50 Followers Cont.
Sooo no one said any questions...
Which is completely fine! I'll just make them up for myself for a QnA
(Please don't hate me of they are bad and horribly vague)
Ya know what? I just googled "good questions to answer in a QnA" so now I'm going to answer the best questions google has to offer. I think I'm gonna do 15.
So strap in!
1. What is your biggest fear?
Well I had a long discussion about this with sherlockian_demigod ...my biggest fear is large and uncontrolled fires. Small bonfires and torches I'm fine with. Anything bigger and uncontrolled, I'm outa there.
2. What is your favorite family vacation?
Ever? That would be when we went to the Bahamas on our 28 ft jet boat. It was really fun. Annually? That would be during the week of Thanksgiving. My family, my moms mom, and our godparents all go down to the beach and we stay in a really nice condo and eat Thanksgiving dinner together. It's always fun during it.
3. What would you change about yourself if you could?
Ha! I've thought about this alot! Obviously, my appearance. Not only my horrible acne, but also just my body. I'm really self conscious about my body and only wear large, loose shirts becuase of it. When the shirts are even remotely tight I constantly pull it forward. Also my eyes. Not the color, but my seeing part. I like having glasses, but I wish my eyes weren't as bad as they were. And I would change my voice. It's a weird mix of all sorts of accents and sounds so freaking weird in recordings. I absolutely hate listening to my voice over recordings cause I hate it so much. Sorry this became really long-
4. What is your favorite book to read?
Pfft that's obvious. Anything Percy Jackson.
5. What is your favorite author.
Also easy. Uncle Rick of course. (If you dont know who that is its Rick Riordan)
6. Who would you want to be stranded on a desert Island with?
Hmm...that's hard. Imma do two answers. Real life, and wattpad. Real life would either be my best friend or my older brother. I dont get along sometimes (most of the time) with my brother, but hes an Eagle Scout. Meaning he has literally been training for a really big portion of his life to survive in the wilderness. And my best friend wouldnt be good at surviving, but it would be nice to just sit and talk and be with someone I really care about for my final few days. Wattpad would either be sherlockian_demigod cause shes my twin and, come on, or Gemston3 becuase shes my mom and I trust her with my life.
7. What are two pet peeves?
When people smack. When chewing gum, im fine. But when your sitting at a table, eating actual food and your smacking your big fat lips and food is flying everywhere like you got a cannon in there I just wanna grab the flabby jaw if yours an crack it in ha-
Ahem. My second is when people (talking to you grandma) make comments about my body. "Your looking kinda full there haha!" With a poke to my stomach. Yes I already know about it. Yes I'm already insecure about it. Your. Just. Making. It. Worse.
8. How many pair of shoes do you have?
This ones....weird...um...I have four. Two pairs of flip flops, one pair of slip ons and one pair of tennis shoe. The slip on is so small for me my toes are literally making a hole in the top...the tennis shoe is also getting pretty small....why do you guys need to know this?
9. What superpower would you want?
Either teleportation or flight. I love flying, but teleportation is freaking dope....then again, you can technically fly with teleportation if you just teleport in the same spot over and over again...
10. Favorite zoo animal?
.......wolf or lion
11. What would you change if you could go back in time?
Alright! Now we are getting to the good questions.
My answer is....nothing. I would change nothing. That's right. No stopping the holocaust, no stopping wars, no killing or saving people. The past happened for a reason. And humanity should look back on our mistakes and learn from them, not try to rewrite them. And for example, let's say I go back in time amd successfully kill Hitler before he could do anything. I come back and are like "I killed hitler!" Everyone would look at you weird and say "you mean that art student that was brutally murdered as a young adult in like, the 1800's, and they never found the killer?" (I'm blanking on when it actually happened)
So, it would be no use to do it for the glory, and humanity could never learn from those mistakes.
Another example. You go back in time to stop the bloodiest war in american history. The Civil War. You are successful. Guess what? You come back and slavery is still legal they are treated a thousand times worse. It's the butterfly effect as well. One small thing happening in the past, would effect you present, which is now your future. If I had a time machine I would go back in time to observe, but nothing more. Get it? No? Okay.
12. Three things you would take with you to a desert island?
.....a boat....oars....and a flare gun....
13. Do you love or hate rollercoasters?
Love em.
14. Is your glass half full or half empty?
....I dont....have a cup....its the middle of the night...
15. If you ruled a kingdom, what would be the first law you would induce?
(That was a joke question)
15. If you had a warning label, what would it be?
"Dont even put a scratch on my friends, online or real life, or else I will personally skin you alive before tearing you limb from limb, soaking you in boiling lemon juice and finally hanging you up for the birds to feast on"
Okay! That was fun :) hope you enjoyed and learned a little bit more about me. Again thank you to all my followers.
Let's hear it for 100!
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