-4- Strengths and weaknesses
The fox sped down the hallway only to skid to a stop when the panicking guard flashed his light in the pirate's face multiple times. All Foxy could see was a bright light and his vision was clouded while he stumbled back down the corridor holding his head in pain. He shut his eyes tight and shook his head as he slowly regained his sight.
"You okay, bud?" Freddy asked concerned. Goldie sat the pirate down on the floor knowing what was wrong.
"Migraine." The Golden bear put simply.
Freddy naturally came up with a plan.
"Let's have Foxy on time out. Bonnie, go through the vent on the guard's right while Chica stares at the camera in party room 4." The bunny went to party room 2 and the chicken to party room 4 followed by their newer versions. "Watch and learn how we creep the guard out." Toy Freddy observed how his counterpart seemed to be obeyed with no fuss, an authority that takes time to gain.
It wasn't long before the Toys began to find their own way into the office.
"I cAn'T dEcIdE wHeThEr I pReFeR tHe HaLl Or ThE vEnT." Mangle shrugged at Toy Chica as Toy Bonnie was secretly tucking away the wires that Mangle used to get around so she couldn't use his preferred route. This had almost become a competitive game to them.
Bonnie had made his way to the vent opening in the guard's office while the man was muttering his negative attitude towards Freddy's.
"Stupid pizza place... give me a name badge like I can't introduce myself... the hours are insane... WOAH, WHAT IS THAT?!" He slipped his Freddy mask on as he froze at the sight of the faceless animatronic rabbit. Freddy, Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica, Chica, Mangle and Goldie had expressions of confusion as well as Bonnie as they found themselves looking at 'another animatronic' thinking the guard had vanished. All accept Foxy of course!
"What are ye waitin' fer? Get 'im!" Foxy called, using the wall as support where he stood. Earning confused looks from everyone else.
"I didn't know headaches could mess up your sight that bad!" Toy Chica grunted while walking back to the game area with the others.
"Me eyesight be fine!" Foxy growled. Irritated by the fact that no one believed him, he turned to the only person who would listen.
"Come on, lad. We'll show 'em." He sat BB upon his shoulders and took him to the darkest corner of the Parts & Service room.
The rest of the animatronics came back to the Prize Corner to chill out.
"You know you gotta put the door back." Toy Bonnie smiled. Freddy put his hand on his forehead.
"Oh, I forgot!" The bear half jogged back to Parts & Service.
"So what's wrong with that lunatic fox?" Toy Chica placed one hand on her hip. Mangle gave her an unamused look. "Not you, dear. Pirate Mcpirate face."
"He is just a little crazy." Bonnie made a 'loopy' gesture with his finger by the side of his head. Causing everyone to laugh at Foxy's expense. Not that he would care of course!
"Mmm... I'm really hungry! I'm gonna try to make some pizza." Chica began to make her way to the kitchen.
"Oh let me help, darling. You have no hands!" Toy Chica gave her counterpart a sympathetic look and a smile.
"It's good to see that everyone is friends now. Speaking of which, can I have a few pro tips on guitar?" Bonnie patted his blue counterpart on the back lightly.
"Of course!"
Marionette watched these friendships blossom approvingly.
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