Night 5
"Welcome back to your last day on the job! That is, the last day of your first week."
Screw you, HandUnit! I don't want to hear your blabbering! I just want this elevator to reach the bottom so I can help Tyler!
"Some of the most valued qualities that we like to see in new employees are determination, fearlessness, and a genuine disregard for instinctive self-preservation!"
I was trying to ignore the son of a bitch; my main focus was just reaching the bottom as fast and safely as possible.
"You've earned your one-week bonus, which will be given to you in the form of a delightful gift basket!"
Well, as much as I wanted to ignore him, that certainly caught my attention. Tyler never mentioned a bonus, let alone a gift basket.
"The cost of which will be taken out of your next paycheck."
Well, that explains why I'm just now finding out.
"We have gift baskets containing fruit, nuts, flowers, and, of course, our ever-popular cash basket. Using the keypad below, please enter the first few letters of the gift basket you would like to receive."
I knew for a fact I wasn't going to get what I wanted, so I just sighed and pressed any random key on the keypad, not really focusing on which one I hit.
"It seems that you had some trouble with the keypad. I see what you were trying to type, and I will auto-correct it for you. Thank you for selecting..."
Great. What's it going to be? African mud? Leg hair? Elephant feces?
"Exotic Butters."
Huh. That actually doesn't sound that bad.
Argh! Focus, Alice! Focus! You're here for Tyler and that's it! Thankfully, HandUnit had shut up by now, so all I had to do was just stand there and wait for the long trek down to end. Man, I just hope everything's okay down there... I mean, I would think Tyler would have made it clear if something was wrong with him...
"Please be aware," HandUnit continued, "that there are still 2 technicians on site today. Try to avoid interfering with their work, if possible. Also, feel free to ask them why they are still there and encourage them to go home!"
Just as he finished talking, the elevator stopped, prompting me to exit the elevator; however, I just sat there confused. 2 technicians? I was under the impression that Tyler was the only one here...maybe the 2 of them both needed my help. And to be honest, that would explain why Tyler kept saying "we" need your help as opposed to "I"...
Anyway, I opened the elevator door and crawled through the vent. It was eerily quiet, save for the echoing of my crawling. I just had a bad feeling in my gut about all this...
I finally made it to the primary control module, where I took a deep breath to try and relax. That's when I took a look around and suddenly felt like something wasn't right... that something was missing or different... but I couldn't put my finger on it. I don't know. Maybe I'm just getting paranoid.
"Let's check on Ballora and make sure she's on her stage."
I rolled my eyes and walked over to the left side of the room, where I pressed the light button. When I did, though, I gave a loud gasp before covering my mouth!
Ballora wasn't on the stage; instead, it was what looked like a man around his early 30s hanging from a noose! He swayed back and forth slowly, his body itself not moving a muscle. His eyes still were partially open, and his mouth fully open!
"Great! Now let's check on Funtime Foxy!"
I was too speechless to even make a verbal remark. What the hell just happened??? Regardless, I took a deep breath and walked over to the right side, where I cautiously turned on the light. What I saw there made me gasp even louder, and even tear up!
It was another man hanging from a noose over a stage, only this one was recognizable. Too recognizable. It was Tyler Afton.
I just stared at what horrors lied in front of me. What the hell is going on?? Why was Tyler and another man just hung over the stages?? It's like they were put there intentionally or something! None of this is making any fucking sense!!
"Great! It looks like everything is as it should be in Funtime Auditorium!"
"Fuck you, you broken piece of shit!" I screamed to the machine in my pocket.
"Your task today will involve more maintenance work," it continued, ignoring me. "Circus Baby had a rough day and is in need of repair. You will be required to reach the Parts and Service Room by once again sneaking through Funtime Auditorium."
Oh, God...the room where Tyler is...
"As always, please proceed with caution."
I felt my heart beating faster and faster, though I couldn't tell if it was because I was nervous or angry. Probably both. I have no idea what the hell is going on anymore, but there must be a reason why Tyler called me in. Maybe he really was in danger and needed me to come save him! Oh, God... was I too late? Would he still be alive if I had gotten here faster??
This is too much. I turned around to just crawl back through the vent that would take me back to the elevator. I need to just get the hell out of here and call the police! There's just one problem, though: the vent door was locked! I pushed and pushed, but it wouldn't budge! I then pulled out my phone to call 911, but I groaned; no signal!
I guess there's only one thing left to do if I want out of here...
I sighed, bent down, and crawled through the Funtime Auditorium vent, the same room as Funtime Foxy...and Tyler's hanging corpse.
When I got into the auditorium, I pulled out HandUnit and made sure for a fact I was aiming the beacon the correct way. When I was sure, I turned it on and the quick flash turned on in front of me, practically lighting up the whole room. That's when I quickly noticed something... I didn't see Funtime Foxy!
I flashed the beacon again in a different direction and I still couldn't see Foxy! I flashed it one more time and didn't see Foxy. I did, however, see a hanging man over the stage. Now I was more confused than ever; why wasn't Funtime Foxy in the room? Well, since it's not in here, I suppose I don't have to worry about being caught again...
I took out my phone flashlight and aimed it at Tyler. As sickened as I should be about this, I need to know what happened to him! I walked over to him and took a closer look. I quickly noticed the smell, which made me gag, understandably. After plugging my nose, I looked at him again. He almost looked a bit...bloated. The smell, the bloating... those are the signs of a body that's been dead for hours! But... Tyler only called me an hour ago and asked me to come in...
The smell was getting overpowering, so I quickly ran towards the Parts and Service Room, still tearing up, though it's safe to say it wasn't just because of the smell. When this is all over with, I'm definitely calling the cops about this!
I entered the room and was greeted to the sight of Circus Baby sitting down, slumped over, lifeless. She had no eyes, which definitely added to the level of disturbing that the whole situation gave. If fact, it's like... she had no endoskeleton at all!
"Great job reaching Parts and Service! Circus Baby has been deactivated for an unknown reason. It's your job to make sure she is structurally stable and secured to the conveyer."
I looked and, sure enough, she was sitting on a conveyor belt. How did I miss that belt the last time I was here?
"Our technicians will take it from thereBZZT!"
It suddenly sounded like he shorted out or something. What the hell? Before I could figure out what was wrong, a new, familiar voice echoed through the room.
"Can you hear me?"
"Y...yes, I can, Baby. But... I thought you were deactivated?"
"I'm pretending. Remember how I said I could pretend?"
"Well... yeah, I suppose."
"The cameras are watching. I must be careful not to move."
"You're certainly doing a good job at it," I said with a smile and laugh. Funny how talking to a robot is the only thing calming me down.
"Something bad happened yesterday... something bad ALWAYS happens... I don't want it to happen again."
"What do you mean? What happened yesterday?"
"There is something bad inside of me... I'm broken... I can't be fixed..."
I sighed and covered my mouth in thought. This poor machine... robot or not, it truly is self-aware. That means it can also feel sadness and pain... poor thing...
"I'm going to be taken to the Scooping Room soon... but it's not going to fix what's wrong with me. What is bad will always be left behind... Will you help me?"
As bizarre as this whole situation was, I had a feeling I was brought here tonight for a reason.
"Of course I'll help," I replied. "What do I do?"
"I want you to save what is good, so the rest can be destroyed and never recovered."
"Sure thing, Baby. Anything to help."
"But you must be careful."
"Why? What's wrong?"
There was a pause before she replied in a quieter, scared voice.
"Ballora is the room with us."
My heart started getting faster yet again. Ballora?? What's she doing in here???
"Ballora will not return to her stage... Ballora will not return to her body... You must be careful."
"S...Sure thing, Baby. I'll try."
I wanted to shine my light across the room to try and find Ballora, since I knew she wouldn't react to light, but I was too scared to try.
"You must remain calm and listen to my voice. There is a button on my cheek. You must find it and press it."
After taking some deep breaths, I focused the light on her cheeks, trying to find this button. I quickly found it right above the bright red circle on my left and pressed it. When I did, the left side of her face opened up, and a small 10-digit keypad popped out of her head.
"There is a passcode you must enter before you can retrieve me. Enter the code carefully."
I gave a small nod in response.
"Zero... Four... Two... Six... One... Nine... Nine... Seven... Three... Seven..."
As she slowly said each number, I carefully typed it into the tiny keypad in her head. When I was done, I heard a small click from her left arm.
"Good. A hatch should have opened. Take the card that you find inside."
I shone the light at her arm and, sure enough, there was a hatch opened up, revealing a small black chip with glowing green lights. I carefully reached inside and pulled the chip out.
"Now you must turn back. I will guide you through Funtime Auditorium so you can reach the Scooping Room. When you are there, I want you to destroy this body."
"Okay, Baby. Sure thing."
"Put the card into your handheld device, and I can continue to speak to you."
I wasn't entirely sure which device she meant, my phone or HandUnit, but I decided to put it in the latter so I can guarantee he'll stay shut up.
"Now, press the green button to your left. This will send me to the Scooping Room."
I gave a small nod and located the green button in question with my light. I pressed it and a loud whirring noise was instantly heard. I looked and saw that Baby was slowly moving to the right along the conveyer belt. She moved slowly and slowly. Finally, she seemed to just disappear and the whirring stopped. I was then left with silence and an empty room.
"You must follow my instructions in Funtime Auditorium. Ballora is going to follow you. She will try to catch you... I will help you avoid her."
I took another deep breath before nodding and saying, "Thanks."
"She will not follow you inside the Scooping Room. She is afraid... Go back now. And be sure your light is off."
I nodded and turned around, a little confused why I'd need my light off if Ballora only responds to noise, but I was ready to leave the Parts and Service Room and head to the Scooping Room, the room I was held hostage in for a whole night.
This truly is becoming one insane night, but I've come too far to stop now. I've got to help Baby with this whole mess. Then maybe I'll be done with this nightmare for good.
I exited the room, only to be found in complete darkness. I hope Baby knows what she's doing...
"Go forward."
I slowly and blindly walked forward for what felt like forever. Was I still going straight or not?
I jerked to a stop and stood still. I then stood there for a few seconds. I was a bit confused. Didn't Ballora make that music-box noise when she was close? Yet I didn't hear it anywhere...
"Go forward and left."
I turned my body around 45 degrees to the left and kept walking. I really hope I'm walking the right direction.
"Keep going."
I kept on walking straight, still a bit confused about what's going on. Maybe once I get into the light, I'll have a better understanding.
I jerked to a stop yet again and waited for more instructions.
"Be... silent..."
I quietly held my breath and waited. I still didn't hear any sort of indicator that Ballora was nearby...not even a footstep.
"Go forward and left."
I slowly moved as quietly as I could, careful not to make any sort of noise.
I paused yet again. I've completely lost track of my location by now; all this darkness and movement is throwing me off.
"Go forward. You are almost there!"
I moved yet again, once again making sure I was quiet.
"Stop! She is right in front of you!"
I stopped faster than I had stopped previously. Sweat built up on my forehead. Again, I didn't hear any sort of indicator that she was in front of me, but I wasn't going to risk anything.
"Don't... move..."
You don't have to tell me twice, sister! There was a small pause before she spoke again, only not to me.
"She is here to help, Ballora. She is not here to hurt us."
There was a pause again. I held my breath, making sure to not make a single sound.
"Ballora... she is here to help us."
More silence. No noise whatsoever. Finally, she talked to me again.
"Go forward again."
I was understandably a bit confused, but I have no choice but to trust Baby on this one. I slowly stepped forward again, only to thankfully realize I didn't bump into anything.
"Ballora is behind you. She is afraid of the Scooping Room. She will not follow you."
I slowly but quietly released my breath as I continued to move forward. I only needed to move a few more feet before I bumped into something. I panicked for a second, but I quickly realized it was a door! I pushed it open and went inside, where it was still insanely dark.
"Warning!" the voice of HandUnit announced from my pocket. "You've entered a highly dangerous area! You have entered from maintenance hatch 1B, reserved for cleaning and repair of the Scooper. Entering this side of the room is strictly prohibited by unauthorized personnelBZZT!"
His voice cut out again. Good. Frankly, I'm sick of hearing him talk. I continued to walk in blindly before I heard the door shut behind me. A second later, a huge blaring light went into my eyes! After being in the dark for so long, the light was really hurting my eyes!
After blinking for a few seconds, I looked around to try and figure out where I was and what was around me. Right away, I noticed what looked like the empty shells of all the animatronics! I glanced at all of them. There was Freddy's head with a broken snout, Ballora's head with a shattered jaw, Foxy's head that was completely ripped apart into pieces, and all of their torsos and limbs scattered across the room. The only one missing was Baby.
"You are in the Scooping Room now," Baby told me. "Funtime Foxy has already been here today... Funtime Freddy has already been here today... Ballora has already been here today..."
There was a pause before I heard her say the most confusing thing of the night.
"...Circus Baby has already been here today..."
What...? What the hell is going on...?!
"I've been out before...but they always put me back...they always put us back inside..."
"Baby...?" I slowly asked. "What's going on? What are you talking about?"
As my eyes continued to adjust to the light, I saw what looked like a window. And behind it was what looked like some sort of human-shaped figure. I say that because, well, it looked like it had something sticking out of its shoulders and arms. And it was staying inhumanly still.
"There's nowhere for us to hide here... there is nowhere for us to go... when we look like this..."
That's when the figure stepped closer to the window. I then gasped at what I was looking at.
It was one giant mangled mess of wires all bunched together to make the shape of a human being. And right where its face was, it was a white clown mask with a party hat on. And that's when I realized it was the same clown mask that was in the main control module!
As I looked closer at the thing behind the window, I noticed something odd about how it looked. It was about as tall as me, as thin as me, and...wait a second...
"But if we looked like you..." I heard a new voice continue, "then we could hide..."
This new voice made my eyes widen. It was the most recognizable of voices.
It was MY voice.
"If we looked like you... then we would have somewhere to go..."
I was officially scared and freaked out, all while asking myself what I had just gotten myself into.
"...the Scooper only hurts for a moment..."
It was a new voice. Another recognizable voice. Tyler's voice.
That's when it all fell into place. That's why I got a call from Tyler when Tyler was long dead. It wasn't Tyler at all!
That's when I heard a loud blaring sound. It was the same blaring sound I had heard when I was in the spring suit. The sound that blared right before Ballora... oh, shit!!
Before I could react, a quick blur of movement appeared in front of me! It seemed to be aimed right at my chest! And before I could hit me. And it hurt. A lot. And a split second later, it moved back to where it came from. I stood there with my jaw open. I could feel my eye starting to twitch. That's when I slowly looked down.
I could see blood everywhere in front of me. I could see what looked like a hole in my chest where blood was still pouring out. That's when the thing came back and hit me in the chest again. And as soon as it appeared, it disappeared. This time, I thought I saw something come out of me. Was it a...stomach...? Lung...? Intestine...?
I could feel myself blacking out. I don't know whether it was from pain, shock, or the fact that vital organs seem to be coming out of me, but either way, my eyes were closing.
I hope with every fiber in my body that this is one sick nightmare...
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