OC Character App.
(Sorry if I got your hopes up for this update)
To avoid confusion with any added OC's, these questions must be answered to give me a greater understanding of the character as I try to give each OC its own voice.
5.Relationships(If none write None)
5c.Neutral/doesn't mind
5e.Hates completely
6.Adjectives to describe character
10.Any added information*
*Field not required
★★★This would help alot but isn't necessary. The reason I made this is because I hate not giving everyone thier own voice in my book which is why some updates take forever. I never know what to do with the OC's so hence why they don't show up as much. I want this to change so the more I know, the more I could write.★★★
If some of the people do this I will make a chapter with the character descriptions so I know where I'm at. It would hopefully help me get more chapters out quicker. Here are the owners of OC's in my book:
Me Jeremy
x_Alicia-Cantarel_x Alicia
ColorBoyblam66432 Sugarpop
Call_Of_The_Wild_ Lyra
yng_ecam Ecam
TheDaylightAshesFoxx Fox
vohika321 Ticci
Hellboy124 Hellboy
ThatFnafGirlJessica Jessica
potatodude14 Joehan
One character is unclaimed, the name is COBRA with no other information found.
Update on chapter.
It's taking alot longer than expected but I have started working on it alot more and am not getting too side tracked. The next chapter will include four new characters and four dares! See you soon, Later guys!
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