Dare 1
Jeremy*playing on phone and notification tone goes off*"What could it be now?"*goes to check phone then Fox runs by and steals it quickly*"Hey what was that for?"
Fox"This one isn't for you."
Jeremy "Alright then..."
Fox*reads dare*(Just kidding! She didn't need to since the dare was from herself. And FoxyFallon dared herself to prank everyone)
Jeremy"Can I have my phone back now?"
Fox"Hmm lemme think... No."
Jeremy "Fine."
Fox"Also you can leave. I need to... Prepare."
Jeremy"Sure..." Jeremy walks out of room
Fox*gets evil grin*"Lets get crakin'!"
««Time Skip»»
Ecam*walking through main hallway and hears footsteps*"Who's there?"
Fox"Just me."
Ecam"Where are you?"*turns around*
Fox"Right here!"*throws pie and hits him in the face*"Haha!"*runs away*
Ecam"Oh, its on."
In storage room
WBonnie"mfjdirbshsjedzinfyfujdf. Enahdndxhfi?"
WFoxy"The lad's voice box be broken."
WBonnie"up dndhxndbdhfbdvdhfhfb. Sndnddh?"
WFreddy"Don't bother trying to talk."
WFreddy "Whatever. We haven't don't anything for months, years. We need something."
??"How bout some pie?"
WChica"Pizza pie?"
??"No you duck."
WChica "I'm a Chic..."*Gets hit with pie*
WFreddy" What the..."*gets hit*
WBonnie...*gets hit*
WFoxy"Who be disturbing.. "*gets hit by pie*
??" Sorry not sorry bro."runs out of room*
Wfoxy "Who was that?"
WBonnie "Difnfhxkebdh."
Somewhere else in the restaurant.
Jeremy is walking around and sees a slip of paper on the ground in a supply closet.
Jeremy"What could that be?"*walks closer*"A hockey ticket! Wait, this has to be a trick, no one leaves a perfectly good ticket like that."
Fox"Oh just get in there"*pushes into supply closet and locks door*
Jeremy"Well, looks like I'm stuck here, alone. This sucks. Well at least I have a hockey ticket now."*sees its expired*"Noooooooooooooo!!!!"
Bon bon and TChica and sitting on the stage, relaxing when suddenly a pie flies across the room.
Bon bon"Noooooo!!" *gets hit with pie*
Then immediately after a second pie came across the room and hit TChica.
Bon bon "Well that was pointless.."
TFreddy walks to the show stage and sees TChica and Bon bon.
TFreddy"What happened here?!"
Bon bon "We got ambushed."
TFreddy"By who?"
Bon bon points behind Fred and he turns around and sees Fox, pie in hand.
Fox"Hi!"*Throws pie in face and runs away*
TFreddy"Man she is going down!"
Mangle comes in the room and sees the three other toys with pie on their face.
Fox"Sorry forgot you!"*throws pie and hits Mangle*
Other toys"Hahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahaha!!! "
Mangle"Very funny..."
Mike, Vincent, Fritz, and PG are in the office(this sounds like the beginning to a bad joke) and the lights go dark.
PG"Great. Who did thAT AHHHHH!"
Vincent"What afraid of the daRKHOLY SH..."
Mike"What the hell is goING ON!!!WHATTHEFUCKISTHAT!?!?"
Fritz"Save the food!!"
Lights turn on and the guards all have pies on their faces.
Mike"I will get whoever did this."
Fritz"Yay pie!"
Springtrap and the puppet talking by the Puppets box.
Springtrap"So TFreddy told me that Fox was targeting people and then throwing pies at them."
Puppet "Well then lets try stopping her."
Fox"Why would you do that?"
Both turn around surprised
Springtrap "Holy shit!"
Fox throws pie and hit springtrap. She threw another one at the puppet but (he?she?) It dodged it. Then another pie fell on its head.
Fox"You really think you could get me? Think again." And ran away.
BB, BG, and RRMUBB(Random Really Messed Up Balloon Boy) were all by the carousal sitting and talking about purple oranges (Lol idk) and being derpy as usual. I'm not even going to bother doing much talking about them so pie rain from the heavens upon the three covering them all.
Translation:Fox was on top of the carousal throwing pies at the three.
\_(°^°)_/ (dat face though...)
Violet, Jessica, and Joehan were also talking oblivious to the fact that Fox was next to them with pies in hand. And just like that, ever so quickly, Fox was gone and the pies were thrown. The only one left were the original crew from the first game. They were all in a party room, watching the door and vent for her.
Bonnie "No sign of her in the hall."
Freddy"Nor in the vent.
Goldie"I teleported throughout the entire restaurant and couldn't find her."
Foxy"Then where be the little lass?"
Chica "Well if she isn't anywhere else in the restaurant, she must be here."
Fox"Bingo!" And pies rain down front the ceiling.
Foxy"She be on the ceiling. How?"
Fox"Because I can."
Not soon after was everyone who was targeted hit.
Fox"Well, that's it for now so we'll see you in the next chapter. BYEEE!!!!"
Jessica"Later peeps!"
Jeremy "Hello? Anyone there?! I'm still stuck! Help!!!"
Later guys!
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