New Merchandise
"Where do you want this, Chuck?"
"Right here, next to the others!"
"You got it! C'mon, guys!"
I walked into the attraction a few hours later and heard those phrases coming from the middle of the building. Intrigued, I walked towards it.
I made it to the makeshift arcade and found Chuck directing a bunch of guys who were moving a game cabinet on a furniture dolly.
"Can you pick up the pace here, people?" Chuck told the men. "We don't have all day!"
The men groaned as they tried moving it faster. Finally, they got it to the end of the row of machines and deeply exhaled.
"It looks nice, guys!" Chuck told them. "That'll be all for now. Thank you."
The men smiled, nodded, and walked away from the room.
"What's this?" I asked as I walked towards my friend.
"This," he replied with a sneaky grin, "is a game cabinet we found in the '87 location!"
"I thought we cleaned that place of everything!"
"So did I, but Guy got a tip that this bad boy was hidden in the storage area!"
"Okay, but we have enough arcade machines; why do we need this one?"
"Because unlike the others..."
He then reached down towards the back of the machine and plugged it into the electrical socket. Almost instantly, the screen lit up, revealing some sort of game selection menu!
"...this one actually works!" He finished as he stood back up.
"I'll be damned!" I gasped. "What are the odds?!"
"I know, right?!" He replied. "Check it out; it's got 3 games on it based on the characters!"
I took a look at the selection of games. There was 'BB's Air Adventure', 'Mangle's Quest', and 'Chica's Party'.
"Huh. Only 3?" I asked. "And none are based on Freddy?"
"Well, there were apparently more, but this is the only one left."
"Ah. Wait; I thought 'Mangle' was just a nickname for the Foxy they had at the time!"
"So did I...huh. Weird."
"Hmm...I kinda wanna give this thing a shot!"
"Knock yourself out!"
He then pulled out a quarter and handed it to me. I gladly accepted it and put it in the machine. I then looked at the game options and tried to find one that looked worth playing.
"How about the BB one?" Chuck asked. "I mean, they'll all probably be cheesy, but it looks the most fun.
I shrugged and selected 'BB's Air Adventure'. Instantly, I was greeted by a blue box with a bunch of lines the same color inside of it. I could also see a small, 8-bit model of BB. He looked more like a spooky clown, but that's old-school technology for you.
Lastly, there were a bunch of red balloons scattered all over the screen. A giant number 8 could be seen in the top-right, right next to a picture of one of the balloons.
"Looks like you just gotta collect all the balloons," I said aloud to nobody in particular.
I then used the joystick on the machine to move the little BB across the screen, and then I used the JUMP button to make him, well, jump. I scrolled along the platforms, collecting the balloons. One by one, the number of remaining balloons decreased.
Finally, I collected all the balloons on the screen. When I did, a white 'EXIT' door appeared where I started.
"Huh. Cheesy, as I thought," Chuck mumbled.
"Hold on," I said in a confused voice. "It says I still have one balloon left!"
I was right; next to the balloon icon in the top corner was a number 1.
"You realize this thing is 30 years old, right?" Chuck asked. "It's bound to be buggy."
"Yeah, I guess so..."
"Besides, it's just for decoration."
"That's true, I suppose..."
"Anyway, I gotta head out," he concluded as he looked at his watch.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going to meet Guy at the '73 location. He said he found a big break there."
"Like what?"
"Not sure; he just said it would, and I quote, 'make this place spookier than Satan's dungeon, Man!' I really don't get that man..."
"Same here..."
"Anyway, wanna come with?"
"Naw, I'm good."
"Alright; suit yourself!"
He then walked out of the arcade and eventually out the building, leaving me alone. I looked back at the new game machine. It shouldn't be bugging me this much, but something seems too weird about that thing...and I plan to figure it out.
But for now, I need to call the local radio station about possibly doing advertisements.
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