Dare 51
Jeremy"Man, I have to get back in the rhythm of things..."*checks phone*"Hey, a dare!"
Ecam*takes phone*"No no no its not for you."
Jeremy"How do you know?"
Ecam*shrugs and reads dare*"Hmm OK. Hey Toy Chica follow me."
TChica"To where?"
Jeremy"That's right, get the fuck out of here."
TChica"Yeah fuck you too."
Jeremy"Finally, peace and quiet. I can finally take a nap!"
School district& teachers"Lol nope!"
Ecam and TChica
Ecam"OK so I have a dare from Hellboy124 and its to fix you to like Jeremy again."
TChica"WHAT! NO!"
Ecam"But he won't expect it and will hate it. Especially if he doesn't know."
TChica"So it revenge at the wrong time."
Ecam"Yeah sure."*turns TChica off and starts to fix*
Jeremy"Finally done with schoolwork! Now I can nap!"
Hockey practice"Lol nope! But you can get tired. Again."
Back with Ecam
*working on complex robotics and coding*
Jess"Man what's taking you so long?"
Ecam"Do you want to try coding and wiring?"
Jess"No that's hard."
Jeremy"Finally! Done with practice, now I can nap!"
Other social media"Lol nope!"
Back with Ecam
TChica"H-h-h-helllourkdjbr"*breaks down*
Ecam"Damn it!!!!"
Violet"Ecam you need help?"
Ecam*pissed off*"No I'm fine. Thanks."
Violet*kisses*"You sure?"
Ecam"Maybe a little help..."
Violet"After all I am an animatronic."
Jeremy"FINALLY, now I can nap!"
Wattpad"Lol nope!"
Jeremy"I got a little time for that..."
Back to Ecam
Violet"We're done!"
Ecam"OK we should act like usual so Jeremy doesn't get suspicious."
Violet"Got it!"
Jeremy"Ayyy your done Ecam."
Jeremy"So what'd you have to do?"
Ecam"Can't say."
TChica"Hey Jeremy..."
Jeremy"What the fuck did you do to her, she's acting nice again..."
Ecam"She should still be her old self."
Jeremy"If she starts getting any weirder I'm going to destroy her."
(Remember ' this is a thought)
TChica"Then you might as well do it now. But do it in a different room."
'If you know what I mean...'
Jeremy*not thinking right*'Is this right? I just get rid of her that easy'
"OK fine." 'She is not acting right...'
*Both go into other room for a bit*
A couple minutes later
Jeremy*runs out of the room petrified *"I THOUGHT SHE STILL HATED ME! I THOUGHT SHE MEANT TO SCRAP HER!*snaps fingers and train appears*"ALL ABOARD THE NOPE TRAIN TO FUCKTHATVILLE!!!"*speeds away*
Everyone*on ground laughing *
Ecam"I guess that's it for now, Peace!"
Jess"Later peeps!"
Shawn"See ya!"
???"So long..."
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