Dare 6
*I'm sitting in the office the my notification tone goes off*
"AAAAHHH!! What the fuck was that!!!"
*looks at phone and faclpalms*
*reads comment*
"Hm...ok. Hey Foxy, Mangle, get over here!"
*mangle climbs from the ceiling into the room*
Mangle"What's up?"
"You just couldn't resist that, could you?"
"No. Hey, where's Foxy?"
"Still getting fixed." *sad face*:'(
"Oh. Anyways, this isn't a dare."
"Oh thank god. I don't want me hurting Foxy like that again."
"Oh, might as well do the second part then."
"Wait!!!" Bon bon comes Runing in the room.
"All we need to do is test Foxy and were good."
"OK then I'll do the first part first."
*Foxy then walks in the room*
"Ahoy Mateys."
Me"Yup that's Foxy."
Ecam "Hey Foxy and Mangle, sorry a out the last dare."
"Who be that lad?"
"Oh yeah, guys meet Ecam !"
"The person that gave you the dare."
"Ye Better be apologizing."
Ecam "I did..."
Ecam "I just did."
"Well I didn't hear it."
Me:"OK anyways you guys can get to know each other better. I have to go do something."
"Uh.. Quick question lad.
"Why does he have to be another fox?"
Ecam "Im a wolf."
"Can I call ye a fox?"
Ecam "No."
*in the anamatronics archives room*
"OK so my dare was to rebuild Violet. Oh wow there are a lot discontinued models. Thank god their in alphabetical order."
I look on the shelves and see the V's and finally find Violets.
I gets bags of parts and go to parts and services and get started.
Freddy"Uh Jeremy what are you doing?"
"A dare."
"That explains it."
"What do you mean by that?"
"You would never fix an anamatronic or shit like that."
"Shut it Fazfuck. I'm working, something you've never a damn day in your life."
"God damn..."
*13 hours 27 minutes 45 seconds 98 miliseconds later*(but hey, who's counting?)
"Finally, done. Now, let's go introduce you to the others."
*back to the other in the office, Foxy's memories were regained*
Me*whispers to Violet*"OK you ready?"
"Hey guys! I'm back, and I brought a friend! Come on out!"
"I can't believed its really ye!"
"I'm just glad I can be with you again!!!"
"Uh... About that."
"What's wrong?"
"While you were gone I was with Mangle."
"You still like me, right?"
Tears start to form in her eyes.
"Of course I like ye, but now as a friend."
Violet then walked out of the room slowly with her tail down.
"Hey Ecam, you should go talk to her."
"Why me?"
"She probably feels like she just raised from the dead then got rejected. You can somewhat relate since you were also just introduced."
Ecam"Yeah I guess your right."
"OK cool. Any that's if for now and as always, Later guys!"
OC list
Fox- FoxyFallon-Foxy's sister
Ecam- ecam2002- Wolf anamatronic, no relations
Jeremy- Me -night guard, no relations
Shawn- Fnaf_FoxyFan - Night guard, no relations
Regular animatronics
Foxy(s)- None
Chica(s)- None
Bonnie(s)- None
Freddy(s)- None
Golden Freddy(s)- None
Puppet- None
Phantoms(s)- None
Spring trap- None
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