Let The Night Begin
(???'s POV)
???: "Ah, fuck me gently with a chainsaw..."
A small boy with brown hair was running away from something behind him.
What was he running from? Glamrock Chica. She is a white-pink chicken with an orange beak, blue eyes, pink eyelids, long eyelashes, and orange feet. She has a few stray "feathers" that stick out from the top of her head with a pink hair bow, visible pink metal segments below her left eye, and pink eyeliner above her right eye. She's also rather slim and a bit curvy.
She has a pink chest piece, a narrow metallic waist, small pink shoulder guards above her segmented arms, which end in green gloves. She also wears green and pink sports tape wrapped around the heels of her leg to resemble leg warmers and green triangle earrings.
Boy: "Please! Help me!"
I immediately run towards the boy and pick him up before dodging Chica and her open arms ready to catch me.
Glamrock Chica: "Employees only!"
???: "I thought you were supposed to be nice with kids!"
Boy: "W-we need to hide!"
???: "Where?!"
Boy: "G-go to the lobby! There must be something there to hide in!"
I nod and turn to what I assumed to be the lobby and leaped over some gate-thingies. I made my way past some more security bots before coming across an elevator in between some staircases. It looked like it was being worked on, but there were two big metal bins. So I hopped in with the boy in my arms and stayed low. I made sure to listen for heavy footsteps, and when I started to hear them...
Glamrock Chica: "Who wants candy?"
The footsteps started to fade away and leave, making me sigh and relief. I could feel the boy's heart racing as he held tightly on to my body. I didn't know exactly what to do, so I awkwardly patted his back in hopes of reassuring him.
???: "It's, uh... it's okay. There there..."
Boy: "You're bad at this."
???: "I know."
The boy giggles a bit which makes me smile. Then I get a bit serious.
???: "Okay, what's your name, kid?"
Gregory: "I-I'm Gregory."
???: "Okay, what are you doing here, Gregory? Shouldn't you be at your home?"
Gregory: "I could ask you the same thing."
???: "Hey, I woke up in a photo booth in the middle of the night without any memory. Give me some slack. I barely have any idea on what's going on."
Gregory: "You don't have any memories?"
I shake my head in response.
???: "Nope. Got nothing in this noggin. Not even a name."
Gregory: "Oh... I'm so sorry."
???: "Heheh. It's okay, kid."
Gregory: "Then can I give you a name? Just so I can call you something?"
I look at the kid in my arms for a moment. He wanted to give me a name? Sounds like a pet thing, but I need something to call myself as well, so...
???: "I don't see why not."
Gregory smiled and began to think about what to call me.
Gregory: "Mark? No... Mat? Nah. I know someone called Will, short for William."
???: "William?"
(Apologies if any of these are your actual names)
Gregory: "No, you're right. Bad idea. How about... Y/n?"
I began to think about it. Y/n. Y/n-Y/n-Y/n. YYYYYYY/nnnnnn. Yeah. Y/n.
Y/n: "I like it. Call me Y/n."
Gregory: "Okay! Y/n it is."
Y/n: "Great. Now, mind being my binoculars?"
Gregory: "What?"
I grab the boy by his sides and lift him up to the point where he can peek over the bin we were in.
Y/n: "What do you see?"
Gregory: "Oh. Uh, Chica isn't on the first floor. Just two of those bots."
Y/n: "Great. Push yourself out of this thing and I'll be right behind ya."
Gregory nods and uses my shoulders and head to step out of the bin. I hear his feet hit the tile floor and I stand, stepping out of the bin and on to the floor next to Gregory.
Y/n: "Alright, we need to find a way outta here."
Gregory: "We can't use the front doors. They're blocked off now. Won't open back up until six in the morning."
Y/n: "Damn. Looks like we gotta find a new way outta here."
Gregory: "I can ask Freddy."
Y/n: "Freddy?"
Gregory: "Yeah. He's my friend....I guess. He hasn't tried to kill me. Yet."
Y/n: "Well, how do we call him?"
Gregory: "I can use this. My Fazwatch."
The boy raises a hand to show me a yellow smart watch. I looked at it for a moment before nodding.
Y/n: "Go ahead."
Gregory nods and presses a button on his "Fazwatch".
Gregory: "Freddy? Freddy, can you hear me?"
A voice comes out of the watch, belonging to whom I believed to be Freddy.
Freddy: *through Fazwatch* "I can hear you, Gregory. What is it you need?"
Gregory: "Well, I kinda found another person here who got locked in."
Freddy: *through Fazwatch* "You did? That is most unfortunate. For them, I mean. What is their name?"
Y/n: "My name is Y/n. Nice to technically meet you, Freddy."
Freddy: *through Fazwatch* "Likewise. Gregory, did you get the Complimentary Entry Pass?"
Gregory: "Yeah, I did. And we're both in the lobby."
Freddy: *through Fazwatch* "Well done, Superstar! Unfortunately, it only allows you into the lobby and not the pizzeria."
Y/n: "I came from there. Lots of security bots."
Freddy: *through Fazwatch* "If you can find Customer Service, you may be able to find an upgrade machine."
I step forward and look around before I spot what looked like Customer Service.
Y/n: "Found it, but it's blocked off by some gates. We'll have to find a way around."
Freddy: *through Fazwatch* "Please, stay safe. I will continue searching for a way out for both of you."
Gregory: "Alright. Thanks, Freddy."
With that, the call ended and Gregory looked at me.
Gregory: "What do we do now?"
Y/n: "I don't know. Find some way into Customer Service, I guess. But we have to--"
I suddenly stop talking and pull Gregory down to the floor with me. He tries to ask what I was doing, but I shushed him and pointed. He followed my finger and saw Chica walking away from the stairs and to the fountain.
Gregory: "Thanks for the save. Lemme guess. You were going to say something like "avoid Chica" and whatnot?"
Y/n: "Pretty much." *looks around* "Let's go."
Gregory nods and follows me as I make my way to the left staircase and walk up it. With Gregory right behind me, we make it to the second floor of the lobby and look around.
Y/n: "Hey, Gregory. Does your Fazwatch have access to the cameras or anything?"
Gregory: "Yeah, actually. How did you know?"
I look at Gregory as I try to think of an answer, but couldn't find one.
Y/n: "I dunno. Maybe I work here."
Gregory: "Maybe. Want me to check for a good way to get to Customer Service?"
Y/n: "Su--"
Me and said child turned to see Chica at the top of the stairs looking right at us. Telling Gregory to run, I grab his arm and take off as fast as I could go as Chica chases us. I go to the left to a small restaurant with a single security bot in it and run through it. It sounds an alarm as it spots us and Chica barges into the restaurant.
Glamrock Chica: "This area is off limits."
I drag Gregory to a door at the side and barge through it. I immediately close it and let go of Gregory as Chica tries to pull the door open. I use all my strength to make sure it stays closed and I turn to Gregory.
Y/n: "Hide!"
He listens and runs to a bin inside the kitchen we were in. He hops inside it and I bring my attention back to the door. A few times it nearly opened, but I made sure to close it again.
Glamrock Chica: "Your family is looking for you."
Y/n: "Shut up!"
(Gregory's POV)
I peek my head over the bin's rim and look at Y/n. It was incredible how he was keeping that door closed with a robot chicken trying to pry it open.
Glamrock Chica: "This area is off limits."
This was terrifying. How could Y/n keep the door closed for much longer? Surely he couldn't. And I could lose him! He was the only other person here that was helping me. I couldn't lose him!
Y/n: "Gregory!"
I snap out of my thoughts and look at Y/n.
Y/n: "I'm going to open this door!"
Gregory: "What?! Are you crazy?!"
Y/n: "Trust me! When I count to three, I want you to get out of that bin and run! I'll distract Chica!"
Gregory: "But--"
Y/n: "One...!"
Oh, my God. He's actually doing it.
Y/n: "Two...!"
I should run!"
Y/n: "Three!"
I immediately step out of the bin as Y/n tells out "Now!" and I run. From the corner of my eye, I see Y/n push himself from the door and grab something just as Chica barges into the kitchen. I didn't see much else as I find a hallway and a staircase leading down and I follow it.
I stop at the bottom and take a moment to catch my breath. I could hear Y/n and Chica fighting from here, too. Loud banging and crashing noises came from the kitchen, and I didn't know what to do. And then it stopped.
The sounds ceased and I looked up the stairs, wondering what happened. I didn't hear any painful screaming, but maybe Chica killed Y/n in a way that he couldn't scream. Then footsteps begin to make their way down the stairs, and I was prepared to run. However, my heart nearly leaped out of my chest when I saw who it was.
"Hey, kid."
Gregory: "Y/n! You're okay!"
Y/n: "A few scratches here and there, but yeah. I'm okay."
Gregory: "What happened with Chica?"
Y/n: "I managed to trick her into crashing into the bin. She'll be stuck like that for a while."
He tosses away the frying pan in his hands which makes a loud noise as it hits the floor. Then my new friend sighs.
Y/n: "Alright. Now let's get outta here."
He takes out his phone which had a Freddy Fazbear phone case and turned on the flashlight. He aimed it at the door belonging to the Lost and Found. He walks up to it and tries to open it, only to see that it was locked.
Y/n: "Damn. Level Four required. Let's find someplace else."
I nod and follow the adult to the all red door on the other side of the room. However, I noticed something weird about his skin all of a sudden. He wasn't sweating. At all.
(Y/n's POV)
I open the red door and walk through it with Gregory right after me. We arrive at a desk which looked like the one we saw on the first floor, so I assumed that this has to be Customer Service. There were lockers on the other end of the room where I assumed guests could put their stuff in.
Y/n: "Alright. We're here."
I turn to the left to see an orange machine with a top hat on it.
Y/n: "That must be the upgrade machine."
Gregory: "I got this!"
Gregory states as he walks up to the machine and pulls out his Complimentary Entry Pass. He slides it into the slot and we wait for a few moments. Nothing happens. I raise my brow in confusion while Gregory kicks the machine in anger.
Gregory: "Stupid thing ate my pass!"
Y/n: "What?!"
Gregory's Fazwatch turns on and a familiar voice comes from it.
Freddy: *through Fazwatch* "Perhaps there is a way to hack it back out. Try Glamroch Gifts. They have lots of trinkets, knickknacks, and doodads."
Gregory: "Alright."
Freddy ends the call and I turn off my flashlight and phone. Then I look at the sign next to the upgrade machine.
Y/n: "This says that magnets mess with the upgrade machine. Maybe we can find a magnet."
Gregory: "Alright, then. To Glamrock Gifts it is."
I nod and we both walk out from behind the counter. I spot a green button in the shape of Freddy Fazbear flexing, or something similar, so I press it and the gated door that kept us out earlier slid open.
Y/n: "Well, that's one less thing we have to worry about."
Doing our best to avoid the security bots, me and Gregory make it back upstairs where he said he saw the entrance to Glamrock Gifts. He was right and, without any trouble, we made it there.
Y/n: "Alright. Smooth sailing from here."
The doors to tbe restaurant on the other side suddenly burst open and out steps a familiar 80s styled chicken animatronic.
Glamrock Chica: "Where are you~?"
Y/n: "Me and my big mouth."
Gregory: "Hurry! Before she spots us!"
Gregory grabs my hand and drags me into the gift shop. However, once the doors close, we both stop when we see a lone security bot rolling around.
Y/n: "Ah, great."
Gregory: "Don't worry. We can sneak past it."
I nod and we both crouch down to avoid getting spotted. We then begin to carefully and quietly make our way past the bot when it suddenly turns to our direction which made me grab Gregory and make a run for it.
Once we make it down some stairs, we arrive to the lower area of the gift shop. I set Gregory back on the ground and he looks around.
Y/n: "Alright. Look out for a magnet of some kind."
Gregory nods and the two of us split up.
(Gregory's POV)
After me and Y/n split up to look for a magnet, I look through all the gifts you could buy in the shop. However, my mind began to wonder about something. Well, more specifically, someone. Y/n, to be exact.
How come he didn't look sweaty after fighting with Chica? Wouldn't anyone be sweating after that terrifying encounter? How come Y/n wasn't? And he said he had some scrapes and bruises, but at a closer look, he didn't. Who was Y/n?
I stop and snap from my thoughts when I come across a gift box. I assumed that this was the free gift my Complimentary Entry Pass gives me, so I grab it and open it up. When I reach inside and pull out its contents, I get...
Gregory: "A crappy Mr. Hippo fridge magnet? Lame."
But then I realized that we were looking for a magnet. It's still crappy and lame, BUT A MAGNET!
Gregory: "Y/n! I found a magnet!"
Y/n: "You did?" *peeks from behind a stack of plushies* "Great! Let's get going!"
I nod and the two of us walk up to one of the gated doors. I press tbe green Freddy Fazbear button this time and the door slides open. However, I freeze when I see Chica nearby.
Gregory: "Crap...!"
We both hide behind the wall to avoid getting spotted by Chica.
Gregory: "What do we do?"
Y/n doesn't respond for a moment as his eyes dart around the place. Then he finally answers.
Y/n: "Okay. When Chica starts to go up the stairs, we make a run for it back to Customer Servive. Got it?"
Gregory: *nods* "Got it."
Thankfully, we didn't have to wait long. After Chica did a full circle around the fountain, she decided to go up to the second floor. When she made it to the stairs, that's when me and Y/n made a run for it.
We both ran over to Customer Service without Chica noticing, thankfully, and ran behind the desk counter. I then placed the Mr. Hippo magnet on the upgrade machine. It started to freak out almost immediately and out came my nrwly upgraded pass!
Gregory: "Yes! The magnet scrambled the machine!"
I pulled my new pass out of the machine, only to see that it was something I didn't want.
Gregory: "Aw, man. Now it's some kind of Daycare Pass?"
Y/n: "Oh, come on..."
Freddy speaks through the Fazwatch.
Freddy: *through Fazwatch* "That is great news! I will meet you in the daycare. The entrance is on the second floor balcony."
Y/n: "Well, I guess we'll see you there."
The call ends and I turn to Y/n.
Gregory: "Are you ready?"
Y/n: "Yep. Let's go to daycare."
(Y/n's POV)
Me and Gregory quickly made our way up to the second floor balcony while avoiding Chica and made it to the daycare entrance.
Y/n: "Guess this is it. Let's do this."
The two of us walk up to the large double doors and they immediately flies open for us. I smile at this and me and Gregory begin to walk forward into the "Superstar Daycare" pickup.
Y/n: "So Gregory, why are you here by yourself? Don't you have any family to be with?"
Gregory looks over at me for a moment before looking away sadly.
Gregory: "No... I don't. I don't have anyone. I'm an orphan."
Y/n: "Oh. I-I'm sorry. I didn't know."
Gregory: "It's fine." *sniff* "I've g-got you and Freddy now?" *looks up at me* "You can take care of me, right?"
I was speechless. Did he just ask me to adopt him? How could I? I don't even know who I am.
A door slides up and open for the two of us, taking me out of my thoughts as I look into what I assumed to be the daycare.
Y/n: "Let's, uh, talk about this later, alright?"
Gregory nods and wipes his face with his arm before stepping inside the daycare. I was right behind him and looked around myself. There were tables surrounding a big golden statue of two similar looking animatronics. I walked over to the door on the left, but it didn't open it.
Y/n: "Ah, sugar..."
Gregory: "I guess we have to go down here, then."
I turn to Gregory to see that he was next to an opening. I walk up to him to see a sign saying "SLIDE INTO FUN!" which pointed at tbe opening... which was actually a slide.
Y/n: "... will I fit into this?"
Gregory: "It's the only way through. You can try."
I turn to the left again to see a small gate both of us could jump over.
Y/n: "I mean, we can just climb over that and--"
I turn back to Gregory, only to see him sliding down the plastic tube with laughter escaping his lips. I call after him and immediately jump into the slide and fly down it with surprising ease. I didn't get stuck once.
I heard Gregory land and I landed soon after, crashing into an assortment of colorful plastic balls. I stand up immediately and look around, making Gregory laugh.
Y/n: "Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up. You're lucky I fit down that slide, or I would've been stuck."
Gregory: "Now that would be funny."
I roll my eyes and look around. It looked like a ball pit of sorts.
Y/n: "Come on. Let's find a way out of here."
Gregory nods and takes my hand as we make our way through tbe ball pit. However, we start to hear laughter and look up to see a yellow animatronic on a castle balcony above us. It then dives right into the ball pit, but doesn't resurface.
Gregory: "Where is it?!"
Y/n: "How... how did that thing dive without hurting itself? This pit isn't even two feet deep!"
Gregory, still a bit scared, scoots a bit closer to me as we walk further into the ball pit. However...
Me and Gregory scream in fright as the same animatronic leaped right out of the ball pit and in front of us. It was a clown-like animatronic with a stylized sun-shaped head, light-blue eyes, and a widely-grinning expression. It has a lanky body with long limbs and large, opposable five-fingered hands. Sun is fit with a plastic light-yellow chest adorned with two buttons, yellow pants with brown/red stripes, and a brown stripe at the bottom of it's chest, giving the appearance of a belt. Brownish-red and yellow frills are worn around its neck and waist. It also wears orange elf-like shoes with a moon symbol on them, and what looks like bells tied to red ribbons on its wrists. And... he looks like he would be called "Sun" or "Sunny", or something like that.
Sundrop: "New friends!"
He grabs both mine and Gregory's arms as he pulls us through the ball pit and up to a rainbow bridge.
Sundrop: "You two sure are up late! Is this your kid? Are we having a slumber party? Where are all your friends?"
Y/n: "You have got to be the scariest thing I have ever seen."
Sundrop: "Lots of people say that, actually!"
He brings us over to what looked like a play area and lets go of us by some cans.
Sundrop: "We can finger paint, tell stories, drink Fizzy-Faz until our heads EXPLODE, and stay up all night!"
Y/n: "Okay, you don't seem too bad actually."
Sundrop: "There is only one rule: Keep the lights on. On. On..."
Y/n: "And I'm back to disliking you."
I begin to look around before seeing a desk over at what looked like to be the front of the daycare area. I nudge Gregory and motion to it. He nods and goes to run to it, only to be grabbed and placed back down by the cans by Sundrop.
Sundrop: "Come on! We haven't played yet!"
Y/n and Gregory: "Yeah, no thanks."
Gregory looks like he gets an idea and shoves the stacked cans down, spilling them across the ground. This instantly makes Sundrop panic as he goes to clean it up and Gregory grabs my hand.
Gregory: "Come on! While he's distracted!"
I nod and the two of us run over to the desk at tbe very front. Once we get there, we run behind the desk and look around. Sundrop seems to notice this and runs back over to us as Gregory takes a flashlight from an open Freddt Fazbear head-thingie.
Sundrop: "New friends, this-this area is off-limits! You're gonna get us in trouble. D-don't you want a puppet show? I have glitter glue! Do you like glitter glue? Googly eyes?"
Me and Gregory ignore him and I spot a small Freddy Fazbear head wearing a security guard hat placed on the desk. Seeing that the nose was a button, I press it with an adorable noise and it pops open. Inside was a security badge, making me smile as I grab it. Then I smile wider when I see that it's level one clearance.
Y/n: "Alright. Now we can use the elevators."
Gregory: "Nice!"
Both me and Gregory high-five in victory, only for all the lights to go off. We look around in confusion before turning to see Sundrop standing on the desk.
Sundrop: "No-no! Why would you do that? Light's on! Light's on! I warned you! I WARNED YOU!"
My eyes widen in horror as Sundrop grabs his face, almost as if he were in pain, and painful groans and screams came from his mechanical throat. Gregory backed up and hid behind me just as Sundrop fell off the desk and on to tbe floor.
Y/n: "Sweet Hell... Is he dead?"
My question was quickly answered as two boney fingers grab the desk.
????????: "Naughty boys, naughty boys."
The hands pull the owner up to peek his head over the desk, revealing his moonish looks and glowing red eyes.
Moondrop: "It's past your bedtimes. You must be punished. Nighty-night~"
He hops on to the desk and does a little dance before leaping into the air and disappearing into the darkness. Me and Gregory just watch in shock as the little boy turns on his flashlight to illuminate the area, but the animatronic was nowhere to be found.
Y/n: "... well, shit."
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