Dare 25
Jeremy*phone goes off in pocket*
Phone"Merry Halloween you have a dare."
Jeremy"OK let's see here..."
Bonnie"Does it include me?"
Jeremy"Hmmm no just me. Its from ThatFnafGirlJessica and she dares me to tell my worst experiences. OK. I'll do three of them. I guess my worst was in Florida, 3 years ago in June, 2 days before my birthday. We were in the Atlantic ocean, swimming when I looked behind me and a ways away was a shark. It was defiletly conning to me so I swam as fast as I can. I was close to shore when I kicked it and felt something sharp impale me. When I got out of the water, there it was, a great white shark tooth. Right in my ankle.(I got to keep it.) I was fine in time for my birthday. And two, in Arizona 5 years ago, I left my shoes outside and when we were leaving to go somewhere, I look in my shoe, and right in there, as long as a playing card, a brown scorpion. It jumped out at me and almost got me but I moved in time and whacked it with my shoe.(I also got to keep that) When I was about 7 I was locked in a police car at a police open house. I was in there for 10 minutes but my parents were gone. The police contacted them and they got me. And lastly, in my neighborhood there are woods where there is a old shack in the middle of it and I went in there and saw a human skull, axe, a mask, a cassette player, and a old cassette tape. Listening to it, it says:()what I'm thinking
"Ahhh lumberjacks, sleep where they want and want what they sleep.(?) You think this cottage is for you? Well I'm sorry but it isn't. Leave now or forever stay here."
But yeah... Those are moments I didn't think I could have escaped from... Some alive. Do yeah send in some dares and see you later. Later guys!"
*BTW I did end up going back to the cottage and brought some friends. I had a pocket knife just in case but we didn't need it. We checked out the house and there was nothing good. I tried splitting loss with the axe and it broke, the skull was paper mache, and the cassette was probably fake too. What a bust...
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