(Ski) Resort-ing to Violence
//The music belongs to Mr Envy on youtube.TW: gore and violence//
Once the fog fell away from his vision, Sun couldn't help but stare in shock at the place in which he and the other three survivors found themselves.
The snowflakes piercing his chassis like icy bullets was enough to give away that something wasn't right with this place, not to mention he was unsure how and why he was put in such a location.
It was cold. Unnaturally cold, even.
The place looked foreboding with dark, smog-like clouds above them blotting out what remaining light there was. Torrent upon torrent of snowflakes pelted the ground and the survivors in white, freezing shards that annoyingly stuck to everything in sight.
Tree branches creaked, as did a dangerously dangling snow lift swing that was hanging from the frozen cable by a threadbare cord which threatened to break with even the slightest change in the wind's direction and volume.
What's more, the centerpiece of this warped wintery wasteland was a large, rickety shack with blacked out and smashed windows that let the cold snow in, its discoloured wooden walls whining and creaking under the pressure of the storm, yet still standing strong, albeit a bit warped through age and the impact of the elements.
Despite himself, Sundrop couldn't help but shiver; he wasn't sure if it was his temperature sensors activating, or if he was in pure panic mode. Either explanation would suit the situation, but he was a little too distracted by the noises and sights around him and the other three survivors to think about it.
Unfortunately, the scared, spellbound haze he found himself in wouldn't last, as a spine-chilling scream jolted him back to reality.
It was Laurie!
She sounded like she was in danger.
But where in the name of Fazco was she?!
Without hesitation, Sun ran off, scanning the environment visually as he ran faster and faster into the wintery abyss.
He could hear movement from nearby; things falling or being pushed over, people running, crows cawing- Why were there crows?! WHERE were the crows?! Who knew at this point?!
No, stop getting distracted! Laurie was in danger or maybe even hurt!
Sun continued running, skidding to a halt and hopping through a broken window, glass crunching under his shoes, before he noticed a familiar light blue shirt and blonde hair next to a cabinet.
"Laurie!!" Sun gasped, the animatronic darting to her without any forethought or delay.
He could hear her rapid heartbeat, as well as her shallow, shaky breathing, as she pressed a hand to the wound on her side.
Blood seeped through the fabric and between her fingers, turning part of the blue garment into an ugly purple-brown shade and leaving trails of sticky red residue on her cold skin.
She looked up, a pained expression on her face, though her eyes gave away her relief.
"Sunny..." she gasped out.
"It's ok, it's ok! I'm gonna help you" Sun reassured her kindly, kneeling down and carefully lifting up her shirt just a bit, to reveal the v-shaped gash that was still spurting out blood like a crimson geyser.
The sight of the large globs leaking from the wound made him wince. Who in the world did this to her?
He then steeled himself; he had a job to do, of course!
Good thing he was programmed in first aid, not to mention he had a few things on him to do so!
Sun dilligently mended and dressed the wound, wiping away any traces of blood.
Laurie was a little calmer now, allowing herself to be helped up by the tall robotic survivor.
Out of all the survivors in the fog, never before had she known one to be as caring or empathetic as he was, even though they had only known each other for a short while.
Many of the other survivors were out for themselves and themselves alone, only a small handful willing to help out their team if needed, sometimes even if it was just for their own gain.
It made her wonder what made him like this. Surely since he was a robot, he was supposed to be cold and emotionless, right?
As she held Sun's arm, she looked over his shoulder, seeing a black hooded mass approaching them rapidly, casting a growing shadow over the two of them.
"Laurie? what's wrong?" Sun asked with a concerned tone, rays retracting a little in worry.
"S-Sun-" Laurie started, eyes widening.
The black mass raised a knife aloft, its silver blade glinting in the limited light cast by the buzzing bulb above.
"Sunny, behind you!!!!" Laurie exclaimed, causing Sunny to turn around with one quick swivel of his torso.
Sundrop and Laurie both yelped in fear, then all of a sudden the room was filled with a blinding white light.
Laurie took her chance and shielded her eyes from the offending blaze of white light, though the killer was not so lucky.
The slasher stumbled and almost fell headlong into a locker, and Laurie felt herself get pulled to her feet before she was led outside, the glaring light dwindling until it was non-existent.
Did someone have a flashlight?
Who was even nearby WITH said flashlight?
There was no-one else around, apart from....
Laurie turned to the tall animatronic once they were safely crouched behind a large, lumpy boulder that concealed them both nicely.
"What...wh...what the hell was that?!" Laurie panted breathlessly, her eyes still wide with shock.
Sundrop gave her a worried look in return, discreetly scanning her for any other wounds.
Nothing, apart from a couple of bruises. What a relief!
"I-I, uh..." he started, Laurie lifting her head up to look him in the eyes.
It was then, and only then, she saw the very thing that caused that bright ray of light.
Laurie couldn't help but stare in amazement at Sun's eyes.
No longer were they the comforting golden hue from when they first met; at least, not yet.
No, instead they were a stark white blur, and were glowing dimly, just enough to cut through the blizzard and cast her shadow on the ground, but not enough to give them both away.
At least, she hoped not.
"It......it was you?" Laurie murmured, still a little stunned.
"It was me, what?" Sun asked in confusion, dimming his optics before his optics reverted back to their former golden-eyed glory.
"You cast that light? I didn't think that was possible without a flashlight of some kind" she answered, taking a moment to glance behind her shoulder just in case the killer overheard them.
When the coast was clear, she turned back to Sun, waiting for his answer.
Sundrop awkwardly chuckled, despite the ever-present terror that resonated within his circuits. His fingers absent-mindedly drummed on his knees in a fluid rippling motion, while he searched for the correct words to explain.
He wanted to delve into the science, the mechanics, but all he could give Laurie -in addition to a sheepish smile- was a short explanation.
"I guess you could say it's one of the many perks of being an animatronic" he replied, shrugging his shoulders.
"It leaves me wondering if it'll work on the flashlights you and the others have, too, but I don't wanna risk giving away our hiding spot!" he added.
Laurie Strode couldn't help but cock an eyebrow, pursing her lips while she processed the answer this seemingly sentient robot had given her.
It was a little far fetched, to say the least, but then again so was being trapped with a horde of supernaturally strong killers whose bloodlust knew no bounds.
She looked over the top of the boulder, as did Sun, seeing nobody was around.
Without another word or thought of hesitation, the two left their hiding spot and tore down the snow-laden path to find the others, or at least seek out a generator so they could mend it and get the hell out of this frozen wasteland.
Sundrop could hear his ally's heart beating from how close they were, and he was unsure if it was a good or a bad thing.
He didn't have much time to dwell on such a thing, as he was grabbed by the wrist and pulled over to one of the generators that had completely stopped working.
From what he could tell, two had already been fixed, and this was surely the next one to focus on.
It was a clunky old thing, with wires and gears akimbo, and the motors unmoving, the lights not even having the energy to flicker on in a faint signal for help.
Without a moment's hesitation, the two promptly knelt by the generator, one either side, as they both got to work on the generator.
While Laurie worked away at the motors, coating her fingers in sticky black grease that she wiped on the grass at short intervals, Sun was fixing each wire and scanning for every problem the contraption harboured. His scanners brought up a strange radar that spun relentlessly during his and his comrade's toils.
He just wanted to blink it away and focus, but it would not leave his vision, stopping abruptly for each gear and wire fixed.
One. The motors and bellows pumped into life.
Two. The gears spun and clunked a little before whirring nicely with a pleasant purring sound.
Three. The lights were flickering above him.
Just one more....
Sunny felt the silver blade embed itself into a thin seam in between the semi-squishy metal of his chassis, very nearly missing crucial wires but severing multiple oil lines.
The animatronic groaned out in agony and twisted away from the knife, oil spurting out onto the grass just underneath where his ribcage should have been.
Laurie let out a yelp as she backed up, seeing Sunny stumble away from the killer, not wanting to leave her side.
Despite this, the killer came after Sunny, black oil still dripping from their blade that they couldn't help but look at quizzically.
Placing a large, shaky hand to the wound, Sundrop let his eyes light up once more in a blinding beam of white light, disorienting the killer and giving Laurie just enough time to slot the last gear in place and turn on the generator.
Its own pale yellow light shone above them both in a warm cone that twisted the shadows of the buildings around them, warping the atmosphere to the Entity's liking.
Oil from the robot's wound dripped onto the white snow below, making ugly black blots that stuck to everything, leaving a sparse trail towards the exit gate.
Sun's face twisted into a repulsed expression at the sight and feeling of the oil seeping between his fingers.
Not to mention it stung.
Oh boy, did it sting something fierce!
Blearily, to keep his mind off of the pain, Sun looked around for any kind of exit.
Luckily, Dwight had had the same idea, as the bespectacled man pulled the lever down and opened the gate.
Jeff, on the other hand, was enjoying the thrill of the chase, taunting the killer where he could and leaving a few broken meat hooks in his wake.
"The gate's open! Hurry!!" Dwight called over to them, ushering Laurie through.
Sundrop followed after, still clutching his wound, wincing and whimpering in stifled groans of pain to accompany the agony in each step he took.
He continued, hearing Jeff and Dwight following him and Laurie, as well as the masked killer letting out curses that sparked and hissed terribly, only for their derogatory words to fall on deaf ears.
Sunny could still feel the wound in his side, though the cool fog seemed to mask the pain, at least for now.
Now, he and the group had to run.
As long as the fog took them back to the campfire, everything would be a-ok...
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