Remnant Type, Remnant Weapons and Remnant Collecting
Georgina decided to teach her gang how to use Remnant making them to all to hear Yenndo to say the word making them to hold onto Plushtrap versions of their favorite Glamrocks since Georgina already has her own and he's out making them to feel more safe.
"Remnant..." Lolbit and Plushtrap Glamrock Freddy looks confused to Yenndo and they don't get it at all really like Georgina's gang doesn't as it's confusing to them making her to let Yenndo explain it to them all as it'll go even faster thanks to him.
"Remnant's a key object in a lot of bad stuff with the animatronics. Remnant's the term for the physical manifestation of memories infused with and possessing inanimate objects making it a driving force behind the paranormal occurrences in the animatronics besides the spirits themselves.
It's possible that the animatronic Eleanor is a source of Agony that somehow gained sentience, with it's sole nature being to cause chaos and destruction. When Larson saw into her in the 10th epilogue, he saw a chaotic force that fed on human suffering, implying that it wasn't any form of human or possessed by a soul.
And even if it was, they could no longer be considered as being human anymore. Remnant, Agony's positive counterpart. Although the two substances are polar opposites and shouldn't be able to coexist, they become a source of immense power when combined.
It is presumed that the Dark Remnant is or at least acts as a parallel of Agony, due to it's status as a negative variant of Light Remnant, sporting an antagonistic nature. Agony's capable of being spread like an infection.
Whether it be through people's suffering being put onto an object or a literal infection that can be transferred through inflicted injury by an Agony infused object. Remnant's the polar opposite of Agony.
While both substances bring life, Agony uses negative emotions exuded from human beings while Remnant as a substance can give life through positive emotions. Remnant also appears as a collectible. She's going to be in trouble cause of this." Yenndo said shocking everyone.
Plushtrap Glamrock Freddy's shocked as that's how she finished him when she was two-years-old and how she finished the Minireenas making him to worry before he saw Georgina has a lot of flashlights made and explains it'll collect the Remnant and make it easier for them to restore their own.
"But how can we do that?" F.R asked as Georgina shows the information and the Remnant stats making them all to have the information now on it.
Remnant Type/Speed/Remnant Amount/Orb Cluster Value
Dark 0 0 3-10
White 1 1 1
Red -2 4 1
Green -1 1 2
Purple 0 2 3
Yellow -1 9 1
Rainbow ??? 20 1
White Remnants - Using the flashlight tends to be best as the White Remnant's easily faster than the Dark Remnants protecting it. Perfectly timing the duration of the flashlight can allow the collector to take only the White Remnant without taking a single Shadowy Remnant with it.
Green Remnants - The flashlight's also ideal as they move relatively quickly, but there are a couple Dark Remnants loosely orbiting them which can easily fool the collector into thinking that the Green Remnants are unprotected. One can alternatively consider approaching the Green Remnants to collect them more safely.
Blue Remnants - Moving as close as possible to pick them up is highly recommended because they move incredibly slowly and one's likely to absorb all of the Dark Remnants protecting them before they themselves are retrieved. Even close up to them, it can take a while for them to be pulled in with the flashlight.
Purple Remnants - Moving close to them is advised, due to the number of Dark Remnants often protecting them. At this point when close up, using a flashlight to pull them in completely can help minimize Dark Remnant pickups.
Purple Remnants initially spawn with 3 Dark Remnants orbiting them, but more Dark Remnants will show up while they exist, with up to 6 Dark Remnants around them at a time. They may also not linger for as long as the Dark Remnants around them does, so collecting them in a timely fashion is best, if you choose to try to collect them.
Red Remnants - Generates with a highly dense cloud of Dark Remnants closely protecting it. Using the flashlight can often cause all of them to be launched towards the collector. However, the Dark Remnants actually despawns some time before the Red Remnant itself does meaning that if one waits for the right moment, they can safely pull in the Red Remnant with the flashlight when it's no longer protected.
Gold Remnants - Usually move around by themselves, moving closer or further away from the Dark Remnants protecting it. A mixture of moving towards the Gold Remnant as well as using the light when it's away from the accompanying Dark Remnants can usually allow the collector to acquire it relatively safely.
Rainbow Remnants - Noticeably larger and brighter in appearance compared to most other Remnants. Sometimes spawns without Dark Remnants protecting them, but they also don't linger for very long, unlike other Remnants.
They may also appear close to already-existing Dark Remnant clouds as well. These are a high priority due to their value, but care should be taken to avoid Dark Remnants where possible, especially if the collector's already on the verge of making RWQFSFASXC show up.
A mixture of movement and light usage is a good approach to ensure that it's retrieved without endangering the player too much. Agony, also known as Dark Remnant, is a substance similar to that is fueled purely by hatred, sadness, anger and the bad memories infused within one's soul.
Everyone's shocked as Cassie's not going to be involved unless she asked to join as she doesn't know they're Mask Gangsters making them to agree as Plushtrap Roxanne Wolf is deactivated until Georgina gives it over to Cassie.
Training to turn Remnant into weapons is the most difficult one as they need a weapon that they can use as Georgina can use different weapons making them to feel like students as Georgina makes sure they collect Remnant as they have different type of Remnant inside of them.
Georgina has Rainbow Remnant, Lizzie has Blue Remnant, F.R has Red Remnant, Bella has Gold Remnant, Bill, Eric and Bailey has Purple Remnant, RaeLynn has White Remnant, Rosalie has Yellow Remnant, Rexy has Dark Remnant, Renesmee has Yellow Remnant, Hailee has Red Remnant, Rachel has Blue Remnant, Reagan has White Remnant and Johnathan has Yellow Remnant.
One Dark Remnant, one White Remnant, two Red Remnant, one Green Remnant, three Purple Remnant, three Yellow Remnant and one Rainbow Remnant making Georgina to know that Cassie's the Green Remnant if she learns to train it like they are fully.
They collect their Remnant and Rexy has met RWQFSASXC a.k.a Shadow Bunny making Rexy to not fear it as they gave half making them to accept and leave as Georgina needs to know if Shadow Freddy's with them as well, too though they doubt it greatly really.
Georgina can use any kind of weapon and other objects to fight with like a baseball bat or a golf club, Lizzie can use swords and tessen a.k.a Japanese War Fans, F.R can use bows and arrows which causes explosions from impact and can use military weapons including vehicles or plans.
Bella can use ribbons and dance making the ribbons to cause burns like from being tied up by ropes, Bill, Eric and Bailey can use the same weapons; a spear making it to be very rare as no one expected this and RaeLynn can use the nodaichi.
It's making them to wonder if they can use another weapon which Georgina said with training, anyone can use different weapons and not the same one they got, Rosalie can use a mage staff making them to smirk as she's scaring them.
Rexy can use a mic meaning his works can cause harm if he says harmful comments to anyone or can say action works to make them happen, Renesmaa use the Grim Reaper's scythe making her to be very scary even more than Rosalie was with her staff.
Hailee can use a whip with a metal blade on the end, Rachel can use guns making her to have a machine gun with belts of bullets, Reagan can use S.A.M and a military plan with machine gun and belts of bullets and lastly Johnathan can use bricks, concert bricks and rocks.
"I can see you doing a whole lot of damage with those as weapons. Let's wait until we need to train for our abilities as I know Green Remnant can heal people, so don't need to worry about that one fully." Georgina said as they all fully agreed making them to stop here for now.
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