toddler Foxy Part 7
I know the title is different but I thought it would be good for a change so yeah that's it.
the pizzeria did its usual thing the kids came in had a good time along with families, and left with either happy faces or just being a jerk, and leaving with a face of defeat it was closing time when 9 o'clock hit Henry left to go home and, Mike had come in to take Foxy to the doctor's office for his toddler shot, but Foxy is being difficult right now to get into the car.
Mike: come on, Foxy you need your check-up and I already made an appointment for you now get into the car, or else I will have to take your gold!
Foxy: aye wouldn't dare Captain Mike!?!
Mike: I would dare plus the sooner we get your check-up done the better.
Foxy didn't budge from his spot and stayed there Mike sigh and went back into the pizzeria and came back with Chica. The chicken picks up the fox and place him in the car seat.
Chica: so why are you having a hard time with Foxy this time?
Mike: he doesn't want to go to the doctor's to get a check-up.
Chica made a face that said, "You're not fooling anybody." Mike took a deep breath and explained to Chica why they were going to the doctor's for and when they will get back. Chica made a happy face and ran back inside and laugh in there. Freddy came in and saw Chica on the floor laughing.
Freddy: umm Chica why are you on the floor and why are you laughing are you okay??
Chica: yeah it's just Mike is taking Foxy to the doctor's office to get a toddler shot and Foxy is giving Mike a hard time right now so if you excuse me, Freddy. I need to get out the toddler clothes for Mike when they get back.
Chica still laughing went to get the things to need for Foxy's return and Freddy confused as heck meanwhile with Mike when they got to the doctor's Foxy stayed put in the car until Mike had to ask a nurse t help him get the fox out of the car into the waiting room once that was done Foxy had tried to escape but failed several times that he had to be strapped to a wheelchair.
Mike: Foxy you are acting like a child right now so settle down.
Foxy: no I will not settle down I do not want a check-up!!!
Mike sign feeling embarrassed cause everyone along with their animatronics was looking into their decision Mike covered his face and waited for their turn to be up.
doctor: Foxy pirate fox?
the door open hearing Foxy's name Mike strolled the chair following the doctor into a room Foxy look around and realizing that it was not the office but a different room he never has seen before the fox stayed silent.
Doctor: so what are we here for Foxy today?
Mike whisper in the doctor's ear and explained the doctor gave Mike a thumb up.
Doctor: okay gotta. Alright, Foxy I'm just going to see if you are healthy, but we need you to wear this, please?
the fox looks and saw that it was a kid's hospital gown the fox look confused but did what he was told.
Doctor: so you're sure he needs to be toddler's size Mr.Mike?
Mike nod his head the doc took a deep breath and did what was asked for her to do once the fox had the hospital gown on.
Foxy: umm Doctor this seems to be a bit too tight are you sure there are no bigger hospital gowns ma'am?
Doctor: (lying) of course Foxy now I just need you to sit down on this table, please?
the fox did what he was told and sat down what he saw next was a needle the fox started to shake the doctor saw him shaking.
Doctor: (lying again) hey, Foxy it's okay it's just the flu shot no need to be scared it's only going to hurt just a tiny bit.
the fox tried to get up but Mike saw what the fox was going to do and sat next to Foxy and hold him down.
Foxy: let me go Captain Mike I don't need a shot!!
Mike: Foxy if you don't want to get the flu bug like last time I suggest you stand still and close your eyes.
the fox closes his eyes and waited for it to be over once the doctor finishes the fox started to feel sleepy the fox look at Mike.
Foxy: Captain Mike why do I feel so tired of what is really in that shot?
Mike took a deep breath waited for the fox to sleep once the fox was asleep the doctor took Mike out of the room.
Doctor: alright he should start to shrink about a minute so I suggest you go get the things you need for a toddler but you should get diapers if I was you just to be on the safe side.
Mike agreed and left to get the things he needs to the fox once he got to the store he got the things he needs for toddlers along with diapers once he got the things he needs he paid for them and went to the pizzeria to decorate the in Goldie's room for his roommate once he got there Chica along with the other animatronics too were waiting for him Mike open the door and brought the stuff in.
Chica: so do you need help, Mike?
Mike: sure Chica I could use some help and where's Goldie!?!
Freddy: he's still in his room sleeping why?
Mike: well I need him out of the room for a bit so the noise won't wake him up.
Bonnie: where's Foxy, Mike?
Mike: he has to stay in the doctor's office for a bit Bonnie.
Freddy & Bonnie: why?
Mike: well me and Henry thought of Foxy's punishment Foxy is going to be a toddler while taking care of Goldie for a while too.
Freddy along with the other animatronics was surprised but it was Bonnie and, Freddy was the most surprised the others were excited Freddy went to Goldie's room and took the sleeping cub out of the room and into a different room for him not hear the noise place the playpen there once that was done he placed Goldie in there along with his blanket and plushies, meanwhile with Foxy he was shrinking a bit the doctor stayed by his side to make sure he was okay the process was going smoothly the fox started to shake a bit the doctor went to get a warm blanket she came back and placed it on the little fox, meanwhile with Mike and, Chica they were almost done Mike look at his watch and saw that it was 11 o'clock.
Mike: hey, Chica do you mind finishing without me I need to pick up Foxy it's 11 o'clock.
Chica: yeah I'm okay you go on ahead I'll add the finishing touches.
Mike: thanks, Chica.
Chica: no problem Mike drive safe and don't forget the clothes I set out for you to put on Foxy.
Mike: okay thanks again, Chica.
Mike got into his car place the booster seat in and drove to the doctors and waited for them to call him, meanwhile with Foxy he was now toddler size the doc pick him up and went to the daycare room where all the other toddlers were at they were also asleep the doc place the sleeping cub on the changing table and put a diaper on him and put him on the last bed and covered him in the blanket and she went to call Mike.
Mike: hello?
Doctor: hey, Mike Foxy is all ready for you to pick him up and he's asleep so it will be much easier for you.
Mike: thank you I will be right there.
Mike hung up the phone and went in along with the clothes to put on Foxy, meanwhile with Foxy he was still asleep the nurse came in and pick up the little fox and went to the waiting room.
Nurse: Mr.Mike?
Mike got up and pick the sleeping toddler from the nurse's arms he went to the bathroom to put clothes on the toddler once that was finished Mike went back and thank the nurse and went to the car, Mike places the toddler in the booster seat and buckled him up once that was done too. Mike closed the door and got into the car and drove off and went to the pizzeria once he got there Chica was waiting for him along with the others Mike got out of his car and got the toddler out of the seat and went to the door it was hard to open it but Mike managed the animatronics once again crowded Mike to see Foxy this time they whispered cause they don't want the same thing to happen twice.
Freddy: wow he is so little can I hold him, Mike, please?
Chica: I think it's for the best that we put him in his bed and let him sleep, Freddy.
the others: he's so cute what happened to him!?!
Mike: I'll explain later for now I need to put Foxy to bed before he wakes up.
Mike took the little fox into the back room and place him on his new bed covered him up with the blanket and closed the door quietly behind him once that was done Mike explained what had happened to him, meanwhile with Goldie he starts to wake up and saw that he was in a different room the cub look around and saw no one was there Goldie tried to use his powers to escape but couldn't he tried again and again but still with no change the cub starts to feel sleepy and he lay his head down and fell asleep, meanwhile with the others they had forgotten Goldie (by accident not on purpose) Freddy remembered Goldie and went to get him.
Freddy's mind: crap I forgot Goldie I hope he is still there!?!
when Freddy got there saw that Goldie was still there Freddy was relieved that he was okay the bear pick up the sleeping cub along with the playpen and put it in the party room where Freddy could keep an eye on him the bear look up it was 12:30 it was time the bear pick up the sleeping cub shook him a little to wake him up.
Freddy: Goldie it's time to eat.
Goldie: owtay Fweddy.
Goldie lay his head back down still very sleepy Freddy took him to the kitchen and got out the bottle of milk with baby formula and place it on the stove and warmed it up once that was done he placed the bottle of warm milk in Goldie's mouth the cub still sleepy just drink it once he was done drinking it he was placed back into his pen the cub still sleepy was trying to stay awake Chica picks him up and snuggled him for a bit putting him back to sleep before giving him to Finn for his turn cause he didn't get his turn along with toy's they too didn't get to hold him either.
will Foxy wake up or will someone have to wake him up?
stay toon for more baby Goldie.
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