fnaf goldie (AGA) is being treated like a baby Part 2
Hello, It's me again with fnaf ask Goldie (AGA) is being treated like a baby part 2 and we shall get going right now!
meanwhile with Freddy and Mike reading Goldie's journal and see what they should do but let's see what's Foxy is up too shall we? Foxy put the medicine in the drink for Goldie to drink and head back to Mike's office and watch the magic happen on the tablet either he would laugh or pretend to not notice until Freddy or Mike say something but first he needed to find Goldie meanwhile with Goldie he's still looking for his journal but still no luck of finding it.
Goldie: Where is it I can't find it anywhere you know what!?! I'll look for it later I'm sure it will pop up somewhere but for now time to go ask Freddy and Foxy what they like to drink and then put the medicine it in the drinks and watch the medicine take its effects I can't wait to see the look on their faces once I lock all the bathroom stalls they will be so embarrassed!
Meanwhile, Foxy is looking for Goldie with the medicine drink in his hand to give it to him.
Foxy's mind: Where is that bilge rat at he could be anywhere well while I will be looking for him I think I'll lock the bathroom stalls first and then give bilge rat's drink I can't wait to see the look on his face once he drinks this.
Foxy headed to the bathrooms to lock the stalls but put the drink down first once he was done he went back to looking for Goldie still with the drink meanwhile with Goldie. he went to find Freddy and Foxy to ask them what they want to drink but he so happens to bump into Foxy first.
Foxy and Goldie: ow! Hey, watch where you're going-
Goldie's mind: crap I'm so dead Foxy's going to kill me!
Goldie put his paws on his face to wait for the fox to attack but Foxy took a few deep breathes and let out a sigh and looked at the small frightened bear waiting for him to attack him but just decided not to and give him his drink.
Foxy: Ah bilge rat there you are. I was just looking for you.
Goldie took his paws off his face and look at the fox and saw that he wasn't attacking him at all but was just calm especially with a drink in his hand.
Goldie's mind: strange Foxy was looking for me what is he up to and why was he in the bathroom just now what was he doing in there in the first place?
but before he could ask him Foxy thrust the drink in his face this startled the golden bear with his eyes shut waiting for the splash in his face.
Foxy: Here bilge rat have a drink you must be thirsty?
the bear opens his eyes and sees that he was not wet but a drink on his face the fox was waiting for his to take the cup Goldie took the cup out of the fox's hand and saw that the fox was smiling at him from a great height.
Goldie's mind: strange why did he give me a drink and why is he smiling he never smiles at me what are you up to Foxy?
while Goldie was drinking the medicine drink. Foxy left him by himself and when back into Mike's office to watch the magic begin on the tablet meanwhile with Mike and Freddy were looking at the tablet to find Foxy and saw what had happened on it and waited for the fox to come to the office and ask what did he do when foxy came to the office he saw the look on Freddy and Mike's face.
Freddy: What were you doing in the bathrooms and why did you give Goldie a drink!?!
Mike: Yeah Foxy this is nothing like you what are you doing?
Foxy just smiled and touch the tablet to camera 7 and watched it.
Foxy: why don't we watch the first captain and see the show with bilge rat I'm sure he will be just fine.
This alarmed Freddy and Mike they both went to see on the screen what Foxy meant meanwhile with Goldie he was starting to not feel so good and needed to use the bathroom but when he got in there the stalls were locked bang on one of the stalls.
Goldie: Hurry up in there, please I need to go!?!
he said while trying to hold it in but no one answered he waited until he felt something wet and warm between his legs it was pee. he wet himself Goldie started to panic and try to clean himself up but he couldn't the smell was still there he had to take a bath even though he hates baths. but he left his shampoo and body wash in his room but he didn't want to leave the bathroom with pee all over him but he had to get the stuff he needed but he was too embarrassed meanwhile with Mike, Freddy, and Foxy they were watching the screen and saw the whole thing Foxy was dying laugh cause he thought it was funny but with Mike and Freddy thought something was wrong with Goldie and left to go to Goldie Foxy tagged along and to see the reaction on Goldie's face when they got there what they saw was Goldie with paper towels and pee on the floor when Foxy saw the mess and the look on Goldie's face he started to laugh again the seconds time.
Foxy: Ahahahaha aww did the bilge rat wet himself!?!
Goldie was red with embarrassment and anger and tears running down his face.
Goldie: You shut up Foxy and what did you put in my drink!?!
as he said that the fox just grinned but Mike and Freddy also wanted to know what was in the drink and what was the reason.
Foxy: Oh nothing much just the medicine you were going to use on me and the captain and now we know what it does.
Freddy and Mike gasped and Goldie still with tears running on his face Mike and Freddy they were shocked by they didn't know how much medicine he used in the drink Mike left out a sign and before he was going to ask the fox Goldie ran out of the bathroom and didn't stop until he got into his room when he got there he locked the door and sat down and cried meanwhile with Mike and Freddy they were yelling at Foxy let's hear what they say, shall we!?
Freddy: Why did you do that Foxy!?!
Mike: Calm down Freddy let's just ask Foxy how much medicine he used okay?
Freddy took a few deep breathes and waited for the fox to answer.
Foxy: Oh umm maybe half of the bottle Captain Mike?
this shocked Mike and Freddy Mike ran out of the bathroom and when to see Goldie and see if he is okay but might want to call the manager to tell him what happened now with Freddy he got angrier.
Foxy got yelled at again the third time and he went to his cove with his head down and slowly meanwhile with Mike he has unlocked the door and is having a hard time to get Goldie to calm down but it was no use he had to call the manager but before he could Goldie smacked the phone out of Mike's hand.
Mike: Ow Goldie why did you do that I was going to call the manager what happened!?!
Goldie: Please don't call him, please!?!
when Mike saw that Goldie was crying and that he was holding his arm he guesses he would do the same thing too if anyone found out Mike let out a sign.
Mike: Right Goldie but I need to go to the store real quick do you think you can hand it on your own.
Goldie nods his head, yes and Mike got up and pick up his phone he was going to call the manager when he got to the car and tell what happened and what he is getting.
what is Mike getting and what could it be and how will the manager act stay toon for more fnaf Goldie (AGA) is treated like a baby part 3 tomorrow.
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