"Sister Location" UNOFFICIAL!!!
Okay, let me make one thing clear right now: this is an opening chapter I decided to write based on what I believe Sister Location will be about as of July 25, 2016. I could be right, I could be wrong. We shall see whenever the game comes out! Either way, enjoy!
"Scared?" Jane asked as the doors opened in front of us.
"A little," I replied.
"Oh, c'mon, Alice," she said with an eye roll. "You don't really believe all those bullshit legends, do you?"
"Well, not really," I admitted with a shoulder shrug. "But, still. Legends exist for a reason, right?"
"Yeah; to scare gullible kids for entertainment. Or, in this case, adults."
"Screw you."
She lightly punched me on the shoulder as we both entered the metal cylinder. The doors then closed behind us and we slowly lowered down.
"So," Jane asked as the shaky elevator descended, "how did you hear about this job, again?"
"Jack recommend it," I replied. "He said he knew a place that was looking for mechanics."
"Eh. As long as it pays well, it'll be worth it."
"That and having fun, right?"
I then decided to take a look around the elevator as it slowly went further and further below ground. To be honest, there really wasn't much. Sure, there were windows that revealed the shaft outside the elevator, as well as a poster advertising an animatronic ballerina, but not much more than that.
"God, can this thing go any slower?" Jane asked with an obvious hint of annoyance. "Stairs would've been faster than this!"
"Yeah, only if I pushed you down them!"
"Yeah, yeah, sociopath."
"Like you're any better, Ms. Run-Over-Stray-Kitten."
"That was one time, you bitch! And it was an accident!"
"Keep telling yourself that."
She then groaned in frustration and reached into her purse.
"I swear, you'll be the death of me," she murmured.
"Who are you talking to?" I asked. "Me or the cigarettes?"
"Eh. Both." she replied as she pulled out a carton and lighter.
"Can you smoke in here?" I asked.
"Eh," she mumbled as she stuck a cancer stick between her lips. "I'll just pull the 'I didn't know' excuse."
"Just sayin', I don't want to start off on the wrong foot with these guys."
Nevertheless, she lit the cigarette and gave a quick puff. I shook my head and looked out the window.
"You may have lit that at the wrong time," I suddenly told her. "We're stopping!"
"Aw, shit..." she said as she pulled it out of her mouth. "Oh, well. We'll see what happens."
"I suppose we will..."
The elevator door opened and we were greated to the view of a young man, around our age, standing there with a smile.
"Good morning, ladies!" he said as he extended his arm. "The name's Tyler. Tyler Afton."
"Alice," I replied as I shook his hand. "Alice White. That's Jane."
He then caught a glimpse at my sister as she tried, and failed, to hide the cigarette behind her.
"Ah, Miss? We don't allow smoking here." he said in a professional tone.
"Oh, I'm sorry," she said in her innocent "nice girl" voice. "I didn't know..."
"Well, I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to extinguish it."
"Okay, then..."
She then dropped the cigarette on the ground and proceeded to stomp on it.
"I better pick that up..."
She then, in the most exaggerated way possible, bent down in, allowing most of her chest to be exposed through her low-cut top. I groaned and rolled my eyes in disappointment. Thank God I'M not the family whore.
She finally picked up the cigarette and put it in her purse.
"Thank you," Tyler said with a slight nod. "Now, shall we proceed?"
"Let's!" I replied.
"Then follow me!"
Tyler then turned around and opened a metal door behind him, allowing access to a long hallway. As we walked down the hall, Jane caught up to me and whispered to me.
"He looked me in the eyes the whole time," she said with shock. "Nobody has ever done that before!"
"Maybe you've finally met a guy who doesn't think your attractive!"
"Oh, please; nobody can resist these!" she argued as she held up her breasts.
"I can hear you, Ladies," Tyler said while still walking and staring forward. "And, for the record, I am a professional business owner who takes that title seriously. That, and I'm happily married."
Jane and I both looked at each other both awkwardly and surprisingly.
"Ah, here we are!" he finally said as we reached the end of the hall. "Let's meet our main crew, shall we?"
He then opened the metal door and stepped aside.
"Ladies first."
I gave a smile and nod as I entered the doorway with Jane right behind. We then found ourselves in a dark room, with the only light coming from the doorway we just entered from.
Suddenly, a light kicked on, revealing what appeared to be 4 podiums, each with a different robotic being on it.
To the right was a white and pink fox with a speaker on its chest. To the left was a bear that was colored the same way, only it had a blue bunny puppet on its right hand. In the back was the ballerina I had seen on the poster. And, right in front, was what looked like a little girl dressed as a clown.
None of them seemed to show any sign of functioning, and there were 2 toolboxes conveniently placed in front of them all.
"These guys," Tyler explained, "are originally from 'Baby's Big Top', one of 3 restaurants owned by Fazbear Entertainment."
"The other 2 being 'Freddy Fazbear's Pizza' and 'Fredbear and Friends'?" Jane asked.
"Correct," Tyler replied with a nod. "Unfortunately, an...incident came up, and we had to shut it down. Fortunately for us, that was all the way back in the late 80's; it's been around 40 years since then! None of us in this room were even born yet!"
"Fair enough. So, they've been fixed since then?"
"Yep! All reprogrammed for modern entertainment! Now available for rent for birthday parties for all ages!"
"Sounds like a sweet gig!"
"I guess you could say that. But, as luck would have it, they've broken down again. So, ladies, do you think you're capable of repairing these 4 beauties for us?"
"Please, if anyone can fix modern robots, it's the girls straight out of college!"
"Very well, then! If you need help, holler!"
"Will do!" I said with a smile.
Tyler then walked out and left me and my sister alone with the 4 animatronics.
"Well, let's get to work!" I said with a shrug.
"May as well," she replied. We then opened our toolboxes and proceeded to do our jobs.
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