The Swamp
Jimmy's Perspective-
Growing up, I was known as the prince of the swamp. Our area wasn't too developed, but it had a lot of heart and room for improvement.
My father, the Cod Father, was a strong leader. He was kind to me, but his resting face made it look as though he was ready to snap at any moment.
I never really left my home, so therefore I didn't know much about the other places. I knew of them, sure, but not really about them.
There was the colorful empire in the east and the mystical empire northwest, but that was really it.
Though there was one kingdom I knew best.
The Grimlands.
"Prince James, please try and pay attention." Sir Robins sighed. "I'm supposed to be teaching you about The Grimlands."
"I know, I know." Jimmy sat up and rested his chin on his hand. "I just feel like we're always reviewing what we already know."
"They could be upping their game every second, you have no idea what they could be capable of." Sir Robins said sternly. He was the king's best, most trusted knight. He was firm and cold hearted, and in charge of teaching Jimmy about the enemy empires when his father couldn't.
"Yeah, yeah, I know they got redstone and stuff." Jimmy said, tracing his finger on the wood of the table.
"We get new information each day, it is important that you pay attention and know the ins and outs of the empire." Sir Robins said, frustrated a bit by the prince's lack of attention. "And that means you also need to know the old to understand the new.
Jimmy groaned loudly.
"We've already gone over all of the books! I know our history with them, I know they want to kill our cod, I know what exact waters the cod do well in, heck we even timed me as I made five cod sanctuaries as quickly as I could. I made them in less than four minutes!!" Jimmy said, glaring at his teacher.
Sir Robins smiled and raised an eyebrow.
"You seem to know everything, huh? Alright then, let's test that. Prince James, do you know all of Grimlands allies?" Sir Robins asked.
"Er- yeah isn't it those Mythland people?" Jimmy tilted his head.
"Mhm, continue." Sir Robins nodded.
"Um...the uh...the jungle?" Jimmy stuttered.
Sir Robins nodded, his stare hardening just slightly.
"And...and the witches in the cliffs?" Jimmy said and Sir Robins put his hand up for him to stop.
"You got two out of the three."
"Three? I thought there were four!"
Sir Robins smirked. "Things change, Prince James. That is why we must always review."
"Wait so what was the one I missed?"
"The farmers down in Gilded Helianthia." Sir Robins said. "And The Lost Empire isn't allied with Grimlands. They may live nearby, but I'm afraid that king is too stubborn to team with anyone."
"And the one that left?" Jimmy asked.
"Rivendell." Sir Robins listed and Jimmy nodded.
"So, I expect to see you back here on Friday. Remember to do your readings, I will quiz you on the history." Sir Robins said and Jimmy grumbled.
"Have a good evening, Prince James." Sir Robins said, opening the door.
Okay so for those of you wondering why the heck in every ESMP story I got there's this guy named Sir Robins, it's cause I'm really lazy and can't come up with another name. He is not me, I am not him; he's just some knight.
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