Feelings and Emotions
Absorbed..... Adored..... Afraid..... Aggravated..... Alarmed..... Alienated..... Amazed..... Ambivalent
Amused..... Angry..... Anguished..... Annoyed..... Anticipating..... Anxious..... Aroused..... Attacked
Awkward..... Belittled..... Bitter..... Bored..... Brave..... Calm..... Caring..... Cautious..... Cheerful Comfortable..... Compassionate..... Concerned..... Confident..... Confused..... Contempt..... Content Curious..... Defeated..... Degraded..... Delighted..... Depressed..... Disappointed..... Disgraced
Disgusted..... Disillusioned..... Disliked..... Dismayed..... Disoriented..... Disturbed..... Dreadful
Eager..... Elated ..... Embarrassed ..... Enthused ..... Envious ..... Exasperated ..... Excited
Exhausted ..... Exhilarated ..... Fearful ..... Fond ..... Frustrated ..... Grief-stricken ..... Grumpy
Guilty ..... Happy ..... Hateful ..... Helpless ..... Hesitant ..... Hopeful ..... Hopeless ..... Horrified
Hostile ..... Humiliated ..... Hurt ..... Indifferent ..... Infatuated ..... Inferior ..... Insecure
Insulted ..... Interested ..... Intrigued ..... Irritated ..... Isolated ..... Loved ..... Jealous
Joyful ..... Left Out ..... Lonely ..... Lustful ..... Melancholic ..... Neglected ..... Nervous
Numb ..... Optimistic ..... Out of Control ..... Outraged ..... Overwhelmed ..... Overextended
Panicked ..... Pitied ..... Pleased ..... Powerless ..... Preoccupied ..... Proud ..... Rageful
Receptive ..... Regretful ..... Rejected ..... Relaxed ..... Relieved ..... Remorseful ..... Resentful
Restless ..... Repulsed ..... Sad ..... Safe ..... Satisfied ..... Scared ..... Scornful ..... Self conscious
Shamed ..... Shocked ..... Sorrowful ..... Spiteful ..... Stunned ..... Suspicious ..... Sympathetic
Tender ..... Trustworthy ..... Uncertain ..... Undeserving ..... Uncomfortable ..... Unimportant
Unlovable ..... Unworthy ..... Vulnerable ..... Weary ..... Worried
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