-1- Mirror
Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie and Toy Chica were up on stage watching the children leave. The lights began to shut off and the caretaker was packing up for the night. As the man in grubby dungarees exited, he greeted a second man who was coming in for the night shift. The night guard straightened his tie and pulled his fingers through his messy hair before disappearing down the corridor that lead to the office.
The 12am bell chimed and the three animatronics felt their joints loosen as the free roam function finally allowed them to move. The light blue bunny with a red guitar hopped off stage and skipped to the arcade; he had found money discarded on the floor and hoped it was enough for a game or two. Toy Chica and Toy Freddy remained on stage talking about how they may be able to improve their performance and about the discovery of older versions of themselves in the P&S room.
Back in the dark Parts & Service room, the originals were talking amongst themselves trying to figure out who the figure from last night was.
"Probably my replacement." Freddy sighed. Footsteps were heard outside again. These sounded too heavy to be a human's feet.
A piece of paper slid under the door which Freddy picked up eager for some excitement. He flipped it over to find a map drawn in crayon -presumably made by the figure from the night before.
"Hey, gang! Take a look at this!" Chica and Bonnie crept over to Freddy peering over the bear's shoulder.
"Arcade?" Bonnie scratched the top of his head, an expression of bewilderment upon his half face.
"What's a Prize Corner?" Chica raised a brow.
Suddenly, something swept the puzzled three off their feet and they landed roughly on the cold floor.
"AND NO PIRATE COVE!" A twitchy and rusted voice screeched from the darkness, a single glowing yellow eye watching the others collect themselves from the dusty ground.
"That can't be right..." Freddy straightened his bow tie and studied the map closely.
"Oh, Foxy..." Bonnie spied a 'Kid's Cove' label on the poorly drawn map. The worn down pirate fox slunk out of the shadows from his dark corner that had many scratches on the walls carved by Foxy's hook. Some scratches made the words 'IT'S ME'.
"We are getting out of this place!" Freddy demanded and strode over to the door. He attempted to open it with no success until he was pushed out of the way by the robot fox who pounded the door several times with his fist before running into it shoulder first. With a loud thump, the door broke free of its hinges and hit the ground.
"Let's find our counterparts!" Freddy pointed down the hall to the game area. Bonnie, Freddy and Chica followed the map to the show stage that had no one on it.
Chica followed her pizza instincts to the kitchen were she was surprised to not find the newer model of herself.
Bonnie hoped that there was guitar hero in the arcade and so went to explore. He spotted a second rabbit trying to master guitar hero getting great scores.
"If I had both my arms, I'd show you how it's done." The blue bunny leapt back slightly startled by the voice of an animatronic he hadn't heard before.
"Don't sneak up on me like that!"
"Someone's a bit jumpy!" The faceless rabbit laughed.
"I don't appreciate your humour."
"You'll get used to it!"
Freddy wondered over to the game area following a voice that sounded a little like his own.
"Hey, kids! Welcome to the show! -nah, that's not right... Welcome kids! -nope."
"You're supposed to say it like this..." Freddy repeated the lines in a more cheery tone with a slight chuckle at he end.
"Wow, thanks!" The plastic bear turned around, shocked to see his predecessor.
Mangle didn't get such a smooth greeting. The door swung open to Kid's Cove and Foxy stormed in to find the mess of limbs that was his counterpart.
"YoU sCaReD mE!" She blurted out amongst the static.
"If yer not a pirate, what be yer job?" The red fox frowned at his replacement.
"I kEeP tHe ToDdLeRs EnTeRtAiNeD. ThEy TaKe Me ApArT aNd PuT mE bAcK tOgEtHeR." The pink and white mangled mess spoke, confused that her counterpart was in fact a pirate.
"Clearly ye did somethin' before?" Foxy looked around and Mangle nodded.
"I sUpErViSeD tHe KiDs DrAwInG pIcTuReS." She gestured to the wall with which resembled an arm. The wall was covered in pictures in crayon of children playing with Toy Foxy and then the newest pictures of them taking her apart.
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