Nighttime Thinking
"What are you doing up?"
"I could ask the same."
"I was just going to the bathroom. Your turn."
I smiled and stood up from the chair before replying, "I was just thinking."
"About what?"
"About stuff."
"What kind of stuff?"
"The kind of stuff that only a mother can understand."
"Sounds boring."
"Yes," I said with a small chuckle. "I suppose it is pretty boring."
"So why don't you stop thinking about it and do something more fun?"
"Well, because these kinds of things can't be ignored. Besides, I COULD watch 'The Immortal and the Restless' now instead of tomorrow, when you don't have school the next day, but unless you WANT me to watch it without you..."
"No!" She had looked as if I had told her her puppy got ran over. "I wanna watch it with you!"
"That's what I thought," I replied as I rustled her hair with a grin. "Now, go to the bathroom and get back to bed, alright?"
Jasmine then went to the bathroom and closed the door, leaving me alone in the dining room, the only source of light coming from the overhead lamp above the table. I then sat down, took another sip of my coffee, and sighed, my grin now gone.
Ever since I was laid off around year ago, I've been struggling to find proper work ever since. I've been doing temp jobs from place to place, and they paid pretty decently, but nothing too reliable. Or fun, for that matter.
I thank God every day for allowing us to have a roof over our heads and food on our plates, sometimes even a splurge to Six Flags, but it's only natural that I would want more. I mean, I'm a single mother raising a 9-year-old girl. I don't want her to just scrape by. I want her to live without fear of failure or going broke. I don't want her to rush into relationships, possibly leaving her alone with a child of her own while her 'baby daddy' runs off to another state. I just don't want her to end up like me.
I heard the toilet flush, the sink run, turn off, and the bathroom door open. My daughter then walked back towards her bedroom, turning and smiling at me as she did.
"Goodnight, Mom."
"Goodnight, Sweetie. I love you."
"I love you too."
She then went into her room and shut the door.
As I took the final sip of my coffee and stood up to go to the sink, the phone rang. I quickly put the mug in the sink and picked it up after it finished its second ring.
"Hello?" I asked into the receiver.
"Alice?" the male voice replied.
"Yes? What is it, Jack?"
"Sorry to bother you so late at night, but I just wanted to know if you were doing anything tomorrow morning."
"I only planned on sleeping. Why?"
"Wanna have breakfast tomorrow? I'll pay."
"What's the occasion?"
"What, I can't spend time with my little sister?"
"Jack, you and I both know you never want to see me unless it's important."
There was a pause before I heard a sigh.
"Well, I wanted to keep it a surprise," he finally admitted, "but I think I have a job you may like!"
"Oh?" I asked. If I wasn't awake and alert before, I was now. "What kind of job?"
Jack chuckled before replying, "Sorry. The only way to find out is to eat with me tomorrow morning."
I smiled and replied, "Fine. I could use time outside."
"Alright, then! I'll pick you up at 8 tomorrow morning. Sound good?"
"Sounds great."
"Cool. See you tomorrow, Alice."
"You too, Jack."
I then hung up, stretched my arms into the air, yawned, and walked towards my room. Even if I don't have an interest in the job he's offering, maybe spending time outside of a cooped up apartment could help me get over my worries. Plus, how can I say no to free food?
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