Wow, already?
Jeremy:"Wow! That was quick!"
Foxy:"Arrr what be it, lass?"
Jeremy: "We already have our first truth AND dare both from FoxyFallon."
Foxy: "How come the lass be sounding familiar."
Jeremy: "Your kidding, right?"
Foxy: ""
Jeremy: "Come on! At least I would remember a family member of mine!"
Foxy: "Oh...right... Still no."
Jeremy: -_-"Anyways... Hey! Where are you going?"
Foxy: "To the corner to rethink me life..."
Jeremy: "No time for that. For now you have a dare."
Foxy: "OK... What be it?"
???:"You have to run around in circles chasing your tail!"
Foxy: "Who are ye?"
Jeremy:"You don't need to know yet."
???:"Anyways, you have a dare to do! Have fun brother!"
Foxy: "Fine..."
*gets down on all fours and waits*
Jeremy: "Well?"
Foxy: "But I get dizzy quick."
Jeremy: "Just do it."
Foxy: *mumbles*"Why did Jeremy make me do this?"
Jeremy: "I can hear you Foxy."
*starts spinning in circles*
*after 3 or 4 rotations starts losing balance *
Foxy: "Woah!"
*falls over and tries to get up and falls again*
*both Jeremy and ??? laugh hysterically *
Foxy: "NOT FUNNY!"
Jeremy: "OK fine..."
*walks over and tries picking him up*
*both fall over*
Jeremy: "Foxy I think you need to stay there for a bit."
*Foxy finally gets up*
Foxy: "I better not have to do this again or I'll kill ye."
Jeremy: "Wait, do it again I wasn't looking."
Foxy: "WHAT?"
Jeremy: "Just kidding!" XD
Foxy: "You better be."
Jeremy: "OK now I also have a truth from the same person and its am I dating anyone? So that is no I broke up awhile ago. So that's it for now, keep commenting or sending me (thru kik- its either in my bio or chapter 20 of my "Mangled Love story) some more truths or dares and as always, I will see you in the next update."
Jeremy:"Later guys!"
Here are the characters
Toy Chica-TChica
Toy Bonnie-TBonnie, Bon bon
Toy Freddy-TFreddy, Fredrick
Balloon Boy-BB
Balloon Girl-BG
Golden Freddy-GF, Goldie
Shadow Bonnie-SBonnie
Shadow Freddy-SFreddy
You can have your character by giving details or a truth or dare and saying you want to be in the story and even say your role or just tell me to read your bio. You must say this with a truth or dare to participate.
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