Nexus had just started school, He knew 3 people there already. Drake, Cassette Girl, and Rasazy
Ras: So this is your roommate?
Nexus: While you and CG go thru intros I'll look 4 drake
Cassette Girl/CG: k see ya
while nexus was walking he accidentally bumped into a girl with purple hair and knocked her books down
Nexus: Oops I am so sorry!
???: Oh um I-it's o-ok
Nexus: (helping her pick up the books) here let me help
???: oh th-thanks
Nexus: Sorry about that I'm Nexus BTW, Who might you be?
???: I'm Y-Yuri
Nexus: Nice to meet you, you seem a little nervous
Yuri: oh I-I'm a-always like th-this
Nexus: Huh... well It was nice to meet you! oh and also have you seen a kid with black and red hair? wears green and has a tail?
Yuri: N-no I haven't S-sorry
???: Yuri!!! There you are!!! I've been looking everywhere for you!!!
Yuri: S-sorry M-Monika... I-I was a b-bit caught up w-with something
Monika: who's your friend?
Nexus: I'm nexus, nice to meet you, Monika was it?
Monika: Yeah that's me, president of the literature club
Nexus: oh ok...
Monika: Nice to meet you nexus, C'mon Yuri, let's set up the new club room!!!
While Monika and Yuri were leaving, Yuri turned around and waved goodbye to nexus, Nexus waved back and Yuri caught up with Monika.
Drake: Hey
Nexus: AH SHIT!!! you scared me!!!
Drake: I see you've made a friend or two
Nexus: Yeah...
Drake: well we better hurry, class starts in 2 minutes
Nexus: Oh then what are we waiting for?
(After school)
Drake: that was an exhausting 8 hours...
Nexus: Meh It wasn't that bad!
Drake: Do you think cyber nexus could help with my hw?
Nexus: Maybe
Yuri: Um N-Nexus
Nexus: Oh Hey Yuri!
Yuri: Um c-could I t-talk to you f-for a sec?
Nexus: Sure!
Drake: See ya man!
Nexus: See ya!
Yuri: Um I w-was wondering if y-you could join the l-literature c-club?
Nexus: Oh um... ok but I'll have to let my parents know
Yuri: Th-Thanks nexus!
Monika: So he joined?
Yuri: Yep
Sayori: Hi nice to meet you!
Natsuki: Hmmph...
MC: Hello!
Nexus: Oh good, I'm not the only guy here
MC: Hehehe
Sayori: I'm Sayori, this is my bf, MC. And that's Natsuki with the pink hair. I see you have already met Monika and Yuri
Nexus: yeah...
Monika: BTW I noticed you had a microphone, We've sung with someone before, wanna sing?
Nexus: sure!!
Monika: Hey Yuri, you should sing with us
Yuri: Oh... IDK...
Nexus: Aw c'mon pls?
Yuri: o-ok
(Finally found a voice for Nexus for now)
Nexus: WOW You guys were awesome
Monika: Thx!
Yuri: (blushing) Th-thank you
Monika: That was fun but we're outta time for today, See you all Tomorrow!!
Nexus: See ya guys
Solazar: Any luck so far
Agoti: nope
Aldryx: Nothing...
Solazar: Ughh... Looks like we're going to have to call in a favor from a friend
Agoti: Do you mean?
Solazar: Unfortunately yes...
Aldryx: But you despise her
Solazar: Despise is a strong word, it may be accurate, but still...
Agoti: Let's just hope she knows what she's doing
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