Night 3 (Part 2)
I made it back to the primary control module, where I took deep breaths from both exhaustion and fear. This whole experience is becoming more and more bizarre. Sentient robots that communicate with me in a proper conversation...said robots having programming and features that make no sense...I had no idea what I had signed up for. Regardless, I had to keep going if I wanted to stay on the boss's good side. After all, one complaint and I'm screwed.
I finally bent down and crawled through the vent that would lead me to the Funtime Auditorium, where Funtime Foxy was not on the stage, last I's hoping these machines truly mean no harm.
I was greeted to a room that was completely dark to the point I couldn't see my own hand directly in front of my face. I was about to pull out my phone flashlight, but HandUnit annoyingly began talking.
"Unlike Ballora, Funtime Foxy is motion activated. For this reason, it's important to keep the room dark, as to not accidentally activate her."
Whew. Close call. But they surely can't expect me to get across the room in the complete dark, right?
"You have been provided with a flash beacon installed directly into my hardware. Use it if you need to get your bearings and to ensure you don't bump into anything; however, use it as sparingly as possible. Proceed forward to reach the Parts and Service room."
I pulled the small device from my pocket and felt around it. I then came across a button that felt oddly out of place. I pressed it and a huge flash of light went straight into my eyes! I immediately closed them and dropped the HandUnit in surprise! Well, at least I found the flash beacon.
I kept blinking as fast as possible, but I could still see the large bright spots every time I blinked. Damn, that thing was bright! I'll be sure to not aim it at my eyes again, that's for damn sure!
After I finally came to my senses, I reached down and felt around for the device. Thankfully, it didn't land too far away; I picked it up, made sure it was facing the right way, and pressed the button again. This time, the light lit up the space in front of me, revealing an empty room. At least, a SEEMINGLY empty room.
I began walking forward in the dark, hoping I was going straight. HandUnit said to use the beacon as sparingly as possible, but how sparingly are we talking about? I decided to flash the beacon again and I confirmed I was also going straight. I also confirmed I was not alone in here.
Standing ahead of me, facing to the right, was a tall, white fox, staring off into the distance. I stopped walking as the light quickly disappeared. What was I supposed to do? If I accidentally bump into the robot, I'll activate it, and who knows what'll happen then!
That's when I heard movement in front of me. Only it wasn't coming closer, it was going away, as if Foxy was walking towards the way it was facing. After a few seconds, the sound stopped. Risking it, I flashed the beacon again and saw nothing but empty room.
I started walking forward again, being careful to keep my ears open in case I heard more movement, while simultaneously flashing my precious beacon to make sure I was in the clear. There were a few times where I needed to stop to let Foxy pass, but for the most part, it was fairly simple.
I finally made it to the Parts and Service Room door and quickly made my way inside. I figured now it was safe to use my flashlight, so I put HandUnit back into my pocket and pulled out my phone flashlight. I turned it on and instantly saw a white bear a foot away from my face! The frozen smiling expressions on the faces of him and his blue bunny counterpart were creepy, to say the least.
"Great job reaching Parts and Service! It seems that Funtime Freddy is out of power, which should make your job much easier."
"The release switch for the chest cavity is located on the underside of the endoskeleton jaw. To reach it, we will first need to open the face plates."
Interesting design sounds like I'll have to tear the big guy apart just to get to his power source. Hopefully this isn't as difficult as it sounds.
"You will need to press the face plate release triggers in a specific order, and it's important to be as precise and as careful as possible."
Well, fuck you too, life.
"Locate the small button on Freddy's face, just under his right cheek, and press it."
Okay, let's give this a shot, then. Let's see, under Freddy's right cheek, which would be MY left side... I focused my flashlight on the round, pink cheek to my left and noticed that, under it, there certainly was a small button the same white color as the rest of the metal surrounding it. I pressed the button and waited.
"Great! Now locate the button under his left cheek and press it."
Simple enough. I went to the opposite side of his face and found an identical button just under the opposite cheek. I pressed it and waited.
"Great! Now carefully locate and press the button next to Freddy's right eye."
Sheesh, they certainly made sure that no child could just accidentally open up this thing, which I suppose is for the better, but man is it tedious. Regardless, I found a small white button next to Freddy's right eye and pressed it.
"Great! Now carefully locate and press the button just above Freddy's nose."
What, you didn't want to be predictable and do his left eye next? Clever. Anyway I found the small, white button in question and pressed it. That's when a loud hissing sound was made and Freddy's face opened up in a split-second! I screamed as I jumped back before I realized what had happened. Well, that was certainly unpredictable...
"Good job! The face plates should now be open. Locate and press the small button on the underside of Freddy's endoskeleton jaw."
After my heart started returning to normal, I looked at Freddy's bare jaw to see what I could find. Sure enough, a small button similar to those before it could be found. I pressed it and jumped back again as the chest of the bear opened up just as quickly as the face did, and almost just as loud! Any other surprises you wanna throw my way tonight, Freddy?
"Excellent! The chest cavity should now be open. Remove the power module from the chest cavity."
Not needing as much time to regain my bearings, I looked in the exposed chest of the bear and found a small, blinking circle right in the center. This must be the power module they needed removed so badly. I took it out of the machine and placed it in my pocket.
"Great work! You will now be required to to remove the secondary power module from the Bonnie hand puppet. Press the large, black button beneath Bonnie's bow tie to release the power module."
Alright, I suppose this shouldn't be too difficult; I'll just turn towards Freddy's right hand and...wait...where's Bonnie???
Freddy's arm was still extended up as it was when I entered, but Bonnie was no longer there! I couldn't see him anywhere! That's when I heard movement in the room. It echoed so loudly that it was hard to figure out where it was coming from specifically, but I knew it was behind Freddy. That's when I heard giggling.
I shone my light at Freddy's shoulder and saw a quick peek of blue before it dashed behind the white bear. This can't be the FREAKING HAND PUPPET has an artificial intelligence??? Before I could do anything about it, a flash of blue appeared on the other side of Freddy. I looked and saw that Bonnie disappeared yet again. How the hell am I supposed to reach this thing??
I took deep breaths to try and calm myself down. You can do this, Alice. It's just a small robot. Surely you can outsmart it.
The movement then stopped again. It sounded like he was on Freddy's right shoulder. Hm... I wonder...
I slowly turned my light towards Bonnie, being sure not to go too fast. Sure enough, he not only was there, but he wasn't running away! Aha! Like a real bunny, you gotta make sure you don't spook them away. You gotta go as slow as possible.
I very slowly reached my hand towards Bonnie. HandUnit said to press the big, black button under his bow tie. Yeah, it wasn't hard to miss. I inched closer and closer until I finally managed to poke the button.
"Great job! You've acquired both power modules! This completes your tasks for the night. Please exit the building through Funtime Auditorium, and we'll see you back here tomorrow."
Whew. Thank God. I turned around and left the room, only to be back into the darkness. I quickly put my phone away and took HandUnit out. Then, without thinking, I pressed the flash button. Except, like the dumbass I am, it was still aimed right at my face!
I screamed and dropped the device yet again as I silently cursed myself. I was so desperate to get out of here that I didn't think to make sure I was doing what I needed to do! I reached and fumbled around a bit on the floor to try and find HandUnit, only this time I must've chucked it across the room in panic; I couldn't find it anywhere!
Ah, fuck it; desperate times call for desperate measures.
I pulled out my phone, turned on the light, and just sprinted across the room, only looking right in front of me. I couldn't see Foxy anywhere, which is good, given the circumstances. I kept running and running, seeing the exit right in my sights. C'mon, Alice! You've got this!
That's when I tripped on something. As I fell, I could see the light from my phone spin and slide away from me. It was a good 3 feet in front of me by the time it stopped. Before I could do anything about it, though, something grabbed my ankle and yanked me back!
I could then feel my leg being lifted up, with me now being upside down and in the air, though the lack of any sort of light just left me disoriented. That's when I did see some sort of light, although it wasn't my phone. It looked like a pair of glowing hazel eyes. Oh, shit.
I then heard a loud, ear-shattering scream blare into my ears. Maybe it was the fear, or maybe it was the blood flow to the head, but I then began to feel light-headed. A few seconds later, my eyes were starting to close. Then, nothing.
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