Night 2 (Part 2)
"You will now be required to crawl through the Ballora Gallery, using the vent to your left, to reach the Breaker Room. It is recommended that you stay low to the ground and reach the other side as fast as possible as to not disturb Ballora."
Just like Baby told me he'd say...but if I follow those instructions, I'll die. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure who to trust.
"I will deactivate myself momentarily as to not create an auditory disturbance."
Thank the Lord!
There was a click sound before being greeted by silence. As nice as it is to have a voice instructing me through this job, it's like he never shuts up! It doesn't allow me to think for myself that much.
I then looked out the dark window into the Ballora Gallery. Somewhere in there is a dancing animatronic who will supposedly kill me if she catches me. I don't understand how that's possible, but if it's true, I can't afford to have her find me. I'm going to have to take Baby's advice and go as slowly as possible.
I crouched down in front of the vent in front of Ballora Gallery and crawled through. After seeing how insanely dark it was on the other side, I pulled out my phone and once again used it as my flashlight, although it didn't light up much. All I could see were my hands and the tiled floor.
I then looked forward and, in the distance, there was a single light illuminating a door. That must be the breaker room! I then slowly started making my way over, making sure I stayed as close to the floor as possible.
That's when I heard something in the distance. It was faint, almost to the point where I thought I was imagining it, but it was there: a woman's voice singing some sort of lullaby-style song. A song I had just heard in a video at orientation... It was Ballora.
"Why do you hide inside your walls, when there is music in my halls?
All I see is an empty room, no more joy; an empty tomb.
It's so good to sing all day, to dance, to spin, to fly away."
You know, when it's on a video with a bunch of children and cheerful music in the background, it's cute. But when you're alone in the dark and you hear it echoing through a void, it's creepy as hell.
Nonetheless, I slowly crawled along the floor, making sure I was going straight towards the Breaker Room door. That's when I heard some sort of music box song playing in the distance. Baby had told me that the closer Ballora is to me, the louder the music will sound. It was still pretty far away, so hopefully I'm safe. Though I stopped moving, just in case.
After the music went away, I slowly started crawling again, slowly but surely inching closer towards the Breaker Room. It was quiet for a little bit, but I heard the music again, only this time louder! I stopped and held my breath, waiting for her to go away. When she did, I slowly moved forward again.
I still can't believe I'm taking this seriously, like my life is in jeopardy, but I'm a strong believer of being safe rather than sorry, even if I did look like a fool afterwards.
The music was back, though soft and distant. I stopped anyway, though, just to be safe. It went away just as quickly as it appeared.
Finally, I made it halfway across the room. It felt like it took forever, but I think I'm slowly getting the hang of it. In fact, even if this robot was sentient, I don't think it knows I'm even in here.
You've gotta be fucking kidding me!!
The voice of HandUnit blared from my pocket and echoed throughout the room with the volume of a jet engine! Okay, maybe not THAT loud, but it was still loud enough to make me simultaneously jump and cover my mouth. I stood completely still. If Ballora can really hear noises, then there's no way she didn't hear HandUnit.
That's when I heard the music get the loudest it's ever been. My eyes widened when I saw the silhouette of the bottom half of a ballerina spin just a few inches in front of me, spinning from right to left. She moved right past me, the music faded, and then silence.
Staying as frozen as I was when HandUnit went off, I slowly shifted my eyes from side to side, reassuring myself that she was gone and I was in the clear. With that, I slowly took my hands away from my mouth and began crawling once again.
From there, I made sure to be extra careful as I moved along the floor, stopping when I heard the music and continuing forward when I didn't. I then finally made it to the Breaker Room door. When I did, I quickly stood up, yanked open the door, and ran right inside, slamming the door behind me.
After taking a deep breath of relief, I noticed that the Breaker Room wasn't much better than the Ballora Gallery. While the Ballora Gallery was scary because it had no light in it at all, the Breaker Room had a few lights that were blinking on and off across the room, creating a very spooky atmosphere.
That's when I looked in the back and saw, standing on a platform, was a tall white and pink bear wearing a top hat and a hand puppet. It was Funtime Freddy!
"You may now interface with the breaker control box," my guide told me from my pocket. "Using the interface may disrupt nearby electronics. If you feel you are in danger, feel free to disconnect the interface temporarily until it is safe to reconnect."
Well, that was sort of encouraging.
I went towards what appeared to be the breaker control box and saw 2 buttons: "Open Interface" and "Mascot Response Audio". I also saw what appeared to be a meter of some kind, saying "Danger Level". It was filled with one orange bar. Oh, boy.
Curious as to what the Mascot Response Audio was, I pressed the button. I then heard a familiar voice echo through the room.
"Calm down and go back to sleep; no one is here!"
It was the voice of the Bonnie hand puppet! I recognize it from the orientation video!
That's when the orange bar on the grid turned into a green one. I can only assume that that means I'm as safe as I can be. Without further delay, I took a deep breath and pressed Open Interface.
A screen then popped out of the box, displaying a map of the building with red circles over every room of the place. To the left were a bunch of buttons listing off the names of the rooms with a huge RESTART button under each. I could also see, though, that the "Danger Level" was starting to increase!
I quickly pressed the top Restart button and watched the restarting percent slowly go up from 0 to 100. All the while, the danger level was increasing to 2 orange bars!
"I know you're over there somewhere!"
That was definitely the voice of Funtime Freddy, and not only did it sound glitchy and distorted, but it was VERY close!
The instant the restart was at 100%, I closed the interface and slammed the Mascot Response Audio button.
"Shhh...go back to your stage; everything is okay."
I then looked towards where Freddy was supposed to be and saw nothing. I then looked to my left and saw a dark silhouette right next to me! I gasped and felt my forehead sweating and heating up from fear! I quickly pressed the button again.
"Everything is okay; let's go back to sleep!"
That seemed to do the trick, as Freddy slowly started walking back towards the stage. Why the hell was he even in here, anyway? I would expect to find him in the Funtime Auditorium...
When he was back on stage and I could see that the Danger Level was at its minimum, I reopened the interface and repeated the process. I silently kept praying for the thing to reset as fast as possible just so that freaky machine doesn't kill me! I know how crazy it is to be believing that the robots can harm me, but I honestly don't care; I just want to finish this night and get out of here!
"Bon-Bon, say hi to our friends!"
As soon as it was 100% restarted, I closed the screen and tried calming the bear down!
"Oh, calm down; I think it was just a mouse!"
But I guess Freddy wasn't convinced.
"I see you over there in the dark! Come on out!"
In your dreams, you freak! I pressed the button again.
"Nope! No one is here!"
At least I have ONE robot willing to help me out right now! Finally, Freddy gave up and went back to the stage, the flickering lights of the room acting as a strobe light as he creepily moved, frame by frame.
I then repeated this process over and over, each time getting more and more stressful as Freddy got closer and closer. Thankfully I had the Bonnie puppet to help me or I'd be screwed! Finally, the final part of the building was restarted.
"Great job," HandUnit congratulated. "This completes your tasks for the night. Please proceed back through the Ballora Gallery with care, and we'll see you back here tomorrow!"
One step closer to busting out of here for the night! C'mon, Ballora; don't make this difficult!
I quietly opened the Breaker Room door and slowly crept out into Ballora Gallery. I turned my light back on and slowly began crawling back towards the Primary Control Module. As I crawled, though, I realized just how quiet the room was. I couldn't hear any music boxes or singing or anything that wasn't me crawling. Honestly, that made it even scarier.
"Is someone there?" a female voice echoed through the room.
I stopped in my tracks and held my breath. That was, without a doubt, the voice of Ballora.
"I can hear someone creeping through my room."
I remained completely still, not moving a muscle. I wanted to search the room with my light to try and see where she was, but I wasn't going to risk finding out if she could really not see me. I was quiet for what seemed like a few minutes.
"Perhaps not..."
I stayed still for a little bit longer, just to be safe. I then realized just how close I was to the exit. I held my breath, stood up, and sprinted for the exit! I couldn't stand one more minute in this madhouse!
After quickly crawling back into the control module, I then quickly made my way to the elevator, pressed the big red button, and slowly ascended to the surface! My heart was still beating rapidly as I leaned against the wall and slid onto the floor, breathing heavily from both fear and exhaustion.
Tyler Afton, I have a few words to say to you about tonight!
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