The Mega Pizzaplex
(???'s POV)
I slowly open my eyes and look around. My head pounded inside my skull and I shook it as I held my head. My eyes stung a bit and everything was a bit blurry, so I rub them and blink a few times to ease the pain. Once I finished, my vision returned to normal and I see that I was in some kind of metal box with a chair of some kind and a screen reading "PHOTO PASS".
???: "Where am I...?"
I turn my head to see a red curtain and stand to my feet. I grab the curtain and pull it back to see a chain wrapped around the box, so I just step over it and look around. There were tables with party supplies around, and the entire room was huge. There were two more floors up above, and there were arcade games and more boxes like I came out of. Well, photo booths, actually.
???: "What is this place?"
I look around, and I get a better look at what was around me. There humanoid figures rolling around with flashlights in their hands. They were... robots? Just where exactly am I?
I stepped a few paces forward just as one of the robots roll on to my path, and I bump into it. It turned to me and almost immediately a loud alarm came from it. It made me panic as I basically had no idea what was going on, so I began to run off and ran into more robots who sounded their own personal alarms.
I continued to run away and made my way to some metal stairs. Once I made it to the top, I saw some more photo booths and other metal boxes with some arcade games scattered about. And a lot of baby strollers. And more robots?!
???: "Just where the bloody Hell am I?!"
None of the security bots seemed to the notice of my outburst, which confused me. They're doing a terrible job if they're supposed to be the security.
???: "Alright, just calm down. It's fine. Just calm yourself--"
I tried to say my name, only to stop when I realized... I couldn't remember it! Hell, I can't remember anything!
???: "What's going on? Why can't I remember anything...?! Come on, come on!"
I pounded my fists against my head in an attempt to remember anything, but no such luck. All I got was another, but smaller, headache. I rubbed my head and walked forward, doing my best to avoid the security bots and finally made my way to what looked like a lift.
???: "Okay, everything's fine. You can't remember anything, but that's okay. You can just get out of wherever you are, find someone who possibly could recognized you, and have them tell you about yourself."
I pause I think about my plan.
???: "Nope. Terrible plan. God, why can't I remember anything?"
Something suddenly grabbed my wrist, making me scream as I was pulled down a bit. I see another bot similar to the security bots roaming the place, but instead of a loud alarm.
Map Bot: "Take a map."
???: "... what?"
Map Bot: "Take a map. Take a map. Take a--"
???: "Okay, I get it!"
I looked at the bot's free hand and spot the folded up map in its clutches. I snatch it from the bot's hand and it lets me go and shuts up.
???: "All that... for a stupid map? What the Hell, man?"
I sigh and unfolf the map open. I looked at it to see that I was in the pizzeria. Then I looked at the name of the place that the map showed.
???: "Freddy Fazbear..."
The name seemed familiar to me, but I couldn't pinpoint exactly why. Oh, well. Guess I'll figure it out in the long run. Now to find a way outta here and to find an actual living thing, hopefully a person, other than a robot. So I looked at the lift in front of me and pressed the button that would open it.
Nothing happened.
???: "What the...?"
I pressed the button again and the same result occurred. I looked at the the button to see that it actually was a screen, and that it said that I needed an All Entry Pass or a Level 1 Security Bradge or higher.
???: "Seriously?"
Suddenly the intercoms turned on and an automated voice speaks over them.
Intercom: "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for visiting and we hope you enjoyed the show! Freddy and the gang are pretty tired, but they'll be back again next week after a few days of scheduled maintenance! Please make your way to the front of the building where you will be given novelty glasses, a voucher for one free soda refill, and where you will sign a legal disclaimer releasing us of all liability for anything that might have happened during your visit. Have an awesome night, and we'll see you again soon!"
I looked up at the ceiling in surprise as the intercom spoke. And then I realized that the Pizzaplex was closed.
???: "No..."
I leaned against the lift door and slid down it to sit on the floor. I was locked inside a huge mall with robots. How long would it be until it reopens? What time was it anyway? And a few days? When will the doors reopen to let me out?
???: "I hate this... Where the Hell even am I?"
After taking a few moments to calm down, I look at the map again to find a path to where I could go. I was in the atrium where the pizzeria was located, so if I could find the best possible route, I can escape.
???: "Let's see. This is the atrium, which is the second floor. The main entrance and exit is on the first floor, which--according to this map--is the lobby. Now how can I get there?"
I examine the map a bit more before seeing a symbol that looked like a large man wearing a hat in red. I searched for what the symbol stood for in the keys and saw that it stood for "S.T.A.F.F ONLY".
So it was for "S.T.A.F.F." use only? And what did "S.T.A.F.F." even mean? Maybe the "F.F." stood for Freddy Fazbear. But I knew that it could be the best way to find a way out, but would I be able to traverse it? One way to find out.
I pushed myself to my feet and began following my new map to the S.T.A.F.F. only area. I did my best to stay out of sight of the security bots, but some managed to spot me and sound alarms. Nothing came, though, so these bots can't do jack-diddly to me and that means there must be a human security here. Whoever they were, however, they weren't doing their job.
After I made it to the S.T.A.F.F. only place on the map, two big red doors stood in front of me. However, they didn't look like they could be opened from the outside. I saw that there was a small device that needed a certain security badge level or what looked to be a giant animal that walks on two legs? It actually looked like what the things on the front of the map were, but my concerns were somewhere else.
???: "What?! Seriously?! This makes sense, but even the lifts need a card! I just need somewhere to escape to!"
I stomped my foot and I saw that the device started to glitch a bit before the doors suddenly fly open. I look at the doors in shock and take some steps back. The doors close, and then I step forward. The doors opened at this action, and I grew confused.
???: "Holy sugar... Did I do that?"
Deciding to brush it off for now, I walk through the open doors and find a much darker area. Barely any light source lit up the place and there seemed to be a staircase that went down pretty far.
???: "Okay. I guess it's time to do this."
Looking for a better light source, I pat around my pants to see if I had some sort of light source of my own. I felt something rectangular in my left pocket and I pulled it out to find a phone with a phone case that looked like the face of a bear with a top hat and blue "makeup" on its face.
???: "According to my map, you must be Freddy Fazbear... or some of his merchandise. How much charge do I have left?"
I turned on the phone and saw that I had about eighty percent left. Since that would be more than enough to last me until the time I get out, I turn on my phone's flashlight and the area lit up. Not as much as the atrium, but good enough. Then I saw the time.
11:36 PM
???: "Okay. Why is this place closing just now? Y'know what? Nevermind. Let's just get outta here."
I make my way forward and start my way down the stairs. Once I made it to the second set, I heard a voice.
"Hello?! Little boy! Are you down here?! Come out now!"
I aimed my phone down the staircase and narrowed my eyes into the darkness. I saw no one, and heard nothing else after the woman called for the "little boy". To check in case I was the "little boy", I opened my camera and looked at myself. I wasn't any little boy, but I was a guy. My hair was short and black, my skin was white, and my eyes were (E/C). I had some facial hair done in a (facial hairdo), and I had a thin scar underneath my (dominant eye).
???: "Hmm. I don't look too bad, I guess."
I close my phone camera and went back to walking down the stairs. I went down two more sets before I heard something scuttling across the walls and I turned to shine my light on it. However, it was already gone when I turned.
???: "The Hell...?"
I suddenly felt not as safe as I did before. Hopefully that lady, who I'm assuming to be a security guard, can help me.
I finally made my way down the staircase and found myself on level ground. I turn to the front to see a hallway and then to the back to see a path that leads to a wall. I turned to the long hallway and began walking forward.
My phone's flashlight wasn't doing much to illuminate the path, but it did help me see what was in front of me so I could avoid whatever I could have hit. Every-so-often, I saw some gates that I couldn't get through, so I ignored them and continued on my path forward. However, I couldn't see any way to get out of the hallway. Well, it was either I couldn't see any exit and it was there, or all the "S.T.A.F.F ONLY" doors were some ways apart. I didn't like either answer.
???: "Sweet Hell, how long does this thing go?"
Out of nowhere, I heard some heavy clanging in the distance. I turned my flashlight to where I heard the sound, only to see nothing. Then I heard more clanging at a much faster pace than the last. I turned to the origin, only to see nothing.
???: "I swear to God, if something jumps out at me..."
"Found you!"
I let out a small gasp as something lunges from the darkness and tackles me to the floor. I let out a cry of shock as me and my attacker crash to the ground and my phone flies out my hand to slide across the floor.
"Found you first, little boy!"
I had no idea who was attacking me, but they sounded like a woman. I could also see her silhouette, but not enough to describe her. However, as she lifted up a hand, she stopped. Her form looked like she was processing something. Then her eyes literally lit up, almost like flashlights, and she looked at me. She lowered her arm and let go of me with her other arm.
????: "Oh. You're not a kid."
???: "Yeah, I-I could've told you that."
Her eyes gave me enough light to examine her looks, and she actually wasn't human. Actually, she was one of the animal animatronics from the map in my pocket. She was a wolf that had silver hair with a lime green fringe, pale colored fur, and has a grayish white snout, a small black nose and whitish gray fur inside her ears, around her eyes and at the tip of the tail. She has long, sharp yellowish green nails. She is also wearing purple tiger-print leg and arm warmers. She also has wrist cuffs, as well as the addition of a choker necklace, all with spikes on them. She has a red chest piece, a narrow metallic waist, and red shoulder pads above her segmented arms. Her forearms are wrapped in a purple tiger-like pattern, which is also on the heels of her leg which resemble leg warmers.
???: "Can you let me go?"
The wolf narrowed her eyes at me before a light blue glow came from them. That same glow seemed to cover my face and scanned me for a few moments before it stops and her eyes return to regular glowing flashlights.
Wolf Animatronic: "You're not in my guest database. Did you break into the Pizzaplex?"
Her voice seemed angry and like she was trying to intimidate me, which kinda worked. I mean, a huge metal wolf is pinning me on the ground and could most likely rip out my throat. Why wouldn't I be slightly intimidated?
???: "N-no, I woke up in one of the photo booths in the atrium and saw that no one was here. I'm just trying to figure out who I am and maybe find a way out of here."
The world stared at me for a moment before clicking her teeth and standing up off of me. Wait, she can click her teeth? How?
Wolf Animatronic: "Alright, punk. You're lucky because, one: you're not my target. I'm looking for some kid running around who I need to bring to Officer Vanessa. And two: I believe your highly unlikely story. So I'm going to get you to the lobby and to the exit before the doors close."
???: "Really?"
I ask as I stand to my feet.
Wolf Animatronic: "Yeah. Programming and yadda yadda. Let's just get you outta here."
???: "Right..."
I look around for my phone and find its light. I walk to it and grab it before turning to the wolf.
???: "Let's go."
She rolls her eyes and walks to wherever she pounced at the from. I followed her, doing my best to keep up with her long strides since her legs were longer than mine, meaning she was basically faster.
???: "So what's your name?"
Wolf Animatronic: "Excuse me?"
???: "You're name. Can I know what it is? I... really only know Freddy Fazbear."
Wolf Animatronic: "But you said you woke up in the atrium, meaning you visited here, and that you know who all of us are."
???: "I... may not remember anything prior to waking up in that photo booth."
The wolf looked at me with untrusting eyes full of suspicion. I became a bit flustered under her gaze and I turn away as I scratch the back of my head. She then huffs out a breath and turns away.
Wolf Animatronic: "Roxanne Wolf."
???: "Hm?"
I turn to the wolf with a confused look.
Roxy: "My name is Roxanne Wolf. Everyone calls me Roxy. I guess you can do the same, since you can't remember anything."
???: "Oh, uh, thanks. Now I kinda feel bad for not having anything for you to call me."
Roxy: "I'll just stick with "punk". Now let's move before the Pizzaplex's doors get locked... punk."
???: "Right. Of course."
The two of us continued to walk forward in what she called the "S.T.A.F.F. tunnels". They ran underneath the Pizzaplex and lets the staff roam around freely. It's the quickest way to get anywhere in the Pizzaplex, which actually impressed me.
As the two of us walked, I tried to make conversation with Roxy. It didn't go so well. When I tried to talk to her, such as asking her questions, she answered with quick and short responses. It was like she didn't even want to talk to me. Wasn't she made to entertain people? Maybe this is her personality. And if it is, her AI must be highly advanced.
She suddenly stopped walking, making me confused as I turned and shined my light on her. As I did, her eyes seemed to flash purple, but I guess it was just my eyes playing tricks on me.
???: "Roxy? Something wrong?"
I looked at the animatronic in confusion as she just almost emotionless. Then she spun around on her heel and began walking the opposite way.
???: "Uh, Roxy? Roxy! Roxanne! Where are you going?"
She didn't listen to my calls as she walked away. I just stood there, confused about what just happened.
???: "Did she just ditch me?"
I wanted to go after her since I didn't exactly feel safe by myself here, but I decided not to. Instead I turned back around and went the way she was leading me before she left. As I walked, I found a sign with an arrow and the word "LOBBY" on it. I smiled and followed it to a staircase that I walked up.
Once I made it to the top of the stairs, I found a pair of red doors like the ones I walked through to enter the underground tunnels. I hesitated for a moment before walking forward and the doors beep before opening wide for me. I sigh as I turn off my phone's flashlight... and I see the time.
12:03 AM
???: "No. No-no-no..."
I pocketed my phone and ran forward, only to hear cry of terror. It nabs my attention as I stopped and turned to see a kid with white skin, blue eyes, and "spiky" brown hair wearing a blue shirt with khaki shorts running from something behind him.
Boy: "Help me! Please!"
I brought my attention to the boy's chaser, and saw that it was the chicken from the map and the one Roxy told me about: Glamrock Chica.
???: "Ah, fuck me gently with a chainsaw..."
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