fnaf goldie (AGA) is being treated like a baby Part 3
hello again with another part of fnaf Goldie (AGA) is being treated like baby part 3 let's get on to the story shall we and yes I know where will I get to the being treated like a baby part I will get there soon so have patience.
When Mike got to his car he called Henry (the manager and creator of the animatronics) and waited for him to pick up his phone.
Henry: Hello, who is it?
Mike: hey boss it's me, Mike.
Henry: ah Mike why are you calling me at 3 o'clock?
Mike took a deep breath and told Henry what had happened and what is wrong with Goldie and what he getting at the store when he was done he waited for Henry to answer.
Henry: oh dear well I think you should take Goldie to the ER first (there's a special hospital for animatronics) and see what the doc says okay? The hospital name is BotHeart and it's around the corner you can't miss it.
Mike: okay thanks, boss.
Henry: no problem Mike.
Mike hung up the phone and went back inside to get Goldie into the car but first, he needed a bath cause he can't go to the ER smelling like urine.
Mike's mind: okay I need to get Goldie into the tub without him getting fussy but how?
Mike thought for a minute and saw a rubber duck on the floor and got the idea he went to fill the tub up with water place the rubber duck in it and went to get Goldie now with Goldie he was still embarrassed that he didn't want to leave his room or want to see anyone. Goldie heard footsteps coming to his room and, saw that it was Mike he had a towel in his hand.
Goldie: hey Mike what is with the towel and I thought you went to the store?
Mike: sorry Goldie but I have to take you to the ER but you need a bath first.
when Goldie heard the word ER and bath he knew that Mike called Henry( and boy was he mad cause if you where in Goldie's place you would be too) and Goldie didn't like the sound of it there was no way that Mike was going to give him a bath cause he hated bath especially by Mike's hands touching him but before Goldie could getaway. Mike wrapped him in the towel got Goldie's stuff for his bath and headed there now Goldie was wiggling to get away from Mike but alas he couldn't get out of Mike's grip.
Goldie: Mike I don't need a bath put me down!
the bear screamed everyone heard him and looked to see what's going on when they saw goldie wrapped in a towel even Foxy look out of his cove and started to die laugh again the others didn't they got to their stage position and stayed there Freddy saw what was going on and just ignored it.
Mike: sorry Goldie but you really need one and we can't go to the ER with you smelling like urine.
Goldie kept wiggling to get away but it was no use he couldn't and when they got to the restroom Goldie saw the tub filled with water he kept wiggling some more until Mike just decided enough was enough.
Mike: Goldie stops wiggling right now or else I will spank you!
when Goldie heard the word spank he knew Mike meant it. he stops wiggling and let Mike do his work Mike took Goldie out of the towel and into the tub Goldie hated baths especially by a grownup washing him. but he didn't want a spanking the bear waited for him to finish washing him with a pouty face. then he saw a rubber ducky.
Goldie mind: oh a rubber ducky what is it doing in the tub did Mike put it here oh well might as well play with it for a bit.
when Mike was done he took the bear out of the tub and dried him off Goldie still had the rubber duck in his paws he squeezed it and a squeak came out.
Mike: alright Goldie bathtime is over let's put the rubber duck back into the tub and head to the ER okay?
Goldie still with the rubber duck in his paws dropped it and start to run for it but alas Mike grab him. before he could escape and carried the bear to the car but of course. he went to get a booster seat (Goldie is still child-size so he does need a booster seat) when Goldie saw the booster seat he didn't want to sit in a booster seat but he knew if he tried anything Mike would spank him so he let Mike do it after getting the booster seat got put into place and Goldie put in it Mike got into the car and drove to the ER where Henry said it was and park in the parking lot and got out of the car and carried the bear into the waiting room and went to the front desk.
front desk lady: hello how can I help you today?
Mike: hello I like to get Goldie a check-up cause he took half bottle of some kind of medicine.
this alarmed the front desk lady and she called the doctor right away.
front desk lady: okay the doctor will be with you shortly please sign this form and wait right there, please.
Mike took the form and thank the front desk and sat down with Goldie in his arms and put him down in a chair Goldie look around he never been in a waiting room or the ER before he looked around and saw that there was other animatronics like him in the waiting room with him. he wanted to say hi to them but Mike shook his head no. Goldie stayed in his seat, Mike finished writing the form and handed it to the front desk lady Goldie was getting out of his seat to go say hi to the animatronics.
front desk lady: thank you umm I think you're animatronic is getting out of his seat.
when the lady said it Mike turned his head and went to Goldie and pick him up and put him on his lap Goldie gave a looked at Mike but Mike wasn't having any of it took him to the bathroom and gave him a spanking once that was done they head back to their seats.
doctor: Golden Freddy?
door open when Mike and Goldie heard his name Mike got up and carried him to the doctor and followed the doctor to an office went into the room and placed Goldie onto a table.
doctor: so what seems to be the problem with Golden Freddy today?
Mike explained to the doctor what happened while Mike was doing that Goldie looked around a bit and looked down and saw how high he was from the ground he got away from the edge of the table and waited for the grown-ups to finish talking and when they were done the doctor went to the golden bear to check on him
doctor: alright Goldie I'm just going to see if anything is wrong with you and what affects the medicine you took okay?
Goldie just blushes at the reminder and nod his head and the doctor took his stethoscope the put it on Goldie's chest the stethoscope was cold that made him shiver a bit and he felt a warm and wet feeling again he looked down and saw he wet himself again he tried to cover it but the doc saw it Goldie was embarrassed the doc let out a chuckle he picks up the bear.
doctor: awww it's okay Goldie we all have accidents but of course, you took half a bottle of medicine so it's still okay.
the doctor put the bear down onto a changing table and buckled him down so he couldn't try to escape and open a drawer from below and it was a diaper when Goldie saw it he tried to wiggle his way out but it was no use the bear felt his legs lifted off the ground and his tushy in the air he felt even more embarrassed than before that his face turns red as a tomato the bear covered his face with his paws and wanted to cry.
Goldie's mind: I can't believe I wet myself again what am I going to do if Freddy or anyone sees me in a diaper I'll be a laughingstock for the rest of my life.
the doctor was done putting Goldie in a diaper he unstrapped him and pick him up the bear uncovered his face to look and saw the doc was smiling along with Mike Mike pick the bear from the doctor's arm and hold him Goldie look away from the doctor he didn't care if it was for his own good he just wanted to go home that the little bear started to cry.
doctor: oh dear hey Goldie don't cry it's only temporary that is until the effects of the medicine wear off anyways Mike I need to speak to you in private, please?
Mike: okay Goldie I'm going to the doc and after we're done talking we can go home or if the doc wants me to get something from a store okay?
the golden bear nods his head and was put down on the table the doc and Mike left the room leaving him all by himself.
doctor: thank you, Mike there's is something wrong with Goldie.
Mike: of course is what the matter with Goldie?
the doctor looked down and took a deep breath and was ready to tell Mike.
doctor: well I might have to ask you if you are okay with Goldie being a bit smaller?
Mike: umm what do you mean him being a bit smaller doc is there a problem with him?
doctor: well yes there is a problem with Goldie his bladder is completely damaged from the pills and he will have to be in diapers for a while that is until someone will donate a bladder so he would have to be a baby size for a while is that okay with you?
Mike was shocked that he didn't know the pills made Goldie's bladder damaged and he would have to be tiny but it wasn't his decision but the manager's.
Mike: I have to call Henry first and see what he thinks okay?
doctor: okay is Henry the owner of Goldie?
Mike nods his head the doc gave him a thumbs up and went to call Henry and tell him what the doc said.
Henry: hello?
Mike: hey boss it's me again.
Henry: ah Mike what did the doctor say is he okay?
Mike: well there's a problem.
Henry: what's the problem Mike it can't be that bad?
Mike took a deep breath.
Mike: Well the problem is that Goldie's bladder is completely damaged and he will have to be in diapers for a while until someone can donate one.
Henry: okay that doesn't sound so bad that will be easy finding a bladder.
Mike: umm boss he will also be tiny for a while like the baby size I told the doc I call you first and see if you're okay with it.
Henry didn't say a word.
Mike: umm boss are you okay? Hello?
Henry: oh yes I guess having him a baby size is okay at least he won't be a problem taking over the pizzeria for a while so I'm all on board on it.
Mike: okay then thank you, boss.
Henry: no problem Mike tell the doc that I'm okay with it.
Mike: sure boss bye.
Mike hung off the phone and went back to the doctor who was waiting for him.
Doctor: well what did he say is he okay with Goldie being baby size?
Mike nods his head and the doctor went back into the room where they found the golden bear was laying down and was asleep Mike looked at his watch and saw that it was 6 o'clock.
Mike: Oh it's 6 o'clock sorry if he fell asleep.
the doctor just chuckled and pick up the sleeping bear and took him to another room.
doctor: it's okay I needed him to be asleep anyways for me to give him a shot.
Mike remembers how much Goldie hates shots and how he tried to escape his flu shot once it didn't end well it ended with Goldie getting a spank and not leaving his room for 3 days.
Mike: a shot what kind of shot is it?
doctor: it's the kind that will make you little and he might have a hard time speaking properly or walking so you might want to go to the store to get the things you need.
Mike: oh okay wait what kind of stuff do you want me to get from the store?
doctor: oh you know baby food, baby formula, and a pacifier, baby carrier, and a crib, etc.
Mike: okay how long will it take for you to give him a shot?
doctor: oh just enough time for you to get the things you need cause it will take about an hour or more for him to shrink.
Mike wrote them down and waited for the doc to give the shot to the sleeping bear and went to his car and drove to the store when he got there he got diapers, baby formula, baby food, baby carrier, a crib, baby safety proof, pacifier, baby bath stuff, and a high chair, and cub clothes, and a changing table, and a few baby toys too once he was done he bought them and head to his car he first took out the booster seat and replaced it with the carrier once that was placed he put the rest of stuff in the trunk and drove back to the pizzeria to decorate the golden bear's room when Mike got there Henry was there waiting for him and saw the things in Mike's trunk,
Henry: do you need help with all that Mike and where's Goldie?
Mike: oh yes thank you, boss, he is still in the ER he will have to stay there for an hour or more they said.
Henry gave a confused face so Mike explained the shot to him and Henry got it.
Henry: oh okay then let's get started then.
Mike and Henry took all the stuff out and went to the golden bear's room when the other animatronics saw the stuff Freddy was the first one to ask.
Freddy: What is with all the baby stuff for and why are they going in Golden Freddy's room and where is he?
Mike: well Goldie has to stay at the ER for a bit for an hour or more until now we have to fix his room a bit while we wait.
Freddy: Oh wait why does he have to stay there for an hour?
Mike: his bladder is damaged by the pills and he will have to be tiny for a while that is until someone donates one.
Freddy was mad and turned his head to the fox's cove where Foxy pock is head out to hear and when he saw Freddy's face he knew he was in trouble and it wasn't a good thing either meanwhile with Goldie he was still asleep and was shrinking a bit too the doctor stayed by his side to make sure that nothing bad has happened to him the process was going smooth and well the little bear was starting to whimper in his sleep the doc pick him up to comfort him and put a pacifier in his mouth the little golden bear started to chew on it and stop whimpering anyways back at the pizzeria Mike and Henry were almost done decorating the bear's room Mike look at is watch and saw that the hour was almost up.
Mike: hey boss do you mind if I go to pick up Goldie from the ER the hour is almost up?
Henry: of course just make sure to bring the clothes with you okay?
Mike: you got it, boss.
Mike got to his car and drove off to the ER to pick up Goldie and parked to wait for the doctor to call him to get Goldie meanwhile with Goldie he got pretty small and was almost done too the doc picks up the baby size bear and held him on his chest and took him to the nursery and rocked Goldie to keep him asleep once he was done the little bear stayed asleep still chewing on the pacifier the little bear's diaper started to fall down cause it was too big the doc put him in the bathtub first wash the smell of the cub once he was done washing him he gently dried him off and place him onto the table and changed him from big diaper to baby diaper and the doc put him into a crib and went to call Mike to pick him up.
Doctor: hello Mike?
Mike; hello doc is he okay?
doctor: yes and he is ready for you to pick him up and you brought clothes with you yes?
Mike: yep I see you soon bye.
Mike hung up the phone got out of his car and got the carrier went into the waiting room to pick up a baby Goldie meanwhile with Goldie he was still asleep he was picked up by a nurse the nurse took him to the waiting room for Mike with the carrier to put the small bear in it.
Nurse: Mr.Mike?
Mike got up from his chair and saw how small Goldie was and took him to the bathroom and put the baby clothes on sleepy Goldie put him in the baby carrier Mike thank the Nurse and left when he got to his car he put baby Goldie into the backseat and strapped him in once that was done Mike got into the car and drove off when he got to the pizzeria the animatronics we're waiting to see Goldie even Foxy it was hard to open the door but Mike manages to and the animatronics crowded Mike to see Goldie and saw how small he was.
Chica: aww he's so cute I could just pinch his cheeks!!!
Bonnie: wow he's so tiny how did he get so small?
Finn: What happens to Goldie?
Freddy: I guess toy Freddy is the middle child now.
Foxy: ha the bilge rat is so tiny wait is he wearing a diaper?
Mike: alright you guys you have to be quiet or else you'll-.
before Mike could finish his words Goldie open his eyes and saw that everything was big and he was in a carrier and what was even more worse was that he was tiny.
Goldie's mind: what happen why is everything so big and why am I so tiny wait why am I in clothes wait a minute please don't tell me I'm in a diaper still and why is Freddy smiling at me for!?!
when Goldie looked down he WAS still wearing a diaper and he saw that the other animatronics we're looking at him and smiling it was too much for the little bear he started to cry.
Mike: never mind he's awake.
Henry pushed his way through the crowd to get to the crying cub.
Henry: hand him over Mike I got this.
Mike: umm okay boss.
Mike hand him the baby carrier to Henry unbuckled the straps and pick up the crying cub and gently rocked him.
Henry: shhh it's okay baby Goldie you're alright nothing is going to happen to you calm down.
Goldie's mind: why is he treating like I'm a baby I'm NOT! I will not be treated like one I won't!!
the golden bear tried to fight it but it was no use the warmth and the sound of Henry's heart made the little bear go to sleep peacefully.
Henry: there you go now let's put him in his room and let him sleep.
Henry carried the sleeping cub to his newly decorated room and gently placing him in the crib and closed the door behind him.
Henry: there that wasn't so hard now was it.
Mike and the animatronics just look at him with awe. Mike look at his watch and left to go home the animatronics went back to their positions and waited for the kids to come in.
what will happen next will Goldie stay this way or will someone donate a bladder stay toon in Fnaf Goldie (AGA) is being treated like a baby part 4
the stories are at DeviantArt of my channel of Lizz1076
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