1. A Dead Crow
A dead crow.
A young girl kneeling in front of the animal and praying silently.
A tear.
A subtle movement she didn't notice, her eyes closed.
The swift cold wind caressing her rosy cheeks, it was but a small prayer. A few small drops of blood next to the bird made her feel uncomfortable, it was clear that someone had killed it on purpose and without a good reason either.
The woman's hands were trembling, she had been in the snow for way too long. When she opened her eyes something felt wrong. The bird was now on its legs and it was looking at her with its black eyes, studying her pale skin and ginger hair.
The two of them looked at each other, the girl was speechless as the animal bowed in front of her as a way to thank her. The bird then opened its wings and flew away leaving the girl on her knees with a shocked expression on her face.
She was sure it was dead, the dry blood that contrasted with the pure white of the snow was proof of that. But then how could it possibly get up and fly? The girl could not come up with an explanation, her knees were so deep into the cold yet she was still lost in her mind.
How could that be?
It did not make sense and even if she tried to think of a reasonable answer, nothing came to mind if not a sensation of confusion and disbelief. She could not tell a soul about what she had witnessed since she already knew that most people wouldn't have believed her. No one but one person.
With that thought in mind, she got up. Her legs wet from the snow and now also covered in mud, the heavy fur that was the only thing protecting her from the low temperature seemed like a big weight on her body as she started to run toward her village.
The Latakia village was named after the big forest around it and it was so small that it was easy to get lost while trying to find it, most people there were hunters or lumberjacks that made sure to look after their community. So when the ginger-haired girl came running, no one batted an eye as everyone knew her ever since she was a toddler.
Her house was a very old building just one trail away from the city's market, her grandparents had been working there forever and made sure to sell all their homemade products to get the money to raise their granddaughters.
The door opened suddenly and the cold wind entered the house making the red-haired girl snort under her breath as she turned to see her sister standing there with her eyes wide open. "Could you shut the door? I didn't cut all that timber and made the fire only for it to go to waste." Her words were harsh but with an accent of sarcasm. She was sitting on a chair, feet on the table as she was working with her knife to carve another of her many timber small sculptures.
"You won't believe what I've witnessed!" The older sister immediately joined her, grabbed a chair, and sat next to her. Her crystal eyes shining with the low light of the fire and her hands trembling because of all the time spent outside. "It was a miracle! One of those you only read in books or fairytales!" She kept repeating with her gentle yet enthusiastic voice.
The youngest didn't bother looking at her as she was focused on her manual work, a distraction could've caused her serious harm and she had no intention of getting scolded by her grandparents again. "What are you talking about?"
"You wouldn't believe it, I barely believe it myself!" She kept gesturing in the air. "You must listen to me, this is such a rare event, a few have probably seen something like this before!" She grabbed her sister's arm and tried to shake it only to fail because she had no more strength remaining from her run.
"God, Danica, get a grip of yourself! You almost made me cut the wrong way." The red-haired girl stopped her movements and placed the piece of timber and her loyal pocket knife on the table, she then turned to finally look at her older sister. "What did you see that made you so talkative today?"
"Oh, Tamara, I found a little crow lying dead in the snow, just outside our village's walls. I checked, it was basically dead, hurt in both wings and probably attacked by some cruel children that made it suffer for nothing. I was so sad about it that I stopped to offer a prayer to the Entity to make sure its soul could rest. When I opened my eyes, the bird was looking at me." She stopped and grabbed her sister's hand. "It was alive, I don't know how but I think that my prayer saved it."
Tamara tilted her head, she did not understand a word her sister had just said since she was talking so quickly and without pausing once. But one thing was for sure, she didn't believe her. "So you are saying that you healed the crow?" The young woman scoffed shaking her head. "That is no surprise since you are studying to become a great doctor."
"But I didn't heal it!" Danica replied on the spot. "I am sure it was dead, there was no herb or medicine that could've saved that poor animal."
"It wasn't dead if it looked at you, was it?"
The older sister took a deep breath, she had expected such a reaction. As said before, even she had a hard time believing her own eyes. "I'm telling you. It was dead and after my prayer it got up and flew away. It was a miracle." She made sure to mark every word.
"You want me to believe that the Entity itself healed a stupid bird?" Tamara raised an eyebrow, her expression showing just how much fun she was having at the moment. "What use could the Entity have of a black bird? Why not heal the poor people living in Wajong and dying every day?"
Her question was only fair, after all, Danica had been sent to the Wajong territory many times before to help look after all the people infected by the poor state of the environment, but that didn't stop her from believing what she had previously witnessed. "This is not the time to question the Entity and its powers, but I sure want to know if that's possible. Do you think other people have experienced a similar scene as well?"
"I don't know, do you think the Entity has a passion for bringing crows back to life?"
Danica got up from the chair and clapped her hands. "We should look for any other evidence, that way I will show you that I was not imagining anything." It was rare to see Danica so excited about something that did not involve medicine or her studies. "We should go to the library."
"Why not ask Master Soffou? He has traveled around the reign, I'm sure he'll know about something like this... if this ever happened to begin with." Tamara muttered getting up as well. "Wasn't he a sage for some time? Where else would we get information about a dead animal coming to life?" She frowned confused.
"I'm not sure, Master has been very distant these last few weeks." The girl murmured taking off her fur to show her dirty clothes. "And I feel like he's keeping some things from me, the other day he gave me one of his special herbs again to make tea with but he did not answer when I asked him what type of herbs they were." She explained while changing from her wet clothes into new ones.
Her little sister yawned and grabbed her jacket from the hanger next to the chimney. "You know how Master is, always mysterious and with his mind elsewhere. I'm sure it was one of those herbs he gives Gran-gran to help with her muscles and health, you read too much into it." The old man was no conversation material, he was so silent that he had basically isolated himself from the rest of the village.
It was a surprise when a sage suddenly visited the Latakia village, he stopped for a while to help some villagers who were affected by an illness no one knew how to cure. Although the region was the best provider of herbs for all the reign, only a few knew how to use them, most of them were either scholars from Letu or medics from the Imperial City. And so, his arrival was celebrated and he was invited to stay there for as long as he wanted.
The old man decided to start teaching the people about medicine so that they could provide for themselves and his best student was Danica. The girl had a special bond with Master Soffou, ever since she was but a child. He was stern and cold, yet he had this caring aura around him and Danica wanted nothing more than to help others in need just like him, he was an inspiration yet he felt so distant at times.
In the last months, Danica had started to notice some strange behaviours from her master, she could excuse most of his harsh words or the distance he always put between him and others, but she couldn't ignore the weird herbs he had been using and the way he would give her medicines even when she felt absolutely fine. "You might be right, but I doubt he is somewhere to be found right now."
Tamara hummed not really interested in the conversation. "He is probably wandering the mountains looking for some herbs. So, what do you want to do? Go ask our Chief? I'm sure he'll believe you." She replied ironically. The village's Chief was many things but not a kind man, he was way too occupied with his drinking and discussing internal affairs, winter was close and the village needed to make sure it could provide for its people. "Maybe Gran-gran will listen to you and tell you one of her stories."
"We should go to the library."
"To look for books about rebirth?"
"I am not joking." Danica snorted. "I will go, if you want to accompany me you're welcome to come, if not I'll see you in the evening." The girl pouted grabbing another coat from the small dresser next to the entrance.
Tamara had no use for the library, she didn't even know how to read. Growing up, the two sisters had very different educations. Danica was well-versed in medicine, she also liked to read about botany and anything that had to do with nature while Tamara had a more manual upbringing, she helped their grandparents where their old bodies couldn't do the job. "The sun will set in a few hours." In the end, she decided that leaving Danica alone in such a state was not the best strategy.
"You are such a sweetheart." The girl hugged her little sister with a wide smile. "I promise you, we will unveil this mystery and Master Soffou will write this event in one of his books." She kept talking as they got out of the house, after making sure the fire wasn't going to go out. "This might be the biggest discovery in our region, the Entity has never presented itself here."
"I wonder why." Tamara rolled her eyes and followed Danica who kept speaking nonsense.
"Why aren't you eating, dear?" Grandma Volkov had spent the entire afternoon cooking and seeing her oldest granddaughter playing with her food was bothering her, it was also unusual to see Danica so distressed about something. "Has something happened? Did you quarrel with your sister again?" The old woman eyed her youngest who looked away immediately.
Tamara was infamous for her short temper, grandma Volkov had had so many complaints about her over the years. It was not unusual for the sisters to argue every now and then, but they usually made up as quickly as they disagreed on matters. "Why is it always my fault?" The redhead pouted while playing with her spoon.
Grandpa Volkov offered a sweet smile. "Because you're this village's troublemaker." He joked and the girl grinned a little, she felt almost proud. "But then again, whenever someone needs a favour they come to our granddaughters." The man kept praising his children, he grabbed a loaf of bread and used his sharpest knife to cut it into many slices before handing them to the others at the table. "But your grandmother is right, you should eat."
Danica was lost in thought. Her adventure in the library had proved completely useless, just as Tamara had predicted. There were no books about animals coming back to life because of miracles, no stories about the Entity and its many deeds, there was no way for her to know if what she had seen that day was real or not. "Gran, do you believe miracles?"
Tamara snorted a small laugh but stopped as soon as she noticed her grandmother's glare, instead she decided to fill her mouth with her bread carefully dipped in the hot soup.
"Miracles you say? It's been a long time since anyone saw one of those, we're talking about centuries." The old woman said, her clear eyes looking up to the ceiling trying to remember anything about that topic. "They say the Entity has stopped interacting with us after giving humans its biggest gift. We never found out what it was." She explained.
"Not even a small miracle?"
"Well, not every miracle is from the Entity itself."
Danica sighed and placed her spoon down. "Today I saw a dead crow." She started but got interrupted almost immediately.
"A crow?" Grandpa Volkov frowned confused. "It's rare to see one of those here in the North, they're usually in the East." He muttered and his wife nodded in agreement. "Are you sure it was a crow?"
"Yes. It was exactly like those I have seen in Wajong, it was as black as ashes, its eyes were so shiny that I could almost see my reflection through them." She talked so airily, it was as if she was picturing that image in her mind over and over again. Tamara looked at her sister and wondered if she was right after all, maybe she really had taken part in a miracle. After all, Danica was no liar. "It was dead. There was blood surrounding it, I thought that maybe some kid decided to wickedly hurt the animal until it died, so I kneeled in front of it and prayed for its soul." She kept on going, her grandparents stopped eating to give her their full undivided attention. "After a few minutes, I looked at it. The crow was alive, it opened its wings and flew away."
Tamara cleared her throat. "Did you check whether it was really dead?" She asked, there was no maliciousness in her tone, just pure curiosity. "Some animals fake their own death in order to bore the predators, or at least those who don't care about eating them. Could the crow fake dead to fool the children?"
Danica rested her against the chair and stopped to think about it. Could Tamara be right? But no, she had touched the poor thing, it was as cold as ice and as hard as a rock. Not to mention the fact that its wings were broken, there was no way it could've faked that also. "I know what I saw, the bird was done for."
Grandma Volkov sighed. "A crow in the North means bad things are going to happen."
"Why? It's just a silly bird." Tamara shrugged. She didn't believe all the stories her grandmother was usual to tell them, they felt surreal and stupid at times, filled with prejudice and old sayings. What was the problem with a black bird losing its way and adventuring in their forest? If anything, it was the animal's fault, there was no reason to worry.
The old woman finished her piece of bread and took a sip of water before talking again. "Crows usually mean death, their appearance is usually associated with the Karasu clan. They're bad news. Do me a favor, don't go in the forest tomorrow, dead crow or not, a smart bird like that isn't likely to risk its life to come here without a good reason." She warned before looking at her husband. "We'll use the resources we already have for the week. Master Soffou will understand if the girls don't go help him for a few days." The man nodded in agreement.
Danica stayed silent, there was no reason for her to ask further questions, her grandparents didn't seem too enthusiastic about the topic. It was only after dinner, once she was in bed, that she finally decided to bring up the discussion again. "I think we should talk to Master."
On the other side of the room, Tamara was looking out the window to make sure the weather was calm. She disliked the cold of the North, but mostly she feared snow storms and she wanted to be prepared for every eventuality. "We're not allowed in the woods, you heard Gran-gran." She muttered in response.
"You've never been the type to follow orders."
"And you're exactly the type that follows them." The youngest replied turning to face her sister. "But I agree with you."
"Really?" Danica asked surprised.
Tamara nodded and moved to her bed, which faced her sister's. "Something's weird, we couldn't find answers at the library but Master was a sage so I'm sure he'll give us an explanation." She said burying herself under the fur cover that protected her from the night cold. "I know you're not a liar."
Danica smiled. "You believe my words?"
"I only said you don't lie." The girl remarked. "As for what happened, we don't have any evidence."
The oldest placed her head against her pillow, she was satisfied enough with her sister's words. She knew that it was difficult to trust such a weird story but she was also aware of the affections Tamara held for her, enough to be by her side even for something so strange and inexplicable. She knew she could count on her little sister, even if she seemed so cold and disinterested.
"We'll go right after lunch." Tamara whispered softly, she was worried the old couple could listen to them from the other room.
Danica closed her eyes. "Why not the morning?"
"Gran-gran always takes a nap after dinner and grandpa goes to the market, they won't be around to know where we're going."
"Seems like you've already done this before."
Tamara smirked. "You wouldn't be surprised."
The next day, the two sisters got ready and waited for their grandmother to fall asleep before leaving the house just as they had previously agreed on. The snow was very soft at the top which meant that it had snowed just that morning, it made it more difficult for them to walk around. They walked slowly through the woods, they knew the way by heart but the heavy furs added weight to their trembling bodies.
"When's the last time you've seen Master?" Tamara asked.
Danica sighed, her breath forming a small cloud. "Last week we were talking about getting some more herbs, he gave me Gran-gran's tea and we discussed going to Wajong any time soon." She explained briefly.
"Didn't you already go there in the summer?"
"Yes. Master said he noticed more sick people than usual and so he thought it best to go there again." The girl shrugged. "I thought it was strange, Master never leaves the forest in winter, it's the only time he can stay closed up and write his books."
Tamara hummed silently, she kept looking around feeling somewhat anxious. She had a weird gut feeling that they shouldn't have been there, maybe it was because of what their grandmother had told them the previous evening, but even then, she wasn't one to let others condition her. "It's so... quiet." The girl commented. There was not a sound, not an animal to be heard.
"The animals must be looking for shelter from the snow." Danica looked up at the clear sky.
"Still strange." Her sister stopped all of a sudden and pointed at some footprints. "Look at this." She pointed at the snow in front of them and frowned. "They're fresh." She kneeled in front of them and touched the ground. "I have never seen shoes like these before, they're way too light for this weather, they're most likely not from our village or region."
"You could tell that just by looking at them?"
"I spend most of my time in the woods, I learned a thing or two." Tamara bragged before getting up. "Either way, there are two sets of footprints, I'd say they're two men." She said with a serious expression on her face. "Is Master Soffou having guests?"
Danica shrugged. "Sometimes he does, a few years ago there was a sage who came here to talk to him." She informed. "Should we still go? Maybe he's busy." The oldest looked at the trail of footprints that led right toward the small cottage where the old man lived.
The youngest pressed her lips in a straight line, unsure of the matter. "We should go, if he has no time to talk then we'll just get back and come another day." She proposed. There was just something she couldn't shake off, there was something pushing her to think that they needed to reach their master as quickly as possible. "Let's move."
As they fastened their pace, their nervousness kept growing until they reached the small cottage right in the heart of the woods. "What is that." Danica noticed something black on the roof of the house, it was a big black mass that looked as if it was moving.
Tamara tried to take a better look at it, but the bright light hitting her directly into her eyes wasn't helping. "That..." she murmured before focusing her eyes a bit more. "Oh my lord, those are crows!" She said pointing her finger at the birds that were all gathered there.
Danica blinked confused. How could that be possible? It was rare to see one crow, let alone an entire flock of them. "Crows." She whispered under her breath still in shock. One in particular flew away, leaving the rest of its family and stopped right in front of the ginger girl. It looked at her with such curiosity, Danica felt as if she had already seen the small animal. "You... you were dead."
"That? That's the bird the Entity healed?" The sister asked panicking. The crow didn't seem hostile toward them, it was just jumping in front of them, looking at them as if it was trying to tell them something. "Well, send it away!"
"C'mon, shoo." Danica waved her hand against it, but it just croaked almost alarmed. "Leave, you and your family." She turned toward Tamara and gestured for her to get to the door. "Call Master, if we show him the crow maybe he'll know exactly what to do." She exclaimed, a thrilled smile hovering over her lips.
Tamara wasn't as enthusiastic about it, she felt goosebumps all over her body and it wasn't from the cold. Something bad was going to happen but she didn't know what. And so, the girl walked to the door and opened it without giving it too much thought. The sight before her was something she had never thought she would see or imagine. "Master!" Was the only thing she managed to scream, her voice reaching a high pitch she had never thought possible.
Inside the house, directly into the main room of the house, there were two men dressed elegantly in black. Tamara had never seen such luxurious and well-refined clothes, their appearance was so composed and graceful that she almost couldn't believe the fact that one of them was pressing Master Soffou against the wall, his hand surrounding the old man's throat. Both men turned their heads to look at the redhead, their faces were slim and their skin was almost as pale as hers although they looked completely different from her. Their dark eyes were staring at her in confusion.
In the heat of the moment, unsure of what to do and what not, Tamara grabbed the pocket knife she used to carve wood that she always brought with her and threw it with as much strength as she could. The sharp blade pierced through the soft skin of the man's arm forcing him to release his hold on Master Soffou. "What the hell." He yelled angrily while his partner simply smiled amused.
Danica had joined the scene at that point, but as she tried to enter the house, the crow landed on her head. Its feet grabbed her hair and started to pull at it violently, so much so that it moved her away from the house. "Let me go!" She tried to scream but in vain.
Tamara was too focused on the situation at hand to worry herself with her sister. "Who are you? What do you want with him?" She asked trying to sound as menacing as she could, which was difficult since she was smaller than the two and clearly unharmed.
"Our business is over." The man with the bloody arm said getting closer to the second man who was staring at the girl, his dark eyes were almost fascinated by her actions. "Let's leave, we found nothing anyway."
"Right." The second man walked up to Master Soffou, who was coughing in pain, he lowered his head and grabbed the small pocket knife. Tamara was ready to attack him if needed, but her idea got immediately destroyed once the man used her blade to stab the old man right in his throat. "He sure was useless."
Tamara rushed towards her Master, but as she did so, the two men suddenly disappeared through thin air like magic. "Master, don't worry, we're here." The girl decided to ignore the disappearance of the assassins and tried to stop the old man's bleeding with her hands. Master Soffou looked at her, his widened clear eyes looked so scared. "It's alright. Danica! Please come here!" She yelled for her sister to come.
Right at that moment, the crow left Danica alone. It flew away without even sparing her a second glance. There was no time to think whatsoever, the girl rushed next to her sister and looked at her teacher who was bleeding to death. "Oh my- let me- let me try." She stuttered still in shock.
The redhead let go and got up, since her older sister was taking care of their Master, she now had the time to inspect the house. There wasn't much to see, a lot of things were on the ground, and many objects were broken. Soffou's books were all almost gone if not for a few of them that were still on his table. "What did they want from him?" Tamara asked getting out of the house and looking around. There was no sight of any man in miles, she couldn't find any footprints in the snow.
"I don't know." Danica was trembling like a leaf, she really didn't know what to do. "Tamara, the bleeding cannot be stopped." She sobbed while caressing the man's cheek. "I'm sorry Master, I cannot save you."
The old man offered a gentle smile, which was unusual for him. "Don't worry." He managed to say with the little strength he had left. "Go inform the chief, the Karasu-" he tried to talk but started to cough up blood.
Tamara gulped unsure of what to do. "The Karasu? What do they want from you?" She asked kneeling down next to her sister.
Master Soffou had always kept many secrets. After all, he was but a foreigner to that village. Danica and Tamara had been well aware of the fact ever since they were children. Nevertheless, they loved the man almost like a father, he had taken up the role of teacher and raised them so differently yet following the same values. They had always hoped for him to open up about his past but he never did so, and now he was in no position to do it.
His eyes slowly started to drift away, his mouth was open and full of blood and his tanned skin was slowly losing its color. Until he was no longer breathing.
Danica let go of him and carefully placed his head on the floor. She was so shocked that she couldn't talk nor cry, she could only stare at the body of what was probably the closest thing she could call family apart from her sister. "We should go."
"Right." Tamara was in no better shape. "The assassins escaped, if we're quick enough they might be able to find them."
And just like that, the two sisters found the strength to get up and run away. There was no time to lose, they had to reach the town hall before anything else could happen. The cold air was hitting their faces like a million small blades, their vision was blurred and their breathing was irregular. At some point they had lost their coats to be able to run faster, they did not care for the cold.
Tamara had just realised that she still had the man's blood on her hands when they reached the town hall. To their disappointment, it was empty. It was of no surprise, their chief was known for his deep connection with alcohol, and so there was only another place he could be found: the local tavern.
Once they entered the place, the girls got overwhelmed by the presence of all the men of the village. "The chief, where's the chief?!" Tamara was the first to speak up, her voice was still shaky but she was trying her best to mask it.
"Hey, hey." The owner of the place looked at them confused. "What is going on? No little girls allowed here, why don't you go back to your grandparents?" He asked. Everyone knew them in the village, it was a small one after all.
"No, you don't understand! Master Soffou was attacked!" The redhead kept talking loudly getting everyone's attention. As all the men stopped talking, they were now at the center of their attention. "Two men! They were inside Master Soffou's house and they killed him."
"The old man? Dead?"
"How is that even possible?"
"Who would do something like that?"
Many voices started to murmur, which led to the noise to come back. Danica, who had been silent till that moment, felt her heart beating so fast that she swore she was about to get sick. "Silence! Everyone!" Finally, the village chief got up from his table and got closer to the two girls. "What are you talking about? The old sage is dead?"
Danica nodded. "Yes." She sobbed and showed her hands still stained with blood as proof.
The chief was a big man with broad shoulders and a menacing aura. He was big, which meant that he had developed a very big belly because of all the alcohol he had been drinking for years, he wasn't too tall but he surely was strong. "Did you see who did this?" He asked harshly.
As Tamara was about to tell him everything she had witnessed, her sister fell on her knees. The shock mixed with the fatigue of their run had consumed her. "He's dead." Danica sobbed, almost as if she had just realised what had happened. "They killed him." And just like that she started crying, finally letting out everything she had been keeping inside of her.
Her sister got down to try and help her. "Don't cry Danica, it hurts my heart to see you cry."
What they didn't know, was that everyone in the room was frozen. From the very first tear Danica shed, a bright light had shocked all the men, something the two sisters could not see or sense whatsoever. Another general buzzing, people murmuring and asking if what they were seeing was real or not.
Tamara moved her eyes from her sister and looked around. She frowned as she noticed everyone staring at Danica. Was that the first time they had seen a girl cry? Surely not, then why the big commotion? She wasn't sure, but that bad feeling was still there. It was a bad omen she could not shake off.
A man kneeled in front of Danica and slowly raised her head, he then slightly touched her cheek and wiped away her tears. He looked at his fingers in disbelief before turning towards the rest of them. "Golden tears." He said with no hesitation. "They really exist."
One moment everything was still and silent and the other chaos exploded. Suddenly everyone rushed to get to Danica who was still crying on the floor. Tamara was grabbed and pushed away from her sister. "Hey!" She tried to make her way through the men's big bodies only to get hit by them out of the way. "Danica!" She yelled hopelessly. What was happening? Why were they all trying to hurt her sister all of a sudden? And why were they talking about golden tears when Danica had normal clear tears?
"Where's the girl?" A deep voice yelled among the chaos.
Tamara's head snapped towards the door which got opened. A man, who she recognised as a foreign merchant who used to stop by their village to buy timber and herbs before going back, was holding Danica over his shoulder and running away. The redhead didn't wait another moment and followed him.
It was as cold as ever, it had just started snowing but based on the clouds it looked like it was going to snow heavily any time soon. "You! Stop!" Tamara screamed as loudly as she could, it was barely impossible for her to keep up with the man as he was faster than her. "Let my sister go!"
Danica was fighting with all of her strength against the man, but the cold and her tiredness did not play in her favour. Once the merchant reached his carriage, he tried to place the ginger in it without any luck as she kept trying to escape. "Stay still!" Scared that someone else was going to get the girl, he grabbed the first object that he found in the carriage and hit her head so hard that she passed out on the spot. He then got the horses ready and drove off.
"Danica!" Tamara couldn't stand a chance. The carriage was way too distant for her to reach and the snow was falling down heavier than before, it was almost impossible for her to keep going without the risk of falling victim to the snowstorm or worse dying of hypothermia. "Danica!" She yelled once again, so much so that her throat hurt like never before.
Somehow, she hoped to see her sweet sister running back to her. But that didn't happen and so she was left alone, in the middle of the snow with nothing but her tears and trembling limbs.
Hey everyone, this is the first time I publish an original work so I hope you'll like it as much as you liked my other stories :)
The story's settings are all fantastic and invented by me personally. English is not my first language so please excuse any grammar errors, I'll try my best to correct them all. This story will contain mature content such as descriptions of violence, death, abuse, smut and so on.
Let me know what you think in the comments!
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