cold."
Calum tore himself away from Michael just long enough to look over at the food momentarily.
"Looks delicious," Calum admitted, going back to kissing Michael with a lot more heat than previous. It took a long time before Michael was finally able to coax Calum into sitting down for the meal, all the while he had a dopey grin on his face.
Michael looked over at Calum, seeing the dark haired boy stuffing his cheeks with mashed potatoes. "Best. Christmas. Ever."
Calum stuck his tongue out at Michael.
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