Dares 19 & 20
Bonnie*runs in room*
Jeremy"Let me guess. You heard a loud noise and its going to turn out to be my phone. Am I right?"
Jeremy*reads dare*"Hey Bonnie, won't you have fun with this. Its from Ipadlover999."
Bonnie"What is it?"
*shows dare*
Bonnie"I can't!"
Jeremy"Bullshit! I'm pretty sure you two have been flirting enough to go on a date right?"
Bonnie"Fine..."*looks for Bon bon*
Bonnie"H-hey Bon bon c-can I ask you a q-question?"
Bon bon"Sure."
Bonnie"W-w-will y-y-y-you gooo onnn..."
Bon bon"On a date? Are you serious. No!"
Bonnie"ok..."*walks away*
Bon bon*puts hand on shoulder*"Bonnie. I was just kidding! Of course I will!"
Bonnie"Oh god you really had me!"
Bon bon"Were do you want to go?"
Bonnie"How about..."
Jeremy"Hey Bonnie. You guys should go mini golfing. Maybe bowling. I don't care. Do something fun!"
Bonnie"Sure! Mini golf sound good?"
Bon bon"Yeah!"
Jeremy"Have fun you two! OK, now time for my dare. ThatFnafGirlJessica dared me to go in a dark room of tarantulas."
Jess"Ha have fun!"*evil grin*
Jeremy"Meh. I've had worse."-glares at Jess-
Jeremy*goes in room*
Bonnie and Bon bon
Bon bon"Ha! Hole in one!"
Bonnie"Dang! You're good! That's 23-16 you!"
Bon bon"I told you not to underestimate me!"
Bonnie"Well damn I should have listened."
Jeremy's POV
Man the tarantulas are fuzzy. But not that good type. Whatever. I wonder how many there are. I've already named about twenty.
Jess"OK Jeremy time to get out!"
Jeremy"Yes! No!"
Jess*Opens door and tries to pull out Jeremy*
Jeremy"Nooo! I must not leave them! They've accepted me as leader!"
*closes door*
Jeremy*walks up to door*"I'll never forget you Jimmy. Or you Phil! Or Smittywerbenjagermanjensen! Or Francis!"
Jess"What's with you and spiders?"
Jeremy"I like spiders..."
*Bonnie and Bon bon walk in*
Jeremy"Hey guys how was it?"
Bon bon"Awesome! I beat Bonnie in mini golf!"
Jeremy"Cool! How easy was it?"
Jeremy"alright well that's it so once more, Later guys!"
Jess"Later peeps!"
Shawn"See ya!"
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