Burning a Business
"Dude, are you sure we didn't go too far?"
"I'm sure, Guy; Eric knows how to take a joke!"
"But faking disappearances?"
"Ok, maybe he'll be a bit pissed...but it'll be perfect for setting him in the mood for the attraction!"
"I guess, Man...but was blocking the exits from the outside really necessary? I mean, what if there's, like, an emergency?"
"Like what? You know the whole 'faulty wiring' thing was just a joke."
"I know, but I'm worried, Man..."
"Just relax. It's 6 am and we're almost there. That's when we'll head inside and tell Eric everything."
"I guess you're right..."
Guy and I were silent for the rest of the car ride over to Fazbear's Fright. I began thinking about what he said, about taking the 'vanishing' prank too far. Sure, Eric can be gullible, but he knows how to take a joke. I'm sure he'll be fine.
We finally pulled up to the attraction and walked to the entrance, which had a metal bar across it, locking the door.
"The building's still in one piece," I told Guy in reassurance. He slowly nodded in response as he adjusted his shades.
I pulled the bar off and opened the door. My original plan was to call out to Eric in a weird voice from this end to freak him out. Instead, I gasped as I saw a familiar figure lying on his back with his eyes and mouth open...and wasn't moving.
"ERIC!" I screamed as I ran towards my friend.
I bent down next to him and shook him. His eyes remained open, his mouth remained open...and his chest wasn't rising. I put my fingers on his neck, desperately looking for a pulse. I felt mine rise when I couldn't find his at all.
"Oh, shit! Shit shit shit shit!!!" I screamed as I stood up and turned towards Guy, who was staring at our friend with his jaw on the floor, metaphorically speaking.
"He's not breathing!" I told him.
"What do you mean he's not breathing?!"
"What happened?!"
"I'm not a doctor, dumbass! How should I know?!"
Guy then hustled over to Eric and looked at him closely.
"Are those bruises on his neck?" He finally asked as he raised his shades a bit.
I looked and, sure enough, there were large purple areas on his throat that looked pretty fresh. Too fresh...
"Did someone come in here and strangle him?!" Guy suddenly gasped.
"How could anyone have gotten in and put the bar back on the door from the outside?" I replied with a pounding heart.
"Well, there aren't any windows, the exterior ventilation is too high up, so what else could it possibly be??"
"Well, the only other solution I can think of is there was already someone here before we locked it..."
"But, Dude, we locked it at midnight, right after he went in!"
"Look, Guy, I don't know what happened, but-!"
I then stopped and looked past him. At the end of the hall, standing high and mighty, was the rabbit animatronic we found at the beginning of the week. Only now, it seemed to be missing its mask. And I could see a human skull mixed inside of the metal head.
"What is it, Man?" Guy asked.
He then looked around and saw it, too. He froze when he looked at the disturbing sight.
"What the...?" He whispered.
"I thought Cleo didn't fix it," I whispered in response.
"Same here, Man...let alone make it look terrifying!"
Suddenly, it slowly walked towards us, with its footsteps seeming to boom as it got closer.
"Dude...I don't like this!"
"Me neither!"
I then stopped. Something didn't smell right. And that's not an expression; something literally didn't smell right.
"...yeah, Chuck?"
"...do you smell that?"
"You mean the sweaty smell? Sorry, Man, that's just me..."
"No, I'm talking about the...smokey smell."
I looked back towards the hallway and saw what looked like a small bit of light near the robot's leg. It took a second to realize it was a flame!
"It's on fire!!" I gasped. "It's burning!!"
The machine then stopped and looked down at itself, as if it could hear me... It then started swatting at the flame, trying to extinguish it. Unfortunately, all that happened was the fire spread to the hand!
I might've been imagining things, but I think it started screaming! It was low-pitched and almost demonic, but it was definitely sounding like some sort of howl.
That's when I saw a spark from the fire fly off the robot...and onto one of the drawings! Seeing as how this is paper that's 30 years old...it's dry and REALLY flammable! The fire quickly built up and spread to the other drawings next to it!
"Oh, shit!" I screamed. "Let's get out of here!!"
"What about Eric?!" Guy asked in reply.
"He's dead, Guy! There's nothing we can do!"
I then ran out the door and into the parking lot. I looked and saw Guy right behind me, closing the door behind him in the process. Normally, I'd ask why, but it's fairly obvious he didn't want that Springtrap thing following us out...for obvious reasons.
"Why couldn't we have just installed a damn sprinkler system?!" I asked nobody in particular as I pulled out my phone to call 911.
I looked up and saw black smoke pouring out of the ventilation shafts up top. The fire was really spreading fast; we made it out just in time!!
"Well, this is perfect," I murmured with a sight watery feeling in my eye, and not from the smoke. "My friend is dead because he couldn't leave, and the business we put so much into is on fire..."
I put the phone to my ear and waited for the dispatcher to answer. This was going to be fun to explain.
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